Try to take a few days off and there is no possible way to keep up with the news. keeping with my last blog entry, I have some political interests.
Before we get into the subject I want to remind everyone that these blog entries are my own and do not represent a "church stance". I also am not allowed to endorse a particular candidate from the pulpit. However, I CAN and WILL give you my opinion on some of the items going on.
The latest and most interesting thing I have found is Obama saying in a speech that McCain & Bush (not sure how Bush got involved with this - or does Obama feels as though he has to link the 2 together?) will try to SCARE voters (scare tactics is a wonderful term used by liberals who cannot win with their own ideas). He said that they would say, "...(he)doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills." WOW! I wonder what the media would be saying if the other side had used this type of rhetoric? McCain's camp has come out to say that Obama has played the race card and he did it by playing from the bottom of the deck.
There is no doubt that this race for the presidency has now turned to a question of race. I wondered how long Obama would keep the color of his skin from entering the dialogue, but in reality it's been about race for some time. He can thank his "pastor" for that! All right...let's try to get to the bottom of this. According to the Obama team he was not referring to race but rather was saying that he did not take the same approach. My dad always told me to "say what I mean and mean what I say." If that is what Obama meant then why didn't he say that? No - he was talking about looks. He doesn't look like them because he's not like them. It was a definite reference to the fact that he is black.
Folks, I'm o.k. with that. If Obama wants to make this about race then by all means do it. Just don't apologize or try to politicize your way out of it. This man's biggest problem is that he can't ever seem to say what he means. When he talks about "change" what does he mean? When he talks about the fact that he doesn't look like all those presidents on the dollar bills what does he mean? When he talks about troop surges not working but then says that they work what does he mean? It seems to me that Obama needs a translator to interpret every speech that he gives so that the true meaning can be given to all who listen. BTW - there is only 1 president on the dollar bill. There are other presidents on different types of bills ($5, $10, etc.). But I'm sure he didn't mean to single any other denominations of currency.
This is going to be one of the most interesting elections in many years. I'm very curious how all of this will be played out. If you want to talk about scare tactics I have a few questions (and they do play on our fears), Who is the candidate that will ensure the safety of America? Who is the candidate that will do what's necessary to keep our troops with the necessary funding? Which candidate will do what is necessary to make America energy independent? Which one will ensure that America doesn't bow down to every other country in the world? Which one will do the job of limiting spending in government and protecting the wages (money which is earned) of the American people? Which candidate will protect the rights of Americans as defined in the Constitution? Those are the real questions.
I don't care if the new president doesn't look like those on our currency. There aren't too many people walking around with powdered wigs on anymore anyway. I do care that our president does what is necessary to defend the individual rights of the people of this nation AND to ensure the collective safety of every individual in the United States.
What "scares" me about this election is that it will become about something that it is not. In the end - it may very well be just that. Believers need to pray for God's divine direction and appointment during this political year.'s that important.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
The New European President Is...
Wait a minute...Europe doesn't have a president do they? Oh, that was just Obama trying to woo the European crowd.
Although there are several things that we could bring out of his speeches, I will only address one issue. How does someone become a citizen of the world? He expressed to the German listeners that he was a "proud" American and a fellow citizen of the world. I like Neal Boortz response to that one: "I'm a citizen of the United States. I'm an inhabitant of the world. There's a difference."
Can anyone please tell me why a presidential candidate is taken a European tour? Who cares what the Europeans think? Last I checked it was the American citizens who were voting in this election. If we are not careful this is what we can expect in the future of our country. We have to be sure that the rest of the world is accepting of our president before he is elected.
Amazing isn't it? I know that this blog entry strays far from where I have been the last couple of days, but I think that it's important for us to take notice of what is happening in the world that CAN affect our country greatly. The Israelites asked for a king because they wanted to be like all the other nations around them. That's right - they rejected God as their ruler because they wanted someone else to lead them. This attitude that says we must be like all the other nations is dangerous. What's wrong with America being different? What's wrong with America being unique? What's wrong with a President who doesn't necessarily fit in with the likes of France, Germany, or Russia? To be quite honest with you it doesn't bother me one bit if we have a leader who knows how to rub some of these countries the wrong way. It keeps us strong. It reminds America that we are still considered a "Superpower" in the world. It ensures that we won't bow down to the European union or United Nations.
This is the same man who has been quoted as saying that we are no longer a nation under God because we are a nation filled with Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, etc. I don't know about you but I want America to continue as One Nation Under God! Oh, dear friends, don't you see the danger here? Don't you think it's time for believers to do what 2 Chronicles 7:14 states? It's time for us to humble ourselves and pray, seek the face of God, and turn from our wicked ways so that He can hear from heaven, forgive our sin, and heal our land.
Although there are several things that we could bring out of his speeches, I will only address one issue. How does someone become a citizen of the world? He expressed to the German listeners that he was a "proud" American and a fellow citizen of the world. I like Neal Boortz response to that one: "I'm a citizen of the United States. I'm an inhabitant of the world. There's a difference."
