1 Peter 3:15, "...in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense (give an answer) to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect". As you set the Lord apart in your heart and begin to live in the hope that He gives, you'll have to be ready to give answers. Are you ready?
Let me start by saying that this will be my last blog entry until September. I'm taking the remainder of the summer off and looking forward to how the Lord will speak to me personally during this time. July is full of events and a vacation. In August I'm actually taking a month off from preaching at PBC. While I will be in attendance for the majority of those Sunday services, the sabbatical provides an opportunity to enjoy the Lord for my own personal growth. I'm finally going to take those 40 days that I shared about a couple of months ago.
Since this is my last blog entry for a while, I thought hard about what I could share with you. I wanted to ensure that I could give you something that would bring encouragement and possibly challenge you to go deeper with the Lord. The verse above provides just that.
Other translations of 1 Peter 3:15 tell us to "sanctify" the Lord in your heart. In other words, set Him apart. It's an encouragement to always keep Jesus as Lord of your heart. There are so many things that would pull our heart in different directions. However, as we establish His Lordship in our lives we are able to live according to His definition of us, follow His leadership in every area, and keep Him the "main thing" in all that we do. Jesus doesn't seek to be 1 of many priorities. He longs to be the #1 priority in your life. In this way we are able to walk in the abundant life that He provides. We are also able to display to the world what devotion to Him looks like, acts like, and feels like.
The second admonition of this verse is to "always be prepared to give an answer (or make a defense). Living with a heart that is purely devoted to the Lordship of Christ will always provide opportunities to give an answer. You life will look much different than the rest of the world (and even some in the church). People will want to know what the secret is to the hope that you carry. How is it that you are able to have peace in the midst of difficulty, joy in the midst of sorrow, and love in the midst of tribulations. When Jesus is Lord of your life then you will be walking in the love, joy, and peace that is found in the Kingdom of God. So be ready to answer those people with "gentleness" and "respect." They don't need you to preach to them. They simply want an answer.
Think about it:
Your children will have questions about the change in your nature.
Your spouse will long to know more about the "presence" you carry.
Your co-workers will want to experience what is going on in your life.
This was true in the life of Jesus and it will be true in your life as well. Have you ever noticed how comfortable the common people were with Jesus. They didn't have any problems approaching Him or being in His presence. Why? The didn't have any issues because Jesus lived within the peace and joy of the Kingdom. He was always aware of who He was and Whose He was. This type of life keeps us from living in judgement and condemnation. And the world is always amazed when the followers of Christ don't seem "religious." I don't blame them.
Not only do you need to think about where the questions will come from, you need to think about how you are going to answer them. This is where you will need to move from knowledge to experience. Don't get me wrong. You will need to know what you believe and why you believe it. However, too many people have taking this verse and increased in apologetics rather than application. In other words, they like to give a good argument but they don't have an experience to back it up. As you set the Lord apart in your heart then you will move into a realm of experience like never before. The sabbatical that I'm going into isn't about increasing in knowledge. It's about increasing in an experiential relationship. I'm looking to experiencing the Lord. The people that come to you are not looking for knowledge alone. They will want to know how to move into the lifestyle that you have put on display. They will want to know what makes your relationship with your family work. They will want to know how to walk in joy. They will want to know the hope that is in you.
I pray that over these next few weeks that you will experience that hope. I trust that the Holy Spirit in you will spring up like a fountain that not only brings refreshment to your soul but also flows out like rivers of living water. You have the opportunity to bring peace and healing to every person you come in contact with. So don't wait - go ahead and set the Lord apart in your heart, begin to experience Him daily, and release what He gives to you to others.
I hope your summer is filled with wonderful experiences in Him. I also look forward to sharing with you the incredible bounty the Lord shares with me during my time away. These are exciting days. Don't miss out on this leg of the journey. It promises to be amazing!
