Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Speaking of Doctrine...

When I first heard about these "elephant room discussions", I thought that it was a great way to get people from various Christian backgrounds together to talk about the hot topics of the Christian faith. At least it's a start...

What made this year's discussion so interesting was TD Jakes involvement. I have listened to TD Jakes through the years, even bought some of His books, and was surprised to hear that he has changed his view concerning the Trinity (how we explain the oneness of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). I don't want to spend time here discussing doctrine, I do believe that how we believe is very important. I just don't want to say that it's the most important thing.

If there is something that I have learned is that I must be willing to change my mind, hear other people's views/opinions, and discern the truth for myself. While Jakes stated that his view has changed, it wasn't enough for some people. Countless theologians, bloggers, and writers were ready to take him to task for his view or to expose the "holes" in his theology. I want to remind everyone that this is supposed to be a discussion and not a debate!

Personally, I believe in the traditional view of the Trinity. It's what I preach, teach, and understand to be true in how I relate to the Godhead. And what I have noticed in all my years of listening to Jakes is that I never heard him deny the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit. However, there are plenty of people that would say that is exactly what he has done because of his theology. These same people would encourage you to not listen to him, or buy his books, etc. They consider him a heretic. What's crazy in all of this is that now many from his denominational background consider him a heretic because of the change. Can't we all just get along?

Here's something that Jakes said that is worth reading:
"...My problem with it as I began to go on and as god began to develop my ministry, I started preaching from that church and from that pulpit and that sort of thing. But I'm also informed by the infiltration from my Baptist experience and my Methodist experience, so I ended up Metha-Bapt-Costal in a way. So I'm kind of like a mixed breed sitting up here, OK? And what I began to find out [is that] it is easy to throw rocks at people that you don't know, but the more you really get to know them and see Christ work in their lives, regardless of their belief system, you begin to try to be a bridge builder...I still did not want to switch teams and start throwing rocks back across the street...I believe we are called as the Body of Christ to reconcile wherever possible."

A little later in the conversation, Jakes added: "Just for your consideration: This is the only thing that Jesus prayed that we can answer. He only prayed, 'Father, I pray that they may be one even as You and I are also one.' And this is the one things that is within our power to answer, and we do not do it."

All in all, the transcripts that I have read give me the impression that it was a good conversation. There were times that it could have gotten "heated" but it seems those flames were put out. I give Jakes a lot of credit for just wanting to be in on the discussion. But what I'm finding is that's all some people want. They just want to be in the discussion. They want you to consider that they are saved, that they love the Lord, and that they are a part of the same kingdom. I mean...some people can't even accept that!

I'm looking forward to the day that we truly endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. We don't have to agree to get along. We don't have to be the same to work beside one another. And we don't have to have the same label to belong to the same kingdom.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Walking in Authority and Power

Matthew 28:18, "Jesus came and told his disciples, 'I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.'" The next words are very important: "Therefore, Go..." You cannot miss the transition here. If this was me making this type of statement, it would sound something like this: I have been given all authority in heaven and on the earth. Go now in my authority and make disciples of the nations...

Why is it important to see this statement in this way? It's important because when Jesus commissioned His followers, He was also releasing them to walk in His authority. Everything that He had commanded, taught, and lived out among them was to be used in the making of disciples. Jesus had made disciples out of them and they were now to make disciples out of the nations.

You may be sitting back and thinking, "Well...what's so different about these verses that I haven't seen/heard before?" Quite frankly, what is different is that you may have heard about the commission but didn't realize that authority was released to you as well. In other words, Jesus did more than just give you a commission to follow. He also gave you the power and authority to live it out!

Think of it this way:
Let's say that you had been commissioned to release hostages from a hostile nation. In our scenario we will use the President of the United States as the one who gave the commission. He charges you with the duty, releases you into this huge task, but he doesn't give you any paperwork or weaponry to complete the task. In your mind you have been commissioned but in your heart you don't know how you are going to accomplish the goal. Basically, you will be trying to set captives free without any credentials or any way to go against the enemy. Jesus doesn't work that way. If you jump over to the book of Acts you will find the followers of Jesus locked up in a room and waiting for the coming of the Holy Spirit. They haven't gone out to make disciples yet because they were told to wait until the power came. Jesus had already given them a badge (they had been released in authority) but they hadn't received the "firepower." Then on the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came and baptized the believers. Now they were able to walk in power and authority, and the whole world was turned upside down.