Can anyone please tell me why a presidential candidate is taken a European tour? Who cares what the Europeans think? Last I checked it was the American citizens who were voting in this election. If we are not careful this is what we can expect in the future of our country. We have to be sure that the rest of the world is accepting of our president before he is elected.
Amazing isn't it? I know that this blog entry strays far from where I have been the last couple of days, but I think that it's important for us to take notice of what is happening in the world that CAN affect our country greatly. The Israelites asked for a king because they wanted to be like all the other nations around them. That's right - they rejected God as their ruler because they wanted someone else to lead them. This attitude that says we must be like all the other nations is dangerous. What's wrong with America being different? What's wrong with America being unique? What's wrong with a President who doesn't necessarily fit in with the likes of France, Germany, or Russia? To be quite honest with you it doesn't bother me one bit if we have a leader who knows how to rub some of these countries the wrong way. It keeps us strong. It reminds America that we are still considered a "Superpower" in the world. It ensures that we won't bow down to the European union or United Nations.
This is the same man who has been quoted as saying that we are no longer a nation under God because we are a nation filled with Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, etc. I don't know about you but I want America to continue as One Nation Under God! Oh, dear friends, don't you see the danger here? Don't you think it's time for believers to do what 2 Chronicles 7:14 states? It's time for us to humble ourselves and pray, seek the face of God, and turn from our wicked ways so that He can hear from heaven, forgive our sin, and heal our land.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Ezekiel's Lesson
Ezekiel 33:30-32, "As for you, son of man, the children of your people are talking about you beside the walls and in the doors of the houses; and they speak to one another, everyone saying to his brother, 'Please come and hear what the word is that comes from the Lord.' So they come to you as people do, they sit before you as My people, and they hear your words, but they do not do them; for with their mouth they show much love, but their hearts pursue their own gain. Indeed you are to them as a very lovely song of one who has a pleasant voice and can play well on an instrument; for they hear your words, but they do not do them."
What a lesson for the preacher of God's Word! It's hard to think that I can actually be in a position of speaking God's Word only to find out that I'm nothing more than a lovely song. But isn't that the way it is in many churches today? Oh, how people love to hear "good" preaching! I know this all too well. How many times I have missed opportunities for God to move in my life because I didn't like the delivery or didn't think the messenger was all that I thought he could be.
We must come to the understanding that when God's Word is being preached there is no right or wrong way to communicate unless our communication is nothing more than a tickling of the ears. Preachers can actually become enemies of the cross when all they concern themselves with is their style of delivery. Paul said that he did not come with persuasive words of man's wisdom but with power. What's lacking in our churches is not the ability to communicate but the anointing of power. I know all too well the temptation to make a sermon sound a certain way, or to end a message with the right kind of story. It's part of the tools of our trade. But we are not merchants or salesmen and our "job" is not to sell a sermon. Our job is to be a mouthpiece for God.
Now, don't think that I'm going to let the listener off the hook. How many times have we closed our ears and our hearts because the speaker wasn't what we desired? How many times have we walked away from a message and didn't think it was entertaining enough? I keep waiting for people to come into a service with a drink and some popcorn because all they did was come to see the show. Dear friends, church is not meant to be is meant to be the collection of God's people to worship Him. If anyone is entertained it should be God. We should bring to Him the sacrifice of praise, the brokenness of our Spirit, our raised hands and voices, and they willingness to go where He leads.
I didn't share all the verses with you in the beginning. In verse 33 of chapter 33 God says, "And when this comes to pass - surely it will come - then they will know that a prophet has been among them." In other words God is saying, When these people see all that you are preaching come to pass in their lives (and it will) they will finally understand that I had a voice among them. The job of the preacher is to preach the Word of God. The job of the hearer is to obey the voice of the Lord.
What have you heard recently that excited your spirit but never moved you to change?
What a lesson for the preacher of God's Word! It's hard to think that I can actually be in a position of speaking God's Word only to find out that I'm nothing more than a lovely song. But isn't that the way it is in many churches today? Oh, how people love to hear "good" preaching! I know this all too well. How many times I have missed opportunities for God to move in my life because I didn't like the delivery or didn't think the messenger was all that I thought he could be.
We must come to the understanding that when God's Word is being preached there is no right or wrong way to communicate unless our communication is nothing more than a tickling of the ears. Preachers can actually become enemies of the cross when all they concern themselves with is their style of delivery. Paul said that he did not come with persuasive words of man's wisdom but with power. What's lacking in our churches is not the ability to communicate but the anointing of power. I know all too well the temptation to make a sermon sound a certain way, or to end a message with the right kind of story. It's part of the tools of our trade. But we are not merchants or salesmen and our "job" is not to sell a sermon. Our job is to be a mouthpiece for God.
Now, don't think that I'm going to let the listener off the hook. How many times have we closed our ears and our hearts because the speaker wasn't what we desired? How many times have we walked away from a message and didn't think it was entertaining enough? I keep waiting for people to come into a service with a drink and some popcorn because all they did was come to see the show. Dear friends, church is not meant to be is meant to be the collection of God's people to worship Him. If anyone is entertained it should be God. We should bring to Him the sacrifice of praise, the brokenness of our Spirit, our raised hands and voices, and they willingness to go where He leads.