Friday, June 29, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
The God of Hope
God is committed to helping you live in hope. Hope in the Bible is more than a fantasy. It is a concrete expectation or confidence. It is filled with a pleasurable anticipation. Allow the God of all hope to fill you with joy and peace in believing.
I have often used Romans 15:13 to bring encouragement to other believers. "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." Unfortunately, for many believers, waiting in faith is considered stressful. Believing God for something seems to bring a greater anxiety to their lives than if they had to do it on their own. However, it is God's intention to fill you with joy and peace in believing. Why not let Him?
You can be filled with JOY in believing:
- Joy is a grace of God that is freely given to those who are in relationship with Him. This is the "calm delight" of God that was present in the life of Jesus. This joy allows us to be cheerful rather than concerned. We get to be happy rather than anxious. The fruit of the Spirit is joy. Let Him encourage you as you trust in God.
You can be filled with PEACE in believing:
- This is another wonderful attribute of God that we get to experience. The peace of God brings a quietness to our spirit, a stillness to our soul, and allows us to function out of rest. The peace of God keeps us out of a place of striving. We become totally secure in the heart of God for us. Regardless of the situation or circumstance, we can enjoy the peace of God.
In this way you are able to abound in HOPE:
- The Holy Spirit providing peace and joy to your life allows the hope that is in you (which is Christ in you the hope of glory) to increase. You can become the most hopeful individual in the world. Living with a sense of hopefulness keeps you from operating out of helplessness. Allow the Lord to be your all in all. He is the God of all hope. You are actually able to partake of His nature when you live in faith.
Today is a perfect day to be reminded of the hope that we have in our Heavenly Father. I thought about blogging about the recent Supreme Court ruling on "Obamacare" but didn't want to depress you. I wanted to turn your attention away from every earthly model of government and place your attention upon God's government of goodness and love. He is the one who will sustain you. He is the one who is able to fill you with joy and peace in believing. He is committed to enabling you to walk in the same faith that His Son enjoyed while on this earth. That's right...you get the same ABUNDANT LIFE, the same JOY, and the same PEACE.
Draw from Him today and every day. Never allow your circumstances to dictate how you feel. Allow your faith in God to rule and reign in your heart. You will be glad you did.
I have often used Romans 15:13 to bring encouragement to other believers. "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." Unfortunately, for many believers, waiting in faith is considered stressful. Believing God for something seems to bring a greater anxiety to their lives than if they had to do it on their own. However, it is God's intention to fill you with joy and peace in believing. Why not let Him?
You can be filled with JOY in believing:
- Joy is a grace of God that is freely given to those who are in relationship with Him. This is the "calm delight" of God that was present in the life of Jesus. This joy allows us to be cheerful rather than concerned. We get to be happy rather than anxious. The fruit of the Spirit is joy. Let Him encourage you as you trust in God.
You can be filled with PEACE in believing:
- This is another wonderful attribute of God that we get to experience. The peace of God brings a quietness to our spirit, a stillness to our soul, and allows us to function out of rest. The peace of God keeps us out of a place of striving. We become totally secure in the heart of God for us. Regardless of the situation or circumstance, we can enjoy the peace of God.
In this way you are able to abound in HOPE:
- The Holy Spirit providing peace and joy to your life allows the hope that is in you (which is Christ in you the hope of glory) to increase. You can become the most hopeful individual in the world. Living with a sense of hopefulness keeps you from operating out of helplessness. Allow the Lord to be your all in all. He is the God of all hope. You are actually able to partake of His nature when you live in faith.
Today is a perfect day to be reminded of the hope that we have in our Heavenly Father. I thought about blogging about the recent Supreme Court ruling on "Obamacare" but didn't want to depress you. I wanted to turn your attention away from every earthly model of government and place your attention upon God's government of goodness and love. He is the one who will sustain you. He is the one who is able to fill you with joy and peace in believing. He is committed to enabling you to walk in the same faith that His Son enjoyed while on this earth. That's right...you get the same ABUNDANT LIFE, the same JOY, and the same PEACE.
