Time flies doesn't it? On Monday I said that we would be looking at the last week of Jesus' earthly life before the crucifixion - and here we are - on "Good Friday".
I don't know about you but just saying the words "Good Friday" doesn't sound right to me? Is what happened on Friday "good". And not only that, but did the "good" that happened really happen on Firday? The end result of the crucifixion is good. What the crucifixion accomplished is good. There's no argument there. But Friday, well, that's another subject.
Now there is one thing that you can learn to count in the church: we are going to have something to argue about! And everyone of us is right, while the rest just need to repent. Seriously, there are arguments over whether or not Jesus was crucified on Friday. I know that you are surprised when I tell you these things. But look at it this way - at least the "Easter Bunny" isn't called a saint and you aren't trying to figure out how to make him fit into your Christian worldview. {How did I get here?}
The differing viewpoints of the crucifixion really comes down to literal interpretation and traditional interpretation. Before I go any further, let me share some advice against strict literal interpretation because God's Word is filled with figurative language, symbolism, and stories. Now some of you strict literal people may have a hard time following because you have literally "plucked an eye out" or you want to beat me up for even thinking such things but you have already "cut a hand off". Then there are those who never take the Word literally and live a life of great confusion. Every verse of the Bible comes into question. Liberal thinkers will question the virgin birth, the Lordship of Christ, etc. And the traditionalists; well, lets just say that "we ain't never looked at it any other way." Just allow me to say that the Bible is literally the "Word of God" written down. So, with that understanding let's move on shall we?
Literal View: Jesus said that he would be in the belly of the earth (just like Jonah was in the belly of the whale) for 3 days and 3 nights. Literally - 3 days and 3 nights. From the literal viewpoint Jesus could not have been crucified on Friday because it only puts Him in the tomb for 3 days & 2 nights. Not only that, but you have to figure the Passover into all of this and whether the Sabbath mentioned is a regular Sabbath or a special Sabbath (day of rest). This is where you need a good Jewish calendar. Basically: Thursday, Friday, Saturday - nights / Friday, Saturday, Sunday - days. Got it? Good.
Traditional View: Supposes a normal Jewish time frame and calendar. The Jewish day goes from sunrise to sundown. Therefore, you have to count a portion of the "day" on Friday as one day - Saturday is day 2 - and Sunday is day 3. This focus is driven more by tradition and only takes into account "on the third day I will rise again." Basically: Friday, Saturday, Sunday - on the 3rd day He arose.
What's the point in all of this? Am I just trying to cause problems? No, I'm trying to help solve some problems. The point is regardless of whether we view the death, burial and resurrection of Christ literally or traditionally - the Good News is that on the 3rd day in either interpretation He arose just as He said He would! What did I say earlier in the week? We can get so caught up on our arguments/disagreements that we miss God. Don't miss God in this one. Understand that Jesus died on the cross, was buried, and on the 3rd day He arose from the dead. Hallelujah!
I love the words of the old hymnal: "Up from the grave He arose, with a mighty triumph over His foes. He arose a victor from the dark domains and He lives forever with His saints to reign. He arose! He arose! Hallelujah, Christ arose!"
For those with no view - listen to the Word of God:
"For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received; that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures..." 1 Corinthians 15:3-4.
That is the all important truth that we need to believe today. Nothing else matters. Jesus died for our sins - was buried - and on the 3rd day rose again.
Take this "Good Friday" and make it good for someone else. Share with somebody the good news of Jesus death for their sins, His burial, and His resurrection so that they can accept His forgiveness and begin experiencing new life in Christ.
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