I didn't share all the verses with you in the beginning. In verse 33 of chapter 33 God says, "And when this comes to pass - surely it will come - then they will know that a prophet has been among them." In other words God is saying, When these people see all that you are preaching come to pass in their lives (and it will) they will finally understand that I had a voice among them. The job of the preacher is to preach the Word of God. The job of the hearer is to obey the voice of the Lord.
What have you heard recently that excited your spirit but never moved you to change?
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Sin IS Serious
Allow me a few moments to talk about a very serious issue. The issue is SIN. I know that this is not a popular topic of conversation, however, I feel the need to address it.
I was listening to a sermon by Henry Blackaby yesterday about "Viewing Sin from God's Perspective" and something was brought to my attention. I began to realize that with all of the preaching and talking about the forgiveness of God that we can neglect the fact that sin (our sin) is serious. Yes, God forgives...yes, we are accepted...yes, we are being made into the likeness of Christ...and yes, God is a loving God...BUT we cannot overlook the truth of Scripture that sin is an offense against God.
James 4:17, "Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin." In other words: When you and I choose to do what is wrong (we rebel against the truth of Scripture) we are in sin. Sin is, according to God's Word, transgression of the law. God has given us His law in the 10 commandments and when we break that law (transgress) we are in sin. Sin is also unbelief. When we fail to believe that God is who He says He is, fail to believe the promises of God, or fail to respond to the directives of God's Word we are in sin. Sin is more than a moment of weakness. Sin is an abomination to God.
With all of our focus on the "good" aspects of God we often fail to see the negative aspect of sin in our life. What does sin do in the life of a Christian? How does sin blind us to the truth? Why are so many Christians living in sin? Because we have failed to see sin from God's perspective. We have failed to understand that sin cost the life of Jesus Christ to bring about forgiveness. We have failed to recognize that our sin hinders our relationship with God.
Too often we are like a child who is told to not go into the pool. We see the water before us - it's inviting - it looks pleasurable - but for our own good we are told to stay away. The child says, "Can I go near the pool?" Sure, just don't get in. The child then says, "Can I put my feet in the water?" Sure, just don't get in. After a few moments you hear the splash and the child has "fallen" into the water. What happens in our life is that we skirt sin for a while, then we dabble in sin until we ultimately fall into sin. Sin is deceptive. And when we "fall" it's not until we are completely drenched and come under the correction of a parent that we understand the seriousness of what just happened.
Friends, I don't want you to view God as harsh, strict, or unjust. As believers we understand that He is our Heavenly Father. And as our Heavenly Father He has every right to tell us what is acceptable and what is not. He also has every right to punish us when we fail to follow His commands.
God has said, "You shall have no other gods before me." What are we currently following after that has nothing to do with our relationship with God?
God has said, "You shall not make any graven images (idols)." What are the idols in our life that takes the place of a true relationship with God?
God has said, "You shall not take the name of God in vain." How many times have we blasphemed the name of God by our words or actions?
God has said, "Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy." Who hasn't dishonored the Lord's day by doing something other than worshipping Him?
The list goes on:
God says, "Honor your father and mother", "You shall not kill", "You shall not commit adultery", "You shall not steal", You shall not bear false witness" (lie), and "You shall not covet." Now - who hasn't dishonored parents, hated someone without cause (which is the same as murder according to Jesus), lusted after someone (which is the same as adultery according to Jesus as well), stolen something, lied, or coveted something that was not theirs? The point is that we have ALL sinned, we have ALL fallen short of the glory of God.
For a believer to continue in sin - we must do so with the understanding that God has done everything possible for us to be forgiven. He has given us His Son, He has given us His Word, and He has given us His Spirit. We have to walk over all of these truths to live in sin. Sin IS Serious!
The good news is that 1 John 1:9 tell us that if we will confess our sin He is faithful and just to forgive our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. So believers, will we continue to live in sin or will we turn to God and accept our failure and seek His forgiveness? God is waiting to forgive us. He delights in mercy.
I was listening to a sermon by Henry Blackaby yesterday about "Viewing Sin from God's Perspective" and something was brought to my attention. I began to realize that with all of the preaching and talking about the forgiveness of God that we can neglect the fact that sin (our sin) is serious. Yes, God forgives...yes, we are accepted...yes, we are being made into the likeness of Christ...and yes, God is a loving God...BUT we cannot overlook the truth of Scripture that sin is an offense against God.
James 4:17, "Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin." In other words: When you and I choose to do what is wrong (we rebel against the truth of Scripture) we are in sin. Sin is, according to God's Word, transgression of the law. God has given us His law in the 10 commandments and when we break that law (transgress) we are in sin. Sin is also unbelief. When we fail to believe that God is who He says He is, fail to believe the promises of God, or fail to respond to the directives of God's Word we are in sin. Sin is more than a moment of weakness. Sin is an abomination to God.