Draw from Him today and every day. Never allow your circumstances to dictate how you feel. Allow your faith in God to rule and reign in your heart. You will be glad you did.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Created in Christ...
Ephesians 2:10 declares that "We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." Have you ever wondered if you are walking in all that God has prepared for you to walk in? Have you ever took the time to understand how God created you in Christ? Today is your opportunity to step into the reality of who you are and to know that you have been created for more than you are currently experiencing.
Isn't just like our Creator to take the opportunity of the Cross and Resurrection to make something new? What was originally created in the Garden was "GOOD" according to our Creator. However, when Adam fell, all of humanity fell under a curse. In Jesus we have the Last Adam that restored humanity. It is through His sacrifice that the curse of sin was broken, and in His resurrection that all of humanity is free to live the life that God had created them for. We have become the sons and daughters of God and it is time for us to realize who we are and what we were designed to become.
Is it any wonder that Paul declared to the Church at Corinth that "if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation..." The difficulty for many of us is seeing people as being new. The challenge is even more difficult because unlike other metamorphosis' in the world - we change from the inside out. The change that God brings about in our life is only seen as we walk in the good works He has prepared. Then...and only then...do we finally reveal to a waiting creation that we are the sons and daughters of God.
The change that is brought about into our lives through salvation is a remarkable change. While we trust in the finished work of Christ, we realize that we go through continual change. One of the sad tragedies of modern Christianity is that we seem to stop with salvation and fail to recognize that their is more of God to encounter, more of His goodness to experience, and more of His purposes to fulfill. The prayer of faith that brought about this wholeness in Christ needs to be followed up with a life that is devoted to encountering Him more and more. Don't stop short. Continually step into all that God has for you.
While you are pressing in I want to encourage you to never discount what God is doing in you now. Don't get so focused on who you are becoming to where you neglect who you are in Him now. God is working all around you, in your family, through your church, and in your community. He is constantly opening up greater opportunities for you to shine with Him. Just like a work of art has different facets, different brush strokes, and different colors; God is working in multiple ways to put you on display for His glory. You are a living, breathing, work of art that has been created in Jesus Christ. You are continually being conformed into the image of His son. And God is dedicated to seeing this purpose fulfilled in your life.
Live every day with the understanding of who you are in Christ.
Take every moment to be in the presence of God because in those moments He continues to transform your life.
Soak in God's Word, be sensitive to His Spirit, and enjoy the journey.
Learn what it means to draw from the wells of salvation.
Rejoice over the creative work of God in your life. He is doing a good thing and you get to walk in it.
Isn't just like our Creator to take the opportunity of the Cross and Resurrection to make something new? What was originally created in the Garden was "GOOD" according to our Creator. However, when Adam fell, all of humanity fell under a curse. In Jesus we have the Last Adam that restored humanity. It is through His sacrifice that the curse of sin was broken, and in His resurrection that all of humanity is free to live the life that God had created them for. We have become the sons and daughters of God and it is time for us to realize who we are and what we were designed to become.
Is it any wonder that Paul declared to the Church at Corinth that "if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation..." The difficulty for many of us is seeing people as being new. The challenge is even more difficult because unlike other metamorphosis' in the world - we change from the inside out. The change that God brings about in our life is only seen as we walk in the good works He has prepared. Then...and only then...do we finally reveal to a waiting creation that we are the sons and daughters of God.
The change that is brought about into our lives through salvation is a remarkable change. While we trust in the finished work of Christ, we realize that we go through continual change. One of the sad tragedies of modern Christianity is that we seem to stop with salvation and fail to recognize that their is more of God to encounter, more of His goodness to experience, and more of His purposes to fulfill. The prayer of faith that brought about this wholeness in Christ needs to be followed up with a life that is devoted to encountering Him more and more. Don't stop short. Continually step into all that God has for you.