Interestingly enough, if you don't believe there is a misconception about the Great Commission, if you google the words "All power has been given to me" and look up the images associated with that phrase you will find a lot of baptism pictures. Can I say this? Jesus didn't just release us to perform baptisms. He released us to walk in the ministry that He exemplified for 3 1/2 years. A ministry that destroyed the works of the devil. A ministry where blind people received sight, lame people walked, the dead were raised, and the captives were set free. Everything that He had poured into His disciples was to be poured out on other believers. In this way, everyone that comes to faith in Christ is released to walk in the authority and power that He promised!

The Great Commission is all about walking in the authority and power of the Kingdom so that God's Kingdom would be advanced in the earth. Yet here we are in 2012 and getting excited about the few numbers of salvations and baptisms that are being reported around the world. Were were not given authority and power to win a few. We were given those things to disciple the nations. When will the church as a whole rise up in the power and authority that God has granted to us?

Just this morning I was reading an editorial from one of the mainstream denominations. This guy is still waiting for a "devil-defeating" revival to come into the earth. Folks, here's the deal, the devil has ALREADY BEEN DEFEATED! Jesus shamed Him publicly at the cross and resurrection. When He said "All authority has been given to me in heaven AND ON EARTH", He was saying that a new day has dawned. Think about it: If Jesus has all authority then someone else has none.

I hope that this is a wake up call to our mindset. We have been allowed to walk in the authority and power of the One who defeated death, hell and the grave. Jesus didn't conquer all of this so that we would walk in defeat. We are already more than conquerors. We walk in His victory! And we take that victory to the rest of the world.

Go in authority and power, child of God. Set the captives free. You have everything you need.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

What Does Love Look Like?

James 2:15-16, "Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing, and you say, 'Good-bye and have a good day; stay warm and eat well' —but then you don’t give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do?"

This past weekend, I watched a video of Heidi Baker where she continued to say that "Love looks like something." It really got my attention. When James wanted to demonstrate what true faith looked like, he talked about meeting the needs of someone else. In other words, when you say you have faith, it should be put into action. On the same note, if you say that you love someone then it must be demonstrated.

What does love look like in your home?
Think about your marriage or your relationship with the children. How is love demonstrated in these relationships? The home is the greatest testing ground for unconditional love. I truly believe that if we cannot love work here then we will always struggle with love working anywhere else. God's Word teaches us the necessity of a man being willing to lay down his life for his wife. The woman is to show her husband love through the honor and respect she gives to his God-given role in the family. While there may be times of disagreement, our spouses should never have to earn love. The same holds true with our children. They are told to obey their parents and we are admonished to raise them up in the fear and admonition of the Lord. We will struggle to fulfill this role in their lives if they never feel secure in the love we have for them. We have the awesome responsibility to represent the love of God in our families. What does our love look like?

What does love look like in your church?
Unfortunately, this is where we have seen some of the greatest problems. How quickly we have forgotten that Jesus said that it was our love for one another that would demonstrate to the world that we really are His disciples. It has gotten to the point in many churches that love is demonstrated when you look just like us or act just like we act. Shouldn't the Body of Christ be a safe place to find love? Love isn't demonstrated in what we are against but who we are for. I don't have to accept someones lifestyle choices to accept them. I don't have to agree with their choices in order for me to love them. I am compelled to and called to love. How do we handle conflict in the church? How do we settle our disagreements? Is forgiveness quick and easy to obtain? What does our love look like?

What does love look like in our communities?
I want us to think about the impact we have on our neighbors. Has there ever been a time when I have been called upon to give a helping hand and I found myself too busy? I wonder how many people have gone to a church service instead of stopping to help someone who is in need. Can you imagine? "Hey...sorry I can't stay and help. I have a church service to attend." What if we would stop and give them the time of day? What if we were willing to sacrifice a church service to visually demonstrate the love of God to someone? What if we were actively seeking a way to be Jesus to our communities? What does our love look like?