With all of our focus on the "good" aspects of God we often fail to see the negative aspect of sin in our life. What does sin do in the life of a Christian? How does sin blind us to the truth? Why are so many Christians living in sin? Because we have failed to see sin from God's perspective. We have failed to understand that sin cost the life of Jesus Christ to bring about forgiveness. We have failed to recognize that our sin hinders our relationship with God.
Too often we are like a child who is told to not go into the pool. We see the water before us - it's inviting - it looks pleasurable - but for our own good we are told to stay away. The child says, "Can I go near the pool?" Sure, just don't get in. The child then says, "Can I put my feet in the water?" Sure, just don't get in. After a few moments you hear the splash and the child has "fallen" into the water. What happens in our life is that we skirt sin for a while, then we dabble in sin until we ultimately fall into sin. Sin is deceptive. And when we "fall" it's not until we are completely drenched and come under the correction of a parent that we understand the seriousness of what just happened.
Friends, I don't want you to view God as harsh, strict, or unjust. As believers we understand that He is our Heavenly Father. And as our Heavenly Father He has every right to tell us what is acceptable and what is not. He also has every right to punish us when we fail to follow His commands.
God has said, "You shall have no other gods before me." What are we currently following after that has nothing to do with our relationship with God?
God has said, "You shall not make any graven images (idols)." What are the idols in our life that takes the place of a true relationship with God?
God has said, "You shall not take the name of God in vain." How many times have we blasphemed the name of God by our words or actions?
God has said, "Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy." Who hasn't dishonored the Lord's day by doing something other than worshipping Him?
The list goes on:
God says, "Honor your father and mother", "You shall not kill", "You shall not commit adultery", "You shall not steal", You shall not bear false witness" (lie), and "You shall not covet." Now - who hasn't dishonored parents, hated someone without cause (which is the same as murder according to Jesus), lusted after someone (which is the same as adultery according to Jesus as well), stolen something, lied, or coveted something that was not theirs? The point is that we have ALL sinned, we have ALL fallen short of the glory of God.
For a believer to continue in sin - we must do so with the understanding that God has done everything possible for us to be forgiven. He has given us His Son, He has given us His Word, and He has given us His Spirit. We have to walk over all of these truths to live in sin. Sin IS Serious!
The good news is that 1 John 1:9 tell us that if we will confess our sin He is faithful and just to forgive our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. So believers, will we continue to live in sin or will we turn to God and accept our failure and seek His forgiveness? God is waiting to forgive us. He delights in mercy.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Unwillingness to Repent
I have often wondered how people who sit through a hearing of the Gospel or a service where the presence of God is very heavy could every walk away without giving their lives to Christ. It wasn't until this morning that I started to put the pieces of the puzzle together.
What I read wasn't new to me, however, it stood out in a very profound way. Allow me to share with you Revelation 9:20-21: "But the people who did not die in these plagues still refused to turn from their evil deeds. They continued to worship demons and idols made of gold, silver, bronze, stone, and wood - idols that neither see nor hear nor walk! And they did not repent of their murders or their witchcraft or their immorality or their thefts." NLT. Did you catch that? I shall proceed.
According to Rev. 9:20-21 even after the sixth trumpet blows and all the plagues come upon some of the people on the earth man is still unrepentant. What I took from this is that some people are going to keep on living and doing as they please regardless of what they see or hear. Even with the best laid plans, clearest evangelistic methods, and witness of the Spirit of God - some people are not going to give their lives to Christ. Why? Because they have a choice.
I have heard people pray the following (I've been one of them), "Lord, please save ___________, work in their heart, put in them a willingness to repent, don't allow them to say no to You anymore..." However, the more I understand Scripture, God doesn't work quite that way. Sure, we should pray for the lost around us. I don't want any of you to think that someone in your life is unreachable. But the fact of the matter is they have a choice. God does not force Himself on anyone. We can pray and pray and pray for a father, mother, brother, sister or friend, but they have to choose to follow Christ.
Remember the story Jesus told of Lazarus and the rich man? Lazarus was in Abraham's bosom while the rich man lifted his eyes up from hell. The rich man asked Abraham to send Lazarus back from the dead to share with his family. Abraham responded by saying, "They have Moses and the prophets...if they won't listen to that then they won't listen even if someone comes back from the dead." How true! Jesus rose from the dead and yet people reject Him and His message even today.
When you and I are dealing with an unrepentant heart all we can do is ask for God to bless those people. That's right...I said bless. I'm not asking you to pray they lose a night's sleep, that their world falls in around them, or their shoes fit too tight. The Bible teaches us that it is the kindness of God that leads us to repentance. When the people we know and love come to understand the goodness of God they will be in a better position to accept Christ. Some of you may ask, "What about sharing the can I convey the goodness of God when I have to let them know that Hell awaits those who don't accept Christ?" It's simple: The goodness of God is seen through the cross! What does the Bible say? God has demonstrated His love for us by sending Christ to die for our sins while we were still sinners (Rom. 5:8).