While you are pressing in I want to encourage you to never discount what God is doing in you now. Don't get so focused on who you are becoming to where you neglect who you are in Him now. God is working all around you, in your family, through your church, and in your community. He is constantly opening up greater opportunities for you to shine with Him. Just like a work of art has different facets, different brush strokes, and different colors; God is working in multiple ways to put you on display for His glory. You are a living, breathing, work of art that has been created in Jesus Christ. You are continually being conformed into the image of His son. And God is dedicated to seeing this purpose fulfilled in your life.
Live every day with the understanding of who you are in Christ.
Take every moment to be in the presence of God because in those moments He continues to transform your life.
Soak in God's Word, be sensitive to His Spirit, and enjoy the journey.
Learn what it means to draw from the wells of salvation.
Rejoice over the creative work of God in your life. He is doing a good thing and you get to walk in it.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Rejoicing in the "Small Things"

In Zechariah 4:10 the Lord encourages us to not despise the day of small things (or small beginnings). What often looks like something small or insignificant to us can actually bring great delight to the heart of God. Remember...He sees things from beginning to end. And we need to know that every destiny has a starting point.
I have seen people walk away from their dreams because when things got started they couldn't get past the feelings of insignificance. Ministries that have been laid aside, business ventures that never got off the ground, plans for the family that were never finished, and dreams that were never realized are often grounded in our unwillingness to see them through. If we cannot develop an attitude that keeps us from despising those beginning stages then we will rarely step into all that God has for us.
What I love about this verse from Zechariah is that it states that the Lord rejoiced to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel's hand. Why is that significant? It's significant because the work was beginning and our Lord will not relent in bringing His work to completion. Laying the foundation often seems like tedious work but if we can rejoice over it (as the Lord does) then we can see the end in sight.
The work of laying a foundation isn't easy, it isn't glorious, but it is necessary. Most people who endeavor to build a house rarely rejoice when the footers are poured or the foundation is completed. They seem to get really happy once the walls start going up or the house begins to take shape. What we often fail to realize is that without the proper foundation that house will fall to ruin. Please hear what I'm saying: If you are in the day of small beginnings know that you are laying the foundation for a great work. Whether you are starting a new ministry, going out in a new business adventure, or stepping into your dreams for your family, the Lord rejoices with you in these days.
Learn to find joy and contentment in the now. Recognize the fact that God is with you even in the foundation work. Commit yourself to seeing His hand in every facet of the work. The joy of the Lord will then become your strength to carry out every dream. This is especially true when you know that the calling or dream comes from the Lord. He will partner with you to see the completion. Rejoice over Paul's admonition to the Philippians, "And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns."
Every fulfilled dream has a humble beginning.
Every fulfilled destiny has a starting point.
Every fulfilled calling has a moment of inspiration.
The day of "small things" has the potential to become the days of greatness. Keep pressing toward the mark and (as I like to say) enjoy the journey!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Think With Me...

My mind is filled with questions. It's not always the best time to start blogging, but I'm going to try. I told you the other day that I was reading "Pagan Christianity." Well...it's not helping matters. The questions keep coming. I'm not questioning the book, or the research. I'm questioning what would have happened if...
What if the church would have continued meeting together as they did in the book of Acts?
- Can you imagine the change? The whole scope of our landscape would look different. You wouldn't see all those beautiful images of building that were constructed to become houses of worship. No tax-exempt status for the church, no building programs, and no maintenance costs. You would simply have believers that were meeting in homes, sharing their lives together, and still impacting the world.
What if we didn't have an order of worship for church services?
- I've been in some churches where the order of worship was just as important as the Bible. It's amazing that we have taken a man made tradition (and that is exactly what it is) and turned it into something holy. Regardless of what sermons you may have heard that tell you different, there is no such thing as an "order of worship" for the church. All Paul was doing in the letter the the church at Corinth was helping them to have order in their fellowship. Oh...and by the way...the early church fellowships were open participation by every member of the body rather than everyone coming together to hear a preacher.
