Stillness...quiet...the sound of nothing. Many of us are so used to noise that we have forgotten how to enjoy silence. If you are like me, you HAVE to get away from the noise every now and then.
Yesterday was one of those days. I had experienced a busy day (much like everyone else) and had decided to grab a bite to eat. Once I finished my sandwich, I got in the vehicle and pulled into the corner of the parking lot and sat there alone with my thoughts. No music. No phone conversations. No noise. I reached into the glove compartment and pulled out a Bible and began to read. In that moment something happened - my whole day changed! In reality, I changed. The reason for this change is quite simple; I got still before God.
Folks, we have missed the all important understanding of how God works. We are trying to get God to invade our lives where we are rather than setting ourselves apart. Sure, God does speak to us even in the busy moments of life but it's real easy to miss his voice in the midst of the noise. Try this: Instead of driving down the road at 65 mph with the stereo blasting, asking God to speak to you; pull off somewhere and get still before Him. "Wait patiently..." the psalmist said. "Be still and know that I am God." We need the quiet times.
Our culture is a noisy culture. Every day it seems as though we introduce one more thing into our lives that creates greater distractions. My cell-phone allows me to talk, text, message, email, and access the Internet. I love the fact that I can respond but there are times that we have to walk away from the very thing that was created to give us convenience. "Please, step away from the cell-phone." Get away to God's convenience and allow Him to download some things into you. Find that quiet place and listen to what God has to say.
Who knows? You may have one of those moments like I had yesterday when everything changes in an instant. I hope you do!
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