You can share the goodness of God and the severity of God's judgment at the same time. All the while praying that God will soften hearts and speak to the sinners heart. Hopefully, in the end, they will get saved.
I don't want you to lose heart. There are no "lost causes" out there - only lost people. God is not willing that any of them should perish but all come to repentance. Keep sharing, keep praying, keep believing and let God do the rest.
What I read wasn't new to me, however, it stood out in a very profound way. Allow me to share with you Revelation 9:20-21: "But the people who did not die in these plagues still refused to turn from their evil deeds. They continued to worship demons and idols made of gold, silver, bronze, stone, and wood - idols that neither see nor hear nor walk! And they did not repent of their murders or their witchcraft or their immorality or their thefts." NLT. Did you catch that? I shall proceed.
According to Rev. 9:20-21 even after the sixth trumpet blows and all the plagues come upon some of the people on the earth man is still unrepentant. What I took from this is that some people are going to keep on living and doing as they please regardless of what they see or hear. Even with the best laid plans, clearest evangelistic methods, and witness of the Spirit of God - some people are not going to give their lives to Christ. Why? Because they have a choice.
I have heard people pray the following (I've been one of them), "Lord, please save ___________, work in their heart, put in them a willingness to repent, don't allow them to say no to You anymore..." However, the more I understand Scripture, God doesn't work quite that way. Sure, we should pray for the lost around us. I don't want any of you to think that someone in your life is unreachable. But the fact of the matter is they have a choice. God does not force Himself on anyone. We can pray and pray and pray for a father, mother, brother, sister or friend, but they have to choose to follow Christ.
Remember the story Jesus told of Lazarus and the rich man? Lazarus was in Abraham's bosom while the rich man lifted his eyes up from hell. The rich man asked Abraham to send Lazarus back from the dead to share with his family. Abraham responded by saying, "They have Moses and the prophets...if they won't listen to that then they won't listen even if someone comes back from the dead." How true! Jesus rose from the dead and yet people reject Him and His message even today.
When you and I are dealing with an unrepentant heart all we can do is ask for God to bless those people. That's right...I said bless. I'm not asking you to pray they lose a night's sleep, that their world falls in around them, or their shoes fit too tight. The Bible teaches us that it is the kindness of God that leads us to repentance. When the people we know and love come to understand the goodness of God they will be in a better position to accept Christ. Some of you may ask, "What about sharing the can I convey the goodness of God when I have to let them know that Hell awaits those who don't accept Christ?" It's simple: The goodness of God is seen through the cross! What does the Bible say? God has demonstrated His love for us by sending Christ to die for our sins while we were still sinners (Rom. 5:8).
You can share the goodness of God and the severity of God's judgment at the same time. All the while praying that God will soften hearts and speak to the sinners heart. Hopefully, in the end, they will get saved.
I don't want you to lose heart. There are no "lost causes" out there - only lost people. God is not willing that any of them should perish but all come to repentance. Keep sharing, keep praying, keep believing and let God do the rest.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Loosed or Bound?
This past Sunday I attempted to preach a message from Matthew 16:19 where Jesus told Peter after his confession of faith, "...I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." I don't want to make a habit out of recapping sermons from Sunday but I want to share some things with you.
To be quite honest with you - the verse above has always posed some difficulty with me. But the other day, as I was looking over these verses, I sensed the Lord share with me that the verse above is a FAITH statement. In other words: Whatever my faith loses on earth will be loosed in heaven but whatever I bind on earth (lack of faith) will be bound in heaven. And as I began to look at verse 19 in this light some things really started clicking for me. Allow me to explain.
When I praise God according to His Word - I loose His presence into my life.
When I share the Gospel with someone - I loose salvation to flow to someone else.
When I loose my faith in prayer - I loose the Spirit of God to work freely in my life.
The point is that God desires to work in specific ways in my life BUT He doesn't come in and force Himself in any area. He waits on us to act in faith allowing Him to move in. If we say "I don't want God to..." then He won't.
When I understood the importance of all of this I had to ask the question, "What do I want to see loosed in my life?" What is it that I am believing God for but maybe not taking the appropriate faith steps to accomplish? I'm praying for revival but am I doing what I need to do to see revival come? I want to go deeper with the Spirit of God but am I drawing closer to Him so that He may draw closer to me? I want to lead people to Christ but am I sharing the Gospel? The list can go on and on. What about someone who want to be blessed financially? They pray and ask God to move in their finances but they still spend money like crazy or they don't give according to God's Word. What we ask for in prayer must be followed up by how we live.
You see, the keys to unlocking the doors of heaven (loosening) are Faith and Obedience. When you pray for God to do something you must ask in faith. But don't stop there - act in faith. Allow God to loose that thing in your life. Verse 19 was an affirmation to Peter and a promise to us! Don't grieve the Spirit of God in your life, allow Him to have free reign.
You will be amazed at what God can accomplish!
P.S. For those of you praying for our Ukraine team: Everyone is doing well. The team has had some wonderful experiences. Please continue praying - there is much spiritual warfare.