The conclusion...
Without sounding harsh, I believe that this needs to be said: Love that isn't demonstrated isn't love at all.
Just like faith without works is dead, love without demonstration is dead also. We must actively demonstrate love in all our relationships. We must be willing to work through the hard issues of life. One of the greatest attributes of love is that it never fails. The reason it never fails is because it never gives up, it always hopes, and it believes the best in every situation. Love is always willing to partner with those who seek reconciliation. Love is always willing to partner with those who are willing to work for a solution. Love is a powerful force in the world because it is the very nature of God.

I ask you: What does love look like?

Be the answer!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Yep...still New!

"When you came to Christ, you were “circumcised,” but not by a physical procedure. Christ performed a spiritual circumcision—the cutting away of your sinful nature. For you were buried with Christ when you were baptized. And with him you were raised to new life because you trusted the mighty power of God, who raised Christ from the dead. You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins." {Colossians 2:11-13}

I want to continue in what we started yesterday because it is so important for us to understand what God has accomplished in our lives. As I come to grips with what God is teaching me, I'm also starting to understand what the writer of Hebrews means when he said that we should be moving out of the elementary principles. While this should be basic knowledge for the believer, there is a lot of misunderstanding about our new life in Christ. Unfortunately, most of this misunderstanding has come from the pulpit of our churches. Is it any wonder that many Christians struggle with the freedoms they have in Christ, struggle to live in victory, and struggle to feel secure in their salvation? While we would all love to go deeper, we must have a solid foundation.

Notice what Paul stated in his Colossians letter: You were circumcised. This was to answer the argument that was being spread throughout the new churches. Enemies of grace came in to bring up the issue of circumcision (which was a sign of Abraham's covenant with God). Paul's answers to the critics and those who were curious is simple - you were circumcised but it wasn't a physical act. Christ circumcised every new believer by cutting away their sinful nature. The "mark" (if you will) of our new covenant with God is that our sinful nature has been cut away and we have put on Christ's nature. Water baptism is our prophetic declaration of what happened in our confession of Christ as Lord. We were buried with Christ and raised to walk in newness of life. Our old sinful nature was buried in the water and we came up in a new sinless nature. Paul's answer: If it's cutting away that you want, then it's cutting away that you will get. You just need to put down the knife!

Would you like to take it a little further? We can go deeper in this. 2 Peter 1:3-4, "By His divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know Him, the One who has called us to Himself by means of His marvelous glory and excellence. And because of His glory and excellence, He has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share His Divine Nature and escape the world's corruption caused by human desires." Not only have we lost our old sinful nature, we have been allowed to be partakers of His divine nature!!!

The fact of the matter is that there is MUCH MORE proof of what I'm teaching you from Scripture than trying to say that we actually live out of two natures. God is in the business of making all things new. The problem is that people struggle in their mind with this type of teaching because they need to understand why they still sin. It's much easier to blame it on an old dead sinful nature than it is to blame it on the work of the enemy (demonic activity) or a lack of walking in Christ.

Remember me telling you about John's letter to the church and how he was writing them so they would not sin? Just the statement alone teaches us that we can live without sin. He also tells us that those who abide in Christ do not sin. What you and I have to learn is how to abide in Christ in every circumstance and situation. Abiding in Christ is what keeps us from following after the things that are in this world (lust of the flesh, eyes, and pride of life). If the enemy can keep you in the mindset of possessing a sinful nature when you don't then you will continue to struggle with sin. Our behavior always follows our beliefs. When you believe you are sinful, you will sin. When you believe that your are righteous, then you will live in righteousness. It's that simple.

When we grab a hold of this understanding, we find that we truly live from victory. Jesus made a public spectacle of spiritual rulers and authorities by His victory over them on the cross (Read Colossians 2:15). Not only did he shame them publicly but he disarmed them. They have absolutely not authority in your life except for what you give them. Therefore, you should never live in anything less than what God has allowed you to live in. Don't settle for less than victory, power, and a new nature in Christ.

Galatians 5:25 says that since we are living by the Spirit, we should follow the Spirit's leading in every part of our lives. This is they key to abiding in Christ. When we allow the Spirit of God to guide us then we will never walk outside of truth. Walk in your new nature. Take part of the freedom that the Spirit of God is guiding you into. AND reckon yourself dead indeed to sin but alive to God in Jesus Christ!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New means New...

2 Corinthians 5:17 is a very popular verse. I'm amazed at how many people read it, quote it, and consider it a life verse without really understanding it. "...if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." I don't know any other way to put this, but new means new.

