Romans 6:11, "Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord."
A friend of mine was sharing this verse with me during conversation the other day and what he said is worth sharing. He said that he remembered friends who would say, "I need to die to that..." In other words, when they were struggling to overcome something in their lives they would say that they needed to die to their affections, lusts, and temptations so that they could overcome them.
However, if you and I read Romans 6 correctly we will find that we have already died to them. Paul's words trail an awesome truth in verse 10 where he points out that Jesus death was a once for all death to sin and the life He lives is to God. Reckon yourself also to be dead to sin. The fact is that we have died to sin. This is a done deal. Through Jesus death on the cross - ALL of us have DIED to SIN. It is an appropriated fact. What needs to happen is that we reckon it true in our lives. That is: we consider this same truth about Jesus death to sin and life to God true in our own lives as well.
Reckon that you are dead to the lust of the flesh. You don't have to give in to the temptations that press in on you.
Reckon that you are dead to the lust of the eyes. We don't have to feast upon the things that the world continues to throw up in our faces.
Reckon that you are dead to the pride of life. Who said that Christians have to possess "things" to be fulfilled. In fact, our hope is not in this life. We don't have rights to ourselves because we have given Lordship over to Jesus Christ.
I only listed these points of sin because Jesus was tempted all points as we are, yet without sin. He faced all points of temptation and overcame them by the Word of God. Shouldn't we reckon this true in our lives as well?
A Christian should be able to overcome addictions, temptations, attitude problems, etc. We are NOT victims of our circumstances. If we reckon His death to be true in our lives then we may also reckon His life to be true as well.
I pray that each of us will make today a day of reckoning. God gives us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN!
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