If you have been reading my blog for a while then you know that "Hook" is one of my favorite movies. It's the story of Peter Pan (Robin Williams) having to return to Neverland to save his children. What makes the story so interesting is that Peter has forgotten who He really is and must rediscover that childlike nature.
I don't know if you do this, but when I watch movies, I find parallels between the story line and my faith. It's not in all movies but it seems as thought the fantasy type movies carry a lot of weight in this area. If you do that, then you will find several great moments in this movie.
One of my favorite scenes is when Peter Pan & The Lost Boys are playing a game called "Never Food" where they are imagining that they have sat down to a huge feast. It was during this game that the older Peter Pan discovered the power of his imagination and began to operate in Neverland like he did when was a child. Tinker Bell tells him, "If you can't imagine yourself as Peter Pan then you'll never be."
Romans 12:2 tells us, " Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..." This is where the adventure begins. Conforming to the patterns of this world deals with operating in a world system (worldview). As followers of Jesus Christ, we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. When you and I begin to live in the view and opinion of God over our lives, then we will discover the ability to operate above this world's system.
The great thing about our faith is that this type of mindset isn't grounded in our ability to be creative in our thinking. We simply need to be in agreement with God's thoughts about us. When we are in agreement with God's thoughts, our lives are continually transformed. When we agree with Him about our Holiness, our Righteousness, our Provision, our Power, etc. we find that everything is possible in Him. We experience the power to live a life that is above the standards of the world.
Have you ever heard the statement, "They are so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good"? Well...that is a true statement if all you are concerned about is going to Heaven. However, when we make Heaven the standard (Let Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven) for our way of thinking we are able to operate through the Spirit in ways that we never thought possible.
Paul said in Ephesians that God is able to do "exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ever ask or think". This is what He is able to do through you because of His Divine Nature dwelling inside of you. As long as we are focused on getting out of here (an escapist mentality) then we will never be focused on seeing Heaven invade Earth. Don't get me wrong...I look forward to the time when there is no more sickness, no more death, no more pain, and no more sin. But while I'm on the earth I want to do everything I can to destroy the works of the enemy.
Let me ask you a simple question: Have you forgotten how to fly?
Do you remember a time when you were doing some pretty awesome things in your faith? There are far too many believers who are looking back on what they used to do for Jesus. Somewhere along the way we lost the adventure. I don't know if it came from a moment of not seeing God do what you trusted Him to do or through discouragement from another believer. But many people have settled into a lifestyle and a theology where we only look for God to do certain things, or we only do the things that we know we can do.
Don't you want to fly? Don't you want to soar in your faith? This happens when we allow our minds to be renewed. I want you to rediscover what God says about you. I want you to look again for the treasure of His promises. Allow your mind to be consumed by these things. Step our in your faith. When your way of thinking is rooted in your identity in Christ then you can fight, you can fly, and you can let the world know who you really are.
Awesome post!!
Thanks Stacey!!!
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