Wait a minute...Europe doesn't have a president do they? Oh, that was just Obama trying to woo the European crowd.
Although there are several things that we could bring out of his speeches, I will only address one issue. How does someone become a citizen of the world? He expressed to the German listeners that he was a "proud" American and a fellow citizen of the world. I like Neal Boortz response to that one: "I'm a citizen of the United States. I'm an inhabitant of the world. There's a difference."
Can anyone please tell me why a presidential candidate is taken a European tour? Who cares what the Europeans think? Last I checked it was the American citizens who were voting in this election. If we are not careful this is what we can expect in the future of our country. We have to be sure that the rest of the world is accepting of our president before he is elected.
Amazing isn't it? I know that this blog entry strays far from where I have been the last couple of days, but I think that it's important for us to take notice of what is happening in the world that CAN affect our country greatly. The Israelites asked for a king because they wanted to be like all the other nations around them. That's right - they rejected God as their ruler because they wanted someone else to lead them. This attitude that says we must be like all the other nations is dangerous. What's wrong with America being different? What's wrong with America being unique? What's wrong with a President who doesn't necessarily fit in with the likes of France, Germany, or Russia? To be quite honest with you it doesn't bother me one bit if we have a leader who knows how to rub some of these countries the wrong way. It keeps us strong. It reminds America that we are still considered a "Superpower" in the world. It ensures that we won't bow down to the European union or United Nations.
This is the same man who has been quoted as saying that we are no longer a nation under God because we are a nation filled with Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, etc. I don't know about you but I want America to continue as One Nation Under God! Oh, dear friends, don't you see the danger here? Don't you think it's time for believers to do what 2 Chronicles 7:14 states? It's time for us to humble ourselves and pray, seek the face of God, and turn from our wicked ways so that He can hear from heaven, forgive our sin, and heal our land.
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