There is a teaching that has been around for a long time that basically says that we have dueling natures. Those who teach this typically use Paul's writings to the church at Rome as a foundation. You know...the "good that I will to do, I do not do it." The problem is that this was not Paul's intention. In fact, he's teaching something totally different. He was talking about his struggle under the law and the necessity of grace to overcome.

Here's a question for you: Since there are a lot of people that consider the reason we sin is because we are still battling an old sinful nature, does that mean you can only sin when you possess a sinful nature? Think about it before you answer. Adam & Eve didn't have a sinful nature and they blew it. How is that possible? I believe that the only thing you need to sin is free will and the ability to believe a lie.

God's Word tells us that we are baptized into Jesus' death, our old man was crucified with Christ so the body of sin might be done away with, and that we have been clothed with Christ [Romans 6:3,6; Galatians 3:27]. Take it a step further. Paul also told the early church that through baptism we were buried with him and raised to walk in the newness of life. New means New!!!

People will ask: then why do we need to confess sin? If we don't have a sinful nature then why do we still sin? Simple: we live in a sinful world. We still face temptation, we still have an enemy who seeks to steal - kill - and destroy, and we still have a free will. The reason why confession is important is because it keeps us in agreement with God. Listen to what John is saying to the church, "My dear children, I am writing this to you so that you will not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate who pleads our case before the Father. He is Jesus Christ, the one who is truly righteous." (1 John 2:1). Our confession of sin has nothing to do with the penalty (God has already taken care of that) but everything to do with living in righteousness. Would John have written that we would not sin if it were not possible? You have got to understand the power of GRACE.

Don't get caught fighting the wrong battle. We do not war against the flesh. Too many people are beating up on a dead man (the old man that was crucified) instead of fighting the enemy. We have been given victory, we simply have to learn to walk in it. We have been given power, but we need to learn how to be powerful. That is why what you believe is so important. If you believe that you have a sinful nature then you will sin. However, when you understand that you have a new nature (the nature of Christ) then you will see that it is outside of your nature to sin.

God wants you to walk in the newness of life that is found in Christ. We were redeemed to live in everything that Jesus made possible. We are promised abundant life, freedom, and the power to destroy the works of the enemy. My friends, if you have been made new in Christ then you are new in Him. New means New!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Art of Disagreement

Have you ever considered how much emphasis we place on agreement? Take a moment to think about the people you surround yourself with, the church you attend, or those that you would consider to be close friends. Not only that, but think about how you handle those you disagree with. Get the picture?

Lost in much of our society today is the art of disagreement. If you don't believe me, watch the political debates, listen to the news, or pick up a newspaper. Almost everyone operates from an attitude that says "I'm right" or "I have the truth." And nowhere is this more common than in church life.

Let's face it: your church home is typically filled with people who think the same way, approach their understanding of scripture from the same theological direction, and rarely step outside of those boundaries. While we may have a few differing opinions, they are rarely mentioned.

Where am I going with this? Allow me to illustrate...
Last year, I quoted a particular pastor on my facebook page. While I don't remember the particular quote, a certain friend just had to comment. He didn't comment on the quote itself but rather criticized the person that I had borrowed the quote from. I emailed this friend and asked the simple question: If I had placed the quote on my page but didn't give reference to who actually said it, would you agree? His answer? Yeah...I probably would have. (Can you see the problem?)

This has happened on more than one occasion. It saddens me to think that we cannot give credit to people for the good things they say or do depending upon their denominational background, personal lifestyle, or problems they are going through in life. What ever happened to grace?

Paul dealt with this issue in his letter to the church at Rome. He directed the church to not pass judgement on disputable matters. WHAT? You mean the Bible actually says that there are some things up for debate?

I realize that this is a hard subject to deal with for some people. This is especially true when dealing with politics and religion. So how do we handle disagreement? How do we ensure that we keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace?
In essential beliefs...have unity.
In non-essential beliefs...have liberty.
In all our beliefs...show charity.

There is nothing wrong with common ground. Find out what is essential in our relationships and be unified in those areas. For everything else, walk in love and grace. It's really not that hard. In fact, I have to do it often. I cannot tell you how many times that I hear a good word, good sermon, etc. - go to someones website or listen to another message and hear/read something that sounds completely opposite of what I agreed with. Do I throw everything else out? Nope...I have learned how to discard the bones and continuing eating the fish.

