One of the greatest dangers facing the church today is that we become a cliché to the rest of the world. Please hear me out on this point. It is not my intention to sound mean-spirited...I'm simply concerned.
A good definition of "cliché" is: "expression, idea, or element of an artistic work which has been overused to the point of losing its original meaning or effect, rendering it a stereotype...frequently used in modern culture for an action or idea which is expected or predictable, based on a prior event..."
The words that you see in the picture above have been used to the point that they can be rendered useless or predictable. Mission/Vision statements for a lot of churches are simply regurgitated slogans and phrases that do not reflect the fellowship that uses them. This problem is common among a church that simply doesn't know who she is, her place in society, and her purpose within the kingdom of God. Cliché sayings and programs have moved many churches into a posture of trying to be cute or operating in the wrong kind of creativity. When will we understand that the world doesn't need the church to be cliché, cute, or critical? What the world needs to see is a church that flows in genuine creativity given by God, walking in the power and presence of God, and preaching the good news of the Gospel.
I have been in the ministry long enough to see fads, ideas, projects, and programs cost the church money, time, and valuable resources without any lasting results upon the community. What is needed is a return to the heart of God as it pertains to church life if we ever hope to make an impact where we live. Just as Jesus came to reveal the heart of God to a world in unbelief; the church should stand as a revelation of the reality of Jesus Christ. We don't need to be on the street corners condemning everyone to hell. We don't have to have great marketing skills. All we need is the power of the Holy Spirit that was promised in Acts 1:8 and recorded in Acts 2 to be upon us. This was God's design all along. The witness that He promised in the world would only come as a result of the Holy Spirit at work in the lives of believers. The early church turned their world upside down. I'm afraid that much of what we do in the name of the church only turns their stomachs.
Folks...hear what I am saying. This is not a plea for a politically correct church, nor is it a cry for the church to turn away from our biblical base. All I am asking for is that the church be the church. If we are the "called out" and "gathered together" ones who operate under the Lordship of Jesus Christ then we will be all that God wants us to be in our generation. Our programs are not going to change the world. Our budget is useless in the eyes of God unless it fuels the harvest. Our buildings are empty shells if the lives that come in remain empty. Let us return to the heart of the Father that longs to see the world come to repentance. Let's recapture the burning desire that He had when Jesus came to "seek and to save that which was lost."
I'm expecting big things in the life of the church this coming year. What I say next may only be for the PBC crew that I gather with on Sunday and Wednesday but you need to hear it. I'm looking for a greater experience of His power in our lives, a more intimate experience of His presence, and a flow of divine creativity that comes from His heart. We will not fall victim to the cliché or cute method of church because our eyes are upon the Father. He will not leave us nor forsake us. He will build His church and the gates of hell will not be able to withstand the force that is His body. We will walk in God-given authority to reclaim that which was lost, open eyes that have been blinded to the truth, and set the prisoners free. We will proclaim the year of Jubilee!!!
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