"If you are not thinking right, if your mind is not being renewed, if you are not perceiving God and His Word properly, it will show up in your emotional life." ~ Neil T. Anderson
I absolutely love this quote by Neil Anderson. It pinpoints many of the reasons people struggle to encounter God.
#1 - If you are not thinking right
"Stinkin' Thinkin'" ruins our efforts in encountering God. For instance, if you do not believe that God is listening then you will continually struggle in prayer. If you do not think God is paying attention to you then you will not feel His presence in worship. If you do not think that you are able to hear, sense, or even see God at work in your live then you will feel like giving up. Our spiritual life is connected to our thought life. Our soul can often lead our spirit man. Before you start on this journey, you have to know what you believe about God.
#2 - If your mind is not being renewed
Not only is it important to think the right thoughts about God, it's important to think the right thoughts about yourself. How you perceive yourself in this relationship is vitally important to your connection with God. You MUST have your identity based in His Word. You must allow God to define who you are and live according to that definition. We are transformed by the renewing of our minds. So get rid of the "Stinkin' Thinkin'" about God and encourage yourself with who you are in Christ.
#3 - If you are not perceiving God and His Word properly
This is the result of the first two items. You cannot have a high view of God and a low view of yourself. Neither can you exalt yourself while debasing God. His Word must be the foundation for how you perceive Him and yourself. It must be the truth that you cling to in regards to your relationship with Him.
#4 - It will show up in your emotional life
You cannot fake until you make it. If you are struggling with God's identity and your own, it will eventually leak out. You will find yourself moody, depressed, and in total despair. This is why it's important to have your foundation in Christ. You cannot build a relationship on other people's encounters, a church, or even your pastor. There must be a heart to heart connection with Jesus.
I have heard it said that if we are going to grow at all spiritually then we must get rid of the gray areas. In other words, we have to resolve some things about God.
Is He really unconditional love?
Is His grace really sufficient?
Is He really approachable?
Can I know Him?
The list could go on and on. However, there is a promise in God's Word that you must cling to:
"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." ~ Jeremiah 29:13
By the way, the trip to Florida with my son was great. We had a very successful hunt and enjoyed our time with family, friends, and one another. It's great to be back with you. Be blessed!!!
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