Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Our Excessive God

In Ephesians 3:20 the Bible says that we serve a God "who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all the we ask or think, according to the power at work in us."

I absolutely love teaching on this verse of scripture. It's one of those verses that you cannot exhaust because it's packed full of remarkable promises regarding the nature, character, and ability of God.
I. God Exceeds Our Situations (20a)

Able to do
Able to do what we ask
Able to do what we ask or think
Able to do all that we ask or think
Able to do above all that we ask or think
Able to do abundantly above all that we ask or think
Able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think
Notice that there are no negatives in this verse. Why? Because when we talk about the power and ability of God we cannot be anything but positive. The God of Scripture has shown Himself able.
II. He Exceeds Our Expectations (20b)
- I don't know about you but I can ask and think about a lot of things. This verse teaches us that God can exceed what I think He can do and what I could ever ask of Him.
I can tell you that I have seen God give children to people who were not able to conceive simply because we asked. I have watched God make the impossible possible. He heals, saves, delivers, provides, etc. What do you need that your Heavenly Father cannot supply?
III. He Exceeds Our Limitations (20c)
- Last of all I want to point out that God is able to do all of this for,in, and through us.
Notice that none of these attributes are according to us. It's all according to the power at work in us. It's His power. It's His Spirit at work. God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all according to His power at work in us.
Jesus said, "With men it's impossible, but with God all things are possible." Luke 18:27. Let me ask you, What are you asking God to do? What are you believing God to accomplish? He is able. He is able to do all that you ask or think. In fact, He is able to exceed what you could ask or all that you could think. And when He does it - it will be according to His power at work in you.
Take some time today to thank God for His indescribable power at work within you. Thank Him for the presence of His Holy Spirit in your life. What would we do without Him?

1 comment:

Paige said...

Neal, thanks for the reminder! Keep up the good work.