Thursday, February 12, 2009

Just for Fun...and then some serious stuff

Just for fun - UNC beat Duke last night!!! North Carolina scored 101 points against the "Blue" Devils. They really are blue considering they gave up an 8 point lead at the half.

On to other things:

There is something that has been on my mind for some time now and I want to share it with you. I have been reading a novel series called "The First Century Diaries" by Gene Edwards. The "diaries" are written from the perspective of those who travelled with Paul on his missionary journeys. Although accurate in the travel details and churches planted...the writer can only speculate about certain events and conversations. What I have enjoyed is reading through the New Testament epistles and treating them as the letters to the early church that they are. It's amazing how that little change in HOW I read has truly impacted my life.

The thing that has been burned into my brain over the course of several weeks is the message of the early church. It was simple, straight-forward, clear, and concise. When you heard the apostles speak, you knew what they were saying. Paul summed it up this way: "Jesus Christ and Him crucified." Sounds simple enough. I wonder what message the church is sending out today?

If you and I were to ask people around us what they believed the message of the church was, how do you think they would respond? Sure...there would be a few folks who have heard the Gospel and know that the church proclaims the death, burial and Resurrection of Jesus. But I also believe that far too many don't know the message. Some think the message of the church is "The World is Coming to an End" while others hear something like "Get yourself right before you get right with God." There would be a few that only hear "You are going to hell in a hand basket" while some hear "God is Love." The point is: The message is mixed and the world continues to go on without the Good News!

Our pulpits need to be filled with men of passion who seek to do nothing else but preach Jesus and Him crucified. We need to drop the prosperity gospel...the name & claim it gospel...the turn your life around gospel...and the best life ever gospel (just to name a few). NO my friends what this world needs to hear is that Jesus Christ came into this world, took on the penalty of humanities sin, and through His death paid for our forgiveness. They need to understand that God is love but they also need to be told how we know..."God demonstrated His love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

Attention Churches: It's time to get back on message. Nothing else matters but this one truth and the whole world is "dying" to hear it - Jesus Christ & Him crucified!

1 comment:

Launch International said...

That is so's are off message so very often. The Western Church seems to have gotten into the entertaining business and out of the gospel business. It seems we are far too worried about our "programs" and far less worried about the progress of spreading the gospel. We think too we have to have elaborate sets on stage and videoes and all of these gimmicks to get peoples attention, but we don't...all we need is the Holy Spirit at work and a preacher that will preach the truth of His WORD whether it makes us feel good or not! The reason I think there is this perceived need to entertain is because it is obvious that the Holy Spirit is absent from services. *DISCLAIMER...I'm not saying that churches, including our own, are wrong for showing a video or singing a song that makes people feel good...I'm saying the thinking is wrong if the leadership believes it has to have all of that to "win" people!

The message of the cross is simple and we make it so complicated sometimes!

Pastor Neal, I'm thankful you are faithful to stand firm and be a bold proclaimer of the Lord's message of salvation! I pray continued boldness and courage as you lead the body of Pioneer!