O.K...so this may not be the most edifying topic I will ever share, but sometimes I just need to rant. It's April 16 - the day after - and I'm just not in the mood for any more government ignorance. It's my fault. I turned on the T.V. and I went on the internet to read some news.
The above link is going to take you to a news story about a man in Fayetville, NC. Henry Carroll has a son who is serving in Iraq. Henry's son owns 2 dogs and he asked his father if he would watch them while he was gone. Henry already owns 3 dogs, and as we all know 2 + 3 = 5. The local county officials come to Henry and inform him that he cannot have that many dogs in his house because he's not a licensed kennel operator. I'm not going any further - you can read the account by going to the link.
You might be wondering why I would talk about such a thing. Well I guess it's because I'm bitter - so rather than grab my guns and Bible I decided to write about it. I'm just more than a little upset about how our political leaders handle things. They mishandle government funds, they don't look after the rights of individuals anymore, and they make stupid choices like the one I shared with you above. Common Sense is no longer a sought after quality in American politics.
I really don't want to become a political activist - I'm a preacher. However, I cannot stand by and listen to this nonsense without saying something. If you have participated in the poll question you will notice that it's about the current "gas crisis". I posted it because I wanted to see the responses of those who read this blog. I wanted to view your mindset about the proper way to handle some of the problems of our society. Maybe next time I will ask what you think is the greatest threat to our country. That would be insightful wouldn't it?
Our government does not take care of these things the way they should. Gas crisis - they want to take away the profits of oil companies. Economic crisis - they want to raise taxes. Health care crisis - they want the government to control healthcare. Whether you realize it or not all of the problems we face are due to government. When you involve government there are more restrictions, guidelines, and hoops to jump through. We are in a food crisis and they still want to create a fuel source with corn. Think about it people: is it better to run out of gas or food? Ronald Reagan said it best when he said "More government is never the answer..."
And the outrage continues...Let's talk about our current tax system. Everywhere I turn I have to hear class warfare debates. Those people who make more money should pay more into taxes, healthcare, etc. Folks, they already do. The top income earners in this country pay a greater percentage than those of us in the middle class. It may not "feel" like that but it's the way our system works. Then, of course, you have some people who pay absolutely no taxes and yet every year after April 15th they will find a check in the mail. All of this goes on while we have a plan for a fair tax system. A national sales tax that would more than handle the revenue needed to fund governement spending and allow us to keep all of our income. Think about it: Every time you get paid you can keep your money. No more federal taxes, state taxes, social security witholding, etc. Instead, you would pay taxes when you buy things. And if you take away the current tax system - prices in the store come down because companies will no longer have to include it in their profit margins. Don't take my word for it - read it for yourself: http://www.fairtax.org/site/PageServer
I know that I wasn't created for this world. As a believer in Jesus Christ I look forward to an eternity in heaven. But while I'm here I shouldn't have to put up with the ignorance that I see (and hear) everyday. We need to see limited government. We need our government to cut spending. The only thing our government should be concerned about is protecting our nation from those who would love to destroy us and our individual rights. You need to understand that raising taxes does not help our economy...it only helps our government fund programs. When you allow people to keep more of their income then that income is used to fuel the economy. It's time for the voters of this country to wake up and understand that our current system is broke and it needs to be fixed.
I could go on but I'm going to stop. For those of you who come to get a devotional thought I'm sorry it had to be this way. I had this thing churning inside of me and it had to come out. I'm not running for political office of any kind. I'm just tired of having to deal with the nonsense. This country is the greatest country on the face of the earth. We are by far the most free nation in the world. I love being an American, but if we don't start becoming vocal and active about these things we will watch this nation crumble.
And remember this truth: "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people whom He has chosen as His heritage!" - Psalm 33:12
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