Please hear my heart in this. I realize that we want to keep people from living in error and the quicker we can get them to agree with us the easier it is (LOL). But I want to encourage you to allow the Holy Spirit to have His perfect work in everyone. Listen to Jude's encouragement to the church "Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault." I think we can all trust God to do the same.

The Art of Disagreement:
Walk in GRACE and LOVE
Trust in the Holy Spirit's work in each of our lives
Work on disagreeing without being disagreeable
*You might actually learn something!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Reigning in Righteousness

Romans 5:21, "So just as sin ruled over all people and brought them to death, now God's wonderful grace rules instead, giving us right standing with God and resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Considering that grace rules over sin, and we have been overcome by grace, when are we going to begin reigning in righteousness?

Can you believe that we still have at least 11 months before America's next election? I don't know about you, but I'm already tired. A couple of years ago, I stopped posting political stuff because I couldn't take it anymore. The truth of the matter is that kind of stuff can dominate your thinking. And if it dominates your thinking, then you will be focused solely on this world.

Do I believe it matters who is President of the United States? Yes, I do.
Do I believe it makes a difference who sits in the seats of the Senate and Congress? Yes, I do.
Do I believe it is important that we have people serving in our federal, state, and local governments that are moral, upright, and fair? Yes, I do.
However, it's not the MOST important thing. As a follower of Jesus Christ, I have a mandate to make disciples of all nations. I am to cover the earth with the glory of God. Unfortunately, too many Christians in America think this Kingdom rises and falls according to what happens in the United States. Or worse, they think the Kingdom stops at our borders.

Have you ever considered that God isn't waiting for the right people to be in office before He ushers in His kingdom? The advancement of God's kingdom has never been determined by who takes the oath of the President, or the laws passed by Congress. What I do in regards to those things is how I operate as a citizen of the United States. Don't get me wrong...these things do affect my life in America. But that's not what I am talking about. I am more concerned about the Kingdom of God.

Instead of waiting for the right federal government, why don't the church begin reigning in righteousness? Through the grace of God given to us we discover that we are a nation within a nation. God has a kingdom of priests all over the world. As far as the world system is concerned, we will go through times of good leadership and bad leadership. We will see moral and righteous people serve in these positions, and then there will be the other types. But we have an authority that has not been passed down by federal legislation. We have the ability to change the world. We have the opportunity to usher in the Kingdom of Heaven and to be the forerunners of a returning Savior.

Think about it: There are some countries in this world where only criminals can plant churches. There are some places across the globe where following Christ means to sign a death warrant. The governments are anti-Christ, the people are anti-Christ, and the religious systems are anti-Christ (which by the way is the spirit that is at work in the world). However, the followers of Christ are still reigning in righteousness. They are establishing the Kingdom of God. Some places these advancements are faster than others. In some places it is larger than others. But the followers of Christ are not waiting for a pro God government. They are following after a Master that has given them life.

You see, when we begin to reign in righteousness, we discover that the best way to affect the culture is to lead people to Jesus. If we want to see morality on the upswing in America, it's not going to be because we have the right elected official. This happens when people get saved and begin living in the righteousness that Christ died to give them. Don't miss this! The best way to change our nation and the rest of the world is by seeing people set free from sin.

The values of the Kingdom of God far outweigh any earthly value system.
If we want to see equality then we must see the kingdom of God touching the lives of ordinary people.
If we want to see freedom in all the nations, then we must see the Kingdom of God setting those imprisoned by sin.
If we want to see abortion decline, marriages succeed, and economic success, then we must see the hearts of men changed by the Kingdom of God.

It's time to reign. We need to stop waiting for heaven and begin seeing heaven invade earth. While I believe that heaven is better than earth, I don't believe that earth is pitiful. Jesus promised us abundant life while we are here. I just believe that I can see the reign of Heaven upon the earth. And His reign begins when the Bride that is in waiting begins to live in her inheritance upon the earth.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Remembering How to Fly

If you have been reading my blog for a while then you know that "Hook" is one of my favorite movies. It's the story of Peter Pan (Robin Williams) having to return to Neverland to save his children. What makes the story so interesting is that Peter has forgotten who He really is and must rediscover that childlike nature.