To be quite honest with you - the verse above has always posed some difficulty with me. But the other day, as I was looking over these verses, I sensed the Lord share with me that the verse above is a FAITH statement. In other words: Whatever my faith loses on earth will be loosed in heaven but whatever I bind on earth (lack of faith) will be bound in heaven. And as I began to look at verse 19 in this light some things really started clicking for me. Allow me to explain.
When I praise God according to His Word - I loose His presence into my life.
When I share the Gospel with someone - I loose salvation to flow to someone else.
When I loose my faith in prayer - I loose the Spirit of God to work freely in my life.
The point is that God desires to work in specific ways in my life BUT He doesn't come in and force Himself in any area. He waits on us to act in faith allowing Him to move in. If we say "I don't want God to..." then He won't.
When I understood the importance of all of this I had to ask the question, "What do I want to see loosed in my life?" What is it that I am believing God for but maybe not taking the appropriate faith steps to accomplish? I'm praying for revival but am I doing what I need to do to see revival come? I want to go deeper with the Spirit of God but am I drawing closer to Him so that He may draw closer to me? I want to lead people to Christ but am I sharing the Gospel? The list can go on and on. What about someone who want to be blessed financially? They pray and ask God to move in their finances but they still spend money like crazy or they don't give according to God's Word. What we ask for in prayer must be followed up by how we live.
You see, the keys to unlocking the doors of heaven (loosening) are Faith and Obedience. When you pray for God to do something you must ask in faith. But don't stop there - act in faith. Allow God to loose that thing in your life. Verse 19 was an affirmation to Peter and a promise to us! Don't grieve the Spirit of God in your life, allow Him to have free reign.
You will be amazed at what God can accomplish!
P.S. For those of you praying for our Ukraine team: Everyone is doing well. The team has had some wonderful experiences. Please continue praying - there is much spiritual warfare.
Friday, July 11, 2008
No - This is not a Joke
Just read a recent news report about a Knoxville Tennessee man who is suing a church because he was "so consumed by the Spirit of God" that he fell to the floor and injured himself. No - this is not a joke!
According to the story (, Matt Lincoln - 57, decided to sue the church after their insurance company denied his claim. He's looking for the church to pay his medical bills and loss of wages. Oh, don't forget they also need to pay for the pain and suffering he has endured (anybody know how to calculate that?).
Anybody here think we need to change some of the laws on lawsuits? This story is absolutely ridiculous. It reminds me of one I heard a few years ago when a Florida couple sued a church because they did not get blessed appropriately after tithing to the church. What is wrong with people? Can you imagine what will happen to insurance premiums for churches should this man win his case? I can see it now: a pastor goes into a meeting with an insurance agent and one of the questions on the form is "Does your church allow falling out?" "What about laying on of hands?" "Does your church have enough 'drop cloths' to cover the men or women who should fall?" The list could be endless!
There was a time that we were unsure of the men who set up tents and people would fall out - now we have to be aware of who falls.
Needless to say, but stories like these will eventually spread like wildfire unless something happens. Churches cannot enter into the public arena when it comes to politics...we are hindered from being involved in public education...there are reports about churches trying to protect themselves from discrimination suits should they not hire homosexuals...and it will probably only get worse. This is nothing more than an issue that will try to grab the attention of pastors and church leaders. Rather than focus on the lost within their communities they will be looking to make sure that every loophole is covered and out of reach of children.
I'm sure that some people out there will use this little incident to point fingers at "Charismatic" churches. They will say negative things about those who "fall out" and the churches that promote it. As far as I'm concerned this is a personal conviction. I don't need every one's opinions - I've got my own. Have you ever prayed and felt compelled to get on your knees? Not just that little tug in your heart but almost like two hands on your shoulders pushing you down into a position of reverence? John fell into a trance on the Lord's day and then penned the Revelation. In today's culture if that happened he could sue because of the migraine. Paul was stoned after preaching the today's world he could sue the church for lack of security!
John said of some people who went out from the Apostles that they "were not of us". He goes on to say that if they had been of them then they would have stayed. Point is - regardless of Mr. Lincoln's testimony - he's not one of them. Scripture commands believers not to go to court with one another. Not only that, but he is not innocent in all of this. No one forced him to the ground and according to eye-witness accounts he was laying in the floor laughing.
Jeremiah 6:15, God says that his people have "forgotten how to blush". I hope that you haven't grown cold to stories like these. Pray for this church in Knoxville and remember that God says, "Vengeance is mine...I will repay." It's God's fight!
According to the story (, Matt Lincoln - 57, decided to sue the church after their insurance company denied his claim. He's looking for the church to pay his medical bills and loss of wages. Oh, don't forget they also need to pay for the pain and suffering he has endured (anybody know how to calculate that?).
Anybody here think we need to change some of the laws on lawsuits? This story is absolutely ridiculous. It reminds me of one I heard a few years ago when a Florida couple sued a church because they did not get blessed appropriately after tithing to the church. What is wrong with people? Can you imagine what will happen to insurance premiums for churches should this man win his case? I can see it now: a pastor goes into a meeting with an insurance agent and one of the questions on the form is "Does your church allow falling out?" "What about laying on of hands?" "Does your church have enough 'drop cloths' to cover the men or women who should fall?" The list could be endless!
