There are certain moments in American history that cause you to sit back and say "WOW!" Last night, we witnessed one of those moments. According to Fox News, Republicans won more than 60 seats in the House with a 65 net gain being projected. Our nation hasn't seen this type of historical shift in more than 70 years.
I want you to put all of this into prospective. You can look at the "Tea Party" movement, any other "grass roots" organizations, or just the general disgust of the people over our current economic status and say these were all the cause of the election results. Each of these items played a part in getting people out of their homes and into the voting booths. However, what I want you to take away is the MOMENT we witnessed. We witnessed a great uprising of people who wanted to make a difference. These people were tired of the current situation and decided to do something about it. They did what every American citizen had the right to do - cast a vote - and they voted for a change.
Imagine, if you will, what our nation would look like if the church of the living God did the same thing. I'm not referring to the political arena but to the advancement of the kingdom of God. Imagine all churches zealous for good works, seeking to save that which is lost, and longing to be a force in their communities. Imagine every believer empowered by the Spirit of God to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Imagine every church fellowship feeding the poor, clothing the naked, and caring for the broken. Imagine all followers of Jesus Christ taking God at His Word and standing in faith. Do you think that we would see some significant moments in church history?
In the book of Acts 17:6, the Bible says, "These who have turned the world upside down have come here too." You have to remember that they were referring to Paul and Silas who had come to Thessalonica. What an incredible statement! What an incredible MOMENT in church history!
I pray that the church will see what can happen when men and women move within common goals and values. I pray that the church will consider what can happen when we are not in competition with each other. If we could remember that it is His kingdom that we are to advance, His message that we are to preach, and His creation that we are to reach; then maybe we can see Jesus exalted as Lord and Savior upon every heart.
I know what I saw last night. The message was clear. People had become frustrated with the state of our nation. When will the church become frustrated with the state of lostness within our country? When will we grow weary watching the enemy have his way in the lives of so many around us? When will we begin to walk in the authority that Jesus gave us? It's time for a Divine Moment that not only affects church history but the history of the world!
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