What if the church was organic rather than structured?
- Due to our lack of understanding of the "church", we have come to recognize it as a building rather than a people. The church was always meant to come up out of the community rather than be planted in one. I have set in meetings where people have discussed the necessity of church planting and NONE of those meetings were concerned with connecting with the Body of Christ in that community. They were all organized around the idea of planting something there.
What if every member of the church stopped referring to the building as the church?
- This is a question that Viola raises in his book. If one generation of believers would stop referring to a building as the church then we would see a radical change in our belief system. I say the time has come!!!
I realize that is a lot of "WHAT IF's" but I could go on. There are so many questions that need to be answered and many more that need to be asked. The fact remains that we have lost a lot over the centuries because Christianity became recognized, state sponsored, and formal. But the main thing that was lost was the understanding that the followers of Jesus Christ make up His visible body in the earth today. It's up to the church (people - not building) today to recapture this image. It's time for us to embody Him to the world.
Let the journey begin...again.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Honoring the Power of Grace

If you have been a reader of this blog for any length of time, you understand my beliefs about the grace of God. While many people still look at the grace of God as it relates to the forgiveness of sin, we choose to see the power that is available to our lives. The grace of God is rooted in the love of God. Therefore, we can tap into His unrelenting, unconditional, and ever-increasing ability to live the abundant life of Christ.
Some preachers of the Word are timid in their approach to the grace of God. They live with a fear that if they preach grace in its fullness then people will move into a lifestyle of sin. The problem with this type of thinking is that we fail to recognize that grace gives us the freedom to show who we really are. If someone hears a message of grace and decide to move into adultery, they are only demonstrating what was already in their hearts. They mistakenly believe that because God accepts them that He also approves of their actions. There is absolutely no biblical support for this type of thinking. Therefore, we must REPENT (change our thinking) and move into the abundant life of Christ.
Paul made sure that the Church at Rome understood this: "What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?" {Romans 6:1-2}. The fullness of the grace of God gives an impression that the follower of Christ can do whatever he purposes in his heart. However, Paul clearly states that we have died to sin. When you come to grips with the grace of God then you can live in Romans 6:14, "For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace." Yes...the grace of God brings forgiveness to our lives but it also provides for us the power to live the life of God.
I say all of this because I grow tired to believers who blame God for their bad choices. I have witnessed many people who claim to be followers of Christ step into adulterous relationships, walk in a lack of forgiveness and love, dissolve their marriages, or step away from the faith all together. The response to these types of decisions by some churches is to move into legalism. In other words, they set up a lot of rules and expect every member to follow closely what is acceptable/non-acceptable to the church leadership. What is forgotten is that legalism never produces holiness. If it could have - if the law could have worked - then Jesus wouldn't have given His life as a ransom for us. The problem with grace in the lives of some isn't due to a lack of rules but a lack of repentance. We have simply failed to change the way we think and therefore haven't stepped into the transformation that God longs to bring into our lives.
I have a word for you:
There is grace to restore your marriage.
There is grace to reconcile your relationships.
There is grace to step into the calling God has placed upon your life.
There is grace to enable you to raise your children.
There is grace to live the incredible, wonderful, and abundant life of Christ.
How do I step into this truth?
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." {Romans 12:2}
Don't allow what the world deems acceptable to be considered acceptable by God. Instead, allow the Word of God to shape the way you think. Allow Him to shape the way you think about yourself and the way you think about every situation of life. What God's Word teaches us about marriage, life, purity, etc. - this is truth. And when you and I walk in the truth we are set free. Rather than allow the system of this world dominate your thinking, allow the grace of God to empower to live in the truth of the Word. The Spirit of God is ready to help you take action. He will enable you to walk in truth. When you do this, then you honor the grace of God that has been given to you.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Experiencing God in the Wilderness

Have you ever went through a wilderness experience? This is a phrase that we often use to describe those seasons when we seem to be wandering aimlessly. All we really know is that we are not