This will be my last blog for at least a week. I hope to make it a good one.
1 Corinthians 8:9, "But take care that this liberty of yours does not somehow become a stumbling block to the weak."
Since becoming a believer in 1991, there has been a lot to learn. I was fortunate to have people around me who could teach me the fundamentals and stir up a desire to go deeper with the Lord. And for much of those formative years, I did not stray too far away from the belief system of my pastor, teachers, and friends. Today, however, that is not necessarily the case. Maturing in the Lord allows us to think for ourselves, be guided by the Spirit of God, and even to change our minds.
In an age of denominations, this is hard for many people to understand. They struggle with those who have differing views of scripture (notice that I didn't say opposing views!). I have heard many different pastors actually refer to people in other types of churches as unbelievers or cult members. It's crazy to think that we have become so narrow minded that we cannot disagree without somebody losing their salvation.
Not only is there a struggle because of the denomination mindset, but a struggle when it comes to how we flesh out our faith. What does our faith look like in our personal walk with the Lord. Some of the "hot button" issues: Music, Bible Translations, Clothing, Personal Appearance (tattoos, piercings, hair), Personal Habits (tobacco products, alcoholic beverages), etc. It's amazing the different views that you will find among the Body of Christ. What does the Bible teach us about these things? How do we know what is right or wrong? How do we handle those who are different in their views?
This may shock a lot of people but the Bible doesn't have a lot to say about many of these "issues." In fact, most of what people believe doesn't come from the Bible as much as it does from those who handed them down. What the Bible does teach us is that we have incredible freedom in the Lord. But with that freedom comes responsibility. Most importantly, we have a great responsibility to those around us.
Paul taught the church to be careful that there freedom doesn't put a stumbling block in front of the weak. The "weak" that he refers to are those who may not be as free in certain areas as you are. The only problem is that too many people have resorted to legalism to keep the members of the Body in check. Legalism is not the answer. Love is.
We are told to love the Lord with everything. Then we are told to love our neighbor as ourselves. When we walk in love with the Lord and others, we discover a grace that protects our relationships. As one who walks in love, I want to ensure that I protect those who are weak in the faith. I would never want someone to stumble over my freedom. However, there is also freedom to enjoy the things that the Spirit of God allows.
Colossians 2:21-23 gives us incredible understanding to what I'm trying to say: "Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!”? These rules, which have to do with things that are all destined to perish with use, are based on merely human commands and teachings. Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence." Notice what Paul is saying here. He is saying that trying to control people through commands may look nice but it does nothing to change the behavior of an individual. Not only does it not control their behavior, it does nothing to ensure they walk in righteousness.
How do we handle these issues? LOVE
How do we react to those who are different in their views? LOVE
How do we maintain fellowship? LOVE
How does God handle them? LOVE
Love really works!
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