There was a time that we were unsure of the men who set up tents and people would fall out - now we have to be aware of who falls.
Needless to say, but stories like these will eventually spread like wildfire unless something happens. Churches cannot enter into the public arena when it comes to politics...we are hindered from being involved in public education...there are reports about churches trying to protect themselves from discrimination suits should they not hire homosexuals...and it will probably only get worse. This is nothing more than an issue that will try to grab the attention of pastors and church leaders. Rather than focus on the lost within their communities they will be looking to make sure that every loophole is covered and out of reach of children.
I'm sure that some people out there will use this little incident to point fingers at "Charismatic" churches. They will say negative things about those who "fall out" and the churches that promote it. As far as I'm concerned this is a personal conviction. I don't need every one's opinions - I've got my own. Have you ever prayed and felt compelled to get on your knees? Not just that little tug in your heart but almost like two hands on your shoulders pushing you down into a position of reverence? John fell into a trance on the Lord's day and then penned the Revelation. In today's culture if that happened he could sue because of the migraine. Paul was stoned after preaching the today's world he could sue the church for lack of security!
John said of some people who went out from the Apostles that they "were not of us". He goes on to say that if they had been of them then they would have stayed. Point is - regardless of Mr. Lincoln's testimony - he's not one of them. Scripture commands believers not to go to court with one another. Not only that, but he is not innocent in all of this. No one forced him to the ground and according to eye-witness accounts he was laying in the floor laughing.
Jeremiah 6:15, God says that his people have "forgotten how to blush". I hope that you haven't grown cold to stories like these. Pray for this church in Knoxville and remember that God says, "Vengeance is mine...I will repay." It's God's fight!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Is Anyone Paying Attention?
Bill Clinton tries to make John McCain into the Manchurian Candidate! According to a report on Fox News the former president said that POW's come back and are O.K. for a while and then they snap. This comes after Wesley Clark basically said that John McCain didn't really accomplish anything as a soldier since he was shot down. WOW! It's going to be interesting to see all of this stuff play out over the next few months. I would have never thought that a former POW running for office would be ridiculed for being shot down in a war. I guess surviving his imprisonment wasn't much of an accomplishment either. Bill Clinton of all people knows what it means to snap - did anyone hear some of the comments he made while stumping for his wife?
In other new Obama thinks that it's necessary for each of us to learn a foreign language (and embarrasing that not more Americans can speak French). I know our world is changing and the need to learn another language is becoming more and more important especially in the business world. But does he know that a majority of the people supporting him barely speak English well much less another language?
And what about Jesse Jackson? Does anyone think he's jealous of Obama? His recent comments caught on an open mic (which I will not repeat) has him running around apologizing now. Maybe he's hoping for a cabinet level position should Obama win the presidency.
While all of this is going on Iran decided to test a few missles capable of reaching Israel. I guess they felt like people weren't paying attention! And yet more and more people in Congress and abroad think we should simply leave them alone or just talk to them. You can't reason with crazy people!
Why am I sharing all of this? Because we need to take notice of everything going on around us. The election this year is critical - the things people say and do are important - and we still have threats against our nation and our allies. I hope you are paying attention.
P.S. For those of you praying for our Ukranian Team: they are on the ground (or should I say train) in country heading toward their destination. It's good to hear they are no longer in the air. Please pray for their continued safety and that God will use them in great ways for His Kingdom.
In other new Obama thinks that it's necessary for each of us to learn a foreign language (and embarrasing that not more Americans can speak French). I know our world is changing and the need to learn another language is becoming more and more important especially in the business world. But does he know that a majority of the people supporting him barely speak English well much less another language?
And what about Jesse Jackson? Does anyone think he's jealous of Obama? His recent comments caught on an open mic (which I will not repeat) has him running around apologizing now. Maybe he's hoping for a cabinet level position should Obama win the presidency.
While all of this is going on Iran decided to test a few missles capable of reaching Israel. I guess they felt like people weren't paying attention! And yet more and more people in Congress and abroad think we should simply leave them alone or just talk to them. You can't reason with crazy people!
Why am I sharing all of this? Because we need to take notice of everything going on around us. The election this year is critical - the things people say and do are important - and we still have threats against our nation and our allies. I hope you are paying attention.
P.S. For those of you praying for our Ukranian Team: they are on the ground (or should I say train) in country heading toward their destination. It's good to hear they are no longer in the air. Please pray for their continued safety and that God will use them in great ways for His Kingdom.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
In the News Again

On April 18 I told you about a Mt. Vernon, Ohio teacher who refused to remove his Bible from view of students. Well, John Freshwater is back in the news again! This time he's fighting his recent firing from the school.
According to a news story Mr. Freshwater had been under severe scrutiny for focusing on creationism & intelligent design in his science classes. An investigator for the district "found" that his teachings undermined science eductation and that the students will have to be re-taught when they get to a higher grade level. The hearing to protest his firing will be on August 26th (he's currently still on payroll).
