"He Himself has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'" (Hebrews 13:5)
I have to give thanks for two people that have influenced my walk with God greatly: Henry Blackaby (Experiencing God) and Oswald Chambers (My Utmost for His Highest). I'm grateful for the teaching that has been passed down to me through these great men.
When God revealed Himself to Moses He called Himself "I AM". When Jesus was on the earth He also called Himself "I AM". This was one of the reasons the Jews sought to kill Him - "He made Himself equal with God." The truth of the "I AM" is that God has become for us an open ended promise. "I AM" applies to every circumstance of life. If you feel lonely, God says "I AM with you." If you need provision, God says "I AM your provision." You need righteousness, God says "I AM your righteousness." Or maybe you need healing, God says "I AM your healing." Whatever the situation you can trust in the never-forsaking God.
Oswald Chambers said, "Sometimes it is not the difficulty of life but the drudgery of it that makes me think God will forsake me." However, the truth of the matter is that God never leaves us. He never forsakes us. God is always with us. Another important fact is that God is always at work. Don't fall into the line of thinking that always looks at what God is doing for another day. God is at work around you today. You just need to be made aware of where He is at work and join Him there.
This is the exciting adventure that is relationship with God. Religion says that I must perform a certain set of tasks or perform a ritual to understand what God is doing. Relationship says, "Open your eyes that you may see. Open your ears that you may hear. Open your heart that you may understand." You have the ability through the Spirit of God to see, hear, and understand what God is doing around you. Then you are able to join Him TODAY - IN THE PRESENT - with what He is doing.
What an awesome way to live! Think about it...The God of the universe is at work around you. He's not away on vacation. He's not asleep at the wheel. NO! God is always working and He allows you to join Him in what He is already doing. Does that mean I will never experience the drudgery of life? I guess it depends on your definition of drudgery. How can looking everyday to see God at work become drudgery? It should be an excitement, a joy, to wake up every morning and say "Here I am Lord. Send me!"
I pray that you will experience the abiding presence of God today. I hope that you will enjoy the relationship that has been made available to you through Jesus Christ. Don't think of this Friday as just the end of the work week. Think of today as the beginning of something greater. Make today the day that you join God in what He is doing. And when you do - you can trust that He will be with you from start to finish.
Blessings to you all as you follow Him.
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