Here's a question for you: Is God in control or in charge? While some would argue the validity of the question, these two words mean different things. To be "In Control" means to exercise authoritative or dominating influence over. To be "In Charge" means to impose a duty, responsibility, or obligation on.
While I do not wish to go too deep with this thought, I want you to consider that God is in charge and has given us control over many of the things that happen in this life. Just consider what Jesus said in Matthew 5:13-16: In these verses we discover that we have been designated as the salt of the earth and light of the world. This is our position. In other words, has given us the responsibility of affecting the culture in which we live. While many people are waiting for God to "do something" in our cities and towns, I believe that God is waiting for us.
Bill Johnson said, "God wants to transform cities but that only happens when they are full of transformed people." God is most definitely in charge and it is His will to transform our cities, but He has allowed us to control what happens. Only when God people choose to be salt and light where they live will we see transformation happen. It is our privilege to respond to Him as salt and light in the earth.
So often I hear people praying for a lost loved one without ever considering that it could be them that leads that person to Christ. We pray for sickness around us but never consider that we could be the ones to lay hands on them, pray, and see them recover. We keep hoping that someone will talk to that couple we know is having problems without ever asking God if He wants us to be a part of their reconciliation. The only way that we can change this mindset is to know our identity in Christ, realize that we have great potential through the grace of God to impact everything and every one around us.
This change in thinking causes us to cease praying for revival and to seek to be a revival where we live. It allows us to see ourselves as the holy nation that God has called us to be and to respond accordingly. Jesus was the manifest presence of God in the earth but He did not wait for the religious leaders of the day to step forward, nor did He wait for God to "do something." No...Jesus realized that because He was on the scene that God was doing something. The same happens when we agree with what the Father is doing in us. We say "God, I'm here. Use me!"
> Do you want to see your work environment change?
> Do you want to experience God in your home?
> Are you still waiting for lost loved ones to come to faith in Christ?
Then rise up child of God and take your place in the world. Take inventory of who you are in Christ. Recognize that the Kingdom of God resides within you through the Holy Spirit and that He has provided everything you need to be salt and light in the earth.
Don't miss this opportunity to partner with the presence and power of God. Reach out and take the controls with full knowledge that God is in charge. He will guide you, speak through you, and use you for His glory. Live with the expectancy that God is ready to do great things through you.
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