I'm sorry - but what in the world are you teaching in science classes that could be undermined by creationism or intelligent design? Could it be that this Ohio school district has completely put all of their teaching efforts into the Theory of Evolution? I have said it before and I will say it again, "If you teach theory as fact when it comes to creation then you are teaching theology." In other words: the Mt. Vernon School Board is "o.k." with teachers teaching a theology that says creation was an accident rather than by God.
You want to know why it seems as though our kids grow up in a God-less society? It's because they are being taught that there is no God involved in creation. I find it interesting that teachers can give opinions on all other subjects (politics in government, personal views in world history or sex eductation) but a teacher is strung up if he dares to bring God back into the equation when it comes to the topic of life on this planet.
I don't expect our schools to be the pillar for religious education (that's reserved for the home & the church), however, I'm bothered by this current issue of evolution being the only theory accepted when it comes to creation. Just the simple fact that we talk about the creation points us to a Creator. You cannot have it any other way just like you cannot have a building without a Builder nor a painting without a Painter.
In a recent documentary, "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed", Ben Stein pushes the envelope by asking the hard questions associated with intelligent design being ignored by the scientific community and teachers. Truth is that by ignoring creationism and a logical fact the scientists and teachers of the world have taken intelligence off the map when it comes to life.
If you can rule God out of the equation for life then you can rule Him out of all other equations. Your salvation doesn't rest in God if He did not create you. Part of His redemption plan was to buy back what He had already created. In the book of Revelation praise and honor is given to God for His work of creating us and saving us by the sending of Jesus Christ into the world. There's no question about creation in heaven!
Pray for Mr. Freshwater. Pray that he be reinstated as a teacher and pray that this whole process will bring to light the ignorance of evolution while at the same time bring glory and honor to God. Who's on trial: God or Mr. Freshwater? You decide.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
In the Mix
Hello to all the PBC Voice faithful. WOW - I cannot believe how difficult it's been to back into the mix since my trip. As many of you know we recently moved our family. The move has hindered me in taking care of the blog the way I was used to doing it because I don't have DSL at home right now. But rest assured that next week I hope to get back to some normalcy (at least posting something Tues. - Fri.).
I am still in awe over the Alaska trip and it has nothing to do with the beauty of the state. No, I'm in awe over how we witnessed God at work in and through our team. With a team of 9 I was the only "mission trip veteran", so I wasn't sure what to expect from the "rookies". Needless to say - I was impressed by their ability to be flexible and usable. Not only that, but the ability of our group to form relationships with the young people in Kotzebue was amazing. The pastor was amazed at how well the group of kids at VBS were willing to get close to us. It was God!
By the end of the week we saw 8 saved in VBS, 3 saved through basketball clinic, 1 saved on the airplane ride back to Anchorage, and 1 saved in the airport terminal in Anchorage. That's right - 13 people accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior!
I thank God that He gave me the opportunity to fulfill a dream. Praying about this trip for 2 years waiting on God to show me where and how gave me a heart to go. Being there gave me a heart to go back.
I'm grateful to be the pastor of a church that recognizes the importance of going on missions and not just giving to missions. This next week there will be a team leaving for Ukraine (already our 3rd mission trip of the year) and our church only has about 130 members. In all we will see 20 new faces going on missions.
If you could go, where would you go? God has blessed us in this country to have the opportunity to board a plane, bus, train, or church van and go anywhere we wish to impact His kingdom. Don't be one of those who sits on the sidelines saying, "If I only had..." Friends it's not a matter of's a matter of when.
Have a blessed day!
I am still in awe over the Alaska trip and it has nothing to do with the beauty of the state. No, I'm in awe over how we witnessed God at work in and through our team. With a team of 9 I was the only "mission trip veteran", so I wasn't sure what to expect from the "rookies". Needless to say - I was impressed by their ability to be flexible and usable. Not only that, but the ability of our group to form relationships with the young people in Kotzebue was amazing. The pastor was amazed at how well the group of kids at VBS were willing to get close to us. It was God!
By the end of the week we saw 8 saved in VBS, 3 saved through basketball clinic, 1 saved on the airplane ride back to Anchorage, and 1 saved in the airport terminal in Anchorage. That's right - 13 people accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior!
I thank God that He gave me the opportunity to fulfill a dream. Praying about this trip for 2 years waiting on God to show me where and how gave me a heart to go. Being there gave me a heart to go back.
I'm grateful to be the pastor of a church that recognizes the importance of going on missions and not just giving to missions. This next week there will be a team leaving for Ukraine (already our 3rd mission trip of the year) and our church only has about 130 members. In all we will see 20 new faces going on missions.
If you could go, where would you go? God has blessed us in this country to have the opportunity to board a plane, bus, train, or church van and go anywhere we wish to impact His kingdom. Don't be one of those who sits on the sidelines saying, "If I only had..." Friends it's not a matter of's a matter of when.
Have a blessed day!
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