I don't know if you do this, but when I watch movies, I find parallels between the story line and my faith. It's not in all movies but it seems as thought the fantasy type movies carry a lot of weight in this area. If you do that, then you will find several great moments in this movie.

One of my favorite scenes is when Peter Pan & The Lost Boys are playing a game called "Never Food" where they are imagining that they have sat down to a huge feast. It was during this game that the older Peter Pan discovered the power of his imagination and began to operate in Neverland like he did when was a child. Tinker Bell tells him, "If you can't imagine yourself as Peter Pan then you'll never be."

Romans 12:2 tells us, " Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..." This is where the adventure begins. Conforming to the patterns of this world deals with operating in a world system (worldview). As followers of Jesus Christ, we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. When you and I begin to live in the view and opinion of God over our lives, then we will discover the ability to operate above this world's system.

The great thing about our faith is that this type of mindset isn't grounded in our ability to be creative in our thinking. We simply need to be in agreement with God's thoughts about us. When we are in agreement with God's thoughts, our lives are continually transformed. When we agree with Him about our Holiness, our Righteousness, our Provision, our Power, etc. we find that everything is possible in Him. We experience the power to live a life that is above the standards of the world.

Have you ever heard the statement, "They are so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good"? Well...that is a true statement if all you are concerned about is going to Heaven. However, when we make Heaven the standard (Let Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven) for our way of thinking we are able to operate through the Spirit in ways that we never thought possible.

Paul said in Ephesians that God is able to do "exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ever ask or think". This is what He is able to do through you because of His Divine Nature dwelling inside of you. As long as we are focused on getting out of here (an escapist mentality) then we will never be focused on seeing Heaven invade Earth. Don't get me wrong...I look forward to the time when there is no more sickness, no more death, no more pain, and no more sin. But while I'm on the earth I want to do everything I can to destroy the works of the enemy.

Let me ask you a simple question: Have you forgotten how to fly?

Do you remember a time when you were doing some pretty awesome things in your faith? There are far too many believers who are looking back on what they used to do for Jesus. Somewhere along the way we lost the adventure. I don't know if it came from a moment of not seeing God do what you trusted Him to do or through discouragement from another believer. But many people have settled into a lifestyle and a theology where we only look for God to do certain things, or we only do the things that we know we can do.

Don't you want to fly? Don't you want to soar in your faith? This happens when we allow our minds to be renewed. I want you to rediscover what God says about you. I want you to look again for the treasure of His promises. Allow your mind to be consumed by these things. Step our in your faith. When your way of thinking is rooted in your identity in Christ then you can fight, you can fly, and you can let the world know who you really are.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Enjoying His Presence

The necessity of living in the awareness of God's presence has been overlooked for most of my Christian life. In reality, it wasn't until the last couple of years that I began to hear teaching on the subject. Oh, how I wish I had this when I was a new believer.

The psalmist declared that in the presence of God was the fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11). I want to go right ahead and say that you don't have to wait until you die to come into the presence of God. Far too many believers are waiting for eternity to live in the fullness of joy. Why not go ahead and learn to host the presence of God now?

Most of us have had days where it seemed like we couldn't get a positive outlook on anything. Difficulties, problems, etc. seem to flood our surroundings. But I have found that just one moment in His presence can change everything. Inviting God into your situation is also an invitation to experience His joy in the midst of it.

This is why we cannot wait until Sunday mornings to get into worship. Worship needs to be a part of our daily lives. Full blown, wide open worship has to be the heartbeat of who we are. There's a lot of people who struggle being open in worship during a service. Instead of struggling on Sunday, you can be as free and as intimate as you want in private. Here's a secret: that's when worship is really good ;)

Below is a link to a song by Bryan and Katie Torwalt called Holy Spirit. I was introduced to the Torwalts at the Awakening Conference in Chicago. The lyrics are profound in themselves (which I have posted as well), but I encourage you to go to the link I have posted and listen to the song. Who knows...this song may change the rest of your day.

Why not go ahead and learn what it means to enter the holy place.

*If you would like to listen to the song, copy and paste this link in your browser: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcmUYDU-2DY

Holy Spirit - Bryan and Katie Torwalt

There's nothing worth more
That will ever come close
No thing can compare
You're our living hope
Your presence

I've tasted and seen
Of the sweetest of love
Where my heart becomes free
And my shame is undone
Your presence Lord

Holy Spirit you are welcome here
Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere
Your glory God is what our hearts long for
To be overcome by your presence Lord

Let us become more aware of your presence
Let us become experience the glory of your goodness
Let us become more aware of your presence
Let us become experience the glory of your goodness

Every generation of believers needs to learn what it means to host the presence of God. In the Old Testament, Israel has the tabernacle and the temple. Each of these place contained the holy of holies - the place where God would dwell between the cherubim. In the New Testament, we become the temple of God. He dwells within us. Experiencing His presence isn't as much about what you see going on around you but knowing what God is doing in you.

However, I also believe you can enter into a place in worship where you experience both. An outward manifestation along with an inner realization of what the Spirit of God is doing. Sound like fun? Then take some time to get into His presence today.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Understanding the Gift of God

In John Chapter 4, we read about Jesus and the woman at the well. For centuries believers have gained incredible insight from this story. While I will not focus on everything that this story contains, I do want to look at a common misconception.

Jesus asked this woman for a drink of water. Rather than just giving Him the water, she went into a discussion about racial prejudice. Instead of joining her on a rabbit chase, He responded by saying "If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water." (John 4:10)

Now we are dealing with something totally different. Jesus deliberately took this discussion to a new level. Sure...he was thirsty but she was dealing with a thirst that could only be quenched by Him.

There is a common misconception that people have about faith in God. We automatically think that God is wanting us to give Him something. But eternal life isn't about what we bring to the table. In fact, Jesus demonstrates for us that if we understand the gift of God and what He is all about that we would ask Him for a drink that will never run dry.

Refuse to get caught up in the debates. What Jesus offers to us isn't about our background, where we worship, or our lifestyle choices. He freely offers Himself to us. The gift that He wants to give is a fountain of life that will never run dry. He took this illustration of eternal life to a new level in John 7 by saying that this fountain would be live a well of water springing up and flowing out of you.

What have you tried in life that hasn't worked?
Theological Reasoning?
There is only one thing in this life that will satisfy the hunger and thirst of your soul. His name is Jesus.

This woman had encountered the Messiah and she was changed forever. Through this one event an entire city came to know who He was. The same can happen in our own lives. It doesn't matter how ugly your life may seem. It doesn't matter to God the shame that you feel. This offer of life comes freely to every one of us.

Jesus death on the cross brings forgiveness of sin. Your faith in Him brings eternal life. The Spirit of God brings the power of the abundant life to you. You will never need another thing to satisfy your soul. You won't have to look for completion anywhere else. This is the life that He gives and it is a life that will flow out of you to everyone else.

Eternal salvation is not about what you can bring to God. He's not looking for your gifts/works. He has already given the greatest gift. Salvation and the abundant life that follows comes through your faith in Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that if we believe that Jesus rose from the dead and confess Him as Lord that we will be saved. Salvation is waiting for you.

Are you thirsty?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

When to Act

Trying to discern God's will? If you have never been down this path before it could seem difficult. Over the years I have watched as people struggle to come to a decision. What should we do?

The truth of the matter is that there is a lot of advice on the subject. Henry Blackaby in "Experiencing God" would tell you to continue to do the last thing God told you. Eventually He will show you the rest of the path. While I do believe it's good advice, there are times when we have to act. There's probably nothing more frustrating than seeing a door before you and wondering if you should walk through.

My advice? Test the door.

Ecclesiastes 11:4, "If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done."

While the Lord often gives us clear directions, I believe there are times that He waits to partner with us. In other words, He is waiting for us to act. When we act in faith then we bring ourselves to a place where God can move. Rather than sit back and wait for everything to come into place, we may have to test the door.

Several years ago, my pastor told me that there are several types of doors that we will face:
1) Those that open automatically
2) Those that require us turning the knob
3) Those that are locked
While I do not advise pushing/knocking a door down, there is nothing wrong with checking a door knob or two.

What I have discovered in my relationship with the Lord is that when we act in faith He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. I'm not telling you to operate from presumption. Presumption says "I'm here so where are the blessings?" On the other hand, we cannot expect God to partner with our disobedience. Saying "No" to the Lord keeps us from entering into the best life possible. I have watched both of these attitudes at work over the years and discover people that blame God for their bad choices. And then there are the times when it wasn't very clear...I wasn't really sure...then by faith I chose a path and God was there.

The story of Gideon and the fleece is rather popular. God has told Gideon to go out and fight. Rather than jumping up and joining God, Gideon placed before God a test. God in His grace answered Gideon. However, placing fleece out before the Lord is not an act of faith. When we put things before the Lord: act here, move there, make this show up, and then I will act isn't faith either. Unless the Holy Spirit is directing you to wait for certain things to happen, we need to move.

If we wait for perfect conditions, we won't get anything done. Can you imagine the Body of Christ waiting for perfect conditions when it comes to evangelism? Waiting for perfect conditions until we serve the needs of the poor? Who would get saved? Whose needs would we meet? Jesus feeding the 5,000 didn't wait for perfect conditions. He simply asked, "What do you have?" He took the bread and fish, blessed them, and placed them in the disciples hands. The result? The multitude was fed and God received the glory.

What has Jesus blessed and placed in your hands? When are you going to act?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Beginning of Rest

It's hard to believe that we are already 10 days into a new year. Time flies when you are having fun...or even when things are crazy! I don't know what the new year holds for you, or what you may be experiencing. Allow me to bring some encouragement.

I was sitting at my desk this morning when all of a sudden I began to smell fresh cut grass. As stated, this is the 10th day of January so there isn't any mowing going on around me. Knowing what Hebrews 5:14 says about having our senses trained for discernment, I began to ask the Lord what it could mean. The Spirit of God began sharing Psalm 23 with me. I want you to read these first few verses from the New Living Translation:
1 "The Lord is my shepherd;
I have all that I need.

2 He lets me rest in green meadows;
he leads me beside peaceful streams.

3 He renews my strength..."

While this may not seem like an earth moving revelation for some of you, it meant a great deal to me this morning. God has extended an invitation for me to lie down and enter into His abundant peace. In other words, I am to rest in Him.

While the New Year brings about great excitement for many people, it can also bring us into a place of great anxiety. A lot of it depends on what was left unresolved from the previous year. The excitement vs anxiety mindset is also dependent on how I enter into a new season. With every new season comes an opportunity to learn more about the Lord and how He wants us to operate. I can come in trying to use all the tools I used last year (be they good or bad) OR I can allow Him to teach me what is needed. This is the part of our relationship with Him that we often miss. Much like Samson, we can pick ourselves and go out before not realizing that God isn't going to work the same way he did last time.

Regardless of the environment that you find yourself in today, you also have an invitation to rest. You have the wonderful opportunity of allowing God to restore your soul, give you strength, and experiencing His incredible peace.

Some may ask: "Where do I find green meadows and still waters?" They are found in the quiet place (the place where you meet with God or He leads you to meet with Him). Do you have a quiet place? If not...allow me to encourage you to get one. Every believer needs a place and a time where they rest in His presence. David's psalm concerning the Shepherding nature of God came through his own experience out in the pastures. He was able to rest in those moments of watching after the flock. It was in those quiet places that much of the worship music of Israel was birthed, and where David earned the title "A man after God's own heart."

What can I do in the quiet place?

Read the Bible: God has given us incredible promises through His Word. However, if we are not aware of what is contained in those pages, we will not experience them.

Pray: You have an awesome privilege as a follower of Christ. You have the opportunity to daily talk with God and allow Him to talk to you.

Be still: There are times in life when we simply need to get away from everything, tell the Lord that we are going to be still and listen. There is great power in rest. Why do you think the enemy fights it so much?

Soak: Another way to experience God in the quiet place is to put on some worship music, lie down, and allow the worship of others to move your heart. Focus in on the words, the melodies, and dwell in an awareness of His presence. God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth. Allow your spirit to connect with His.

These are just a few ideas on how to get the most out of your time with the Lord. I'm not saying that you have to have a format. In fact, I would encourage you to allow the Lord to lead you into those green meadows and beside those still waters. May you find the refreshment you need. May your soul be restored. Let this year be the beginning of rest in your life.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thanks for Checking In...

Hello 2012 and hello to all my PBC Voice friends.

New blog entries will begin next week. I just haven't been able to put my thoughts to the keyboard yet. However, I have made some changes to the look of the blog. I invite your comments.

I trust that all is well and that this new year brings with it great expectancy. Blessings to you all. See ya next week.