"When we are born again, we are dropped not into a maternity ward, but into a war zone. Our birthplace is less mother's womb and more battlefield earth. Maybe the first word we hear should not be 'welcome,' but 'jump.' There is no trial run, no practice life." ~ Erwin McManus {The Barbarian Way}
I thought it was interesting that I came across this particular quote after a conversation that I had yesterday. Here's what I want you to take away from McManus' statement: As a believer there isn't time to grow up all over again. All our learning, training, and discipleship are on (and in) the field. We grow as we go!
Sure...there are a lot of expressions about this new life in Christ that paint the picture of a child. We are to have child-like faith. We are born again. We are to desire the sincere milk of the word. However, there comes a time (as in Hebrews) where we have to leave the elementary teachings and grow up into maturity. Unfortunately, too many believers are stuck in "grade school Christianity" rather than moving on to a more advanced degree.
The Apostles walked with Jesus for 3 1/2 years before His ascension. That doesn't mean they were inactive or simply taking it all in like a sponge. No - over the course of those years of training they were actively participating in the Kingdom of God. They were sent out two by two, city to city, to advance the Gospel message. In other words: they were thrown into the battle.
We find in the book of Acts that after Paul was saved (Acts 9), he was baptized by water and the Holy Spirit, he spent some days with the disciples at Damascus, then in verse 20 IMMEDIATELY preached the Christ in the synagogues. This is where we have to understand the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. He is the one who empowers the children of God. He is the one who gives us understanding of God's Word. He is the one who is reading, willing, and able to accomplish much more in and through us than we could imagine or think.
Join the battle! The time for sitting on the sidelines and watching the fight is over. The time for the advancement of the Kingdom of God is now. We must stop viewing the church as a daycare center for the children of God and start seeing it as an recruitment center for the army of God. And if you have been walking with the Lord for some time don't think that you can retire and watch someone else fill your shoes. The church of today needs seasoned saints who will lead the charge, mentor young men and women of the faith, and continue to serve the Lord with all their might.
To quote McManus again: "My point is this: the metaphor of new birth has led us to some wrong conclusions. When we are born of flesh and blood, we are helpless and dependent on others even for our own survival. That is not the case when we are born of Spirit." Allow the Spirit of God to have His perfect work in you. He's calling you to the battle but we cannot fight in diapers and booties; we better put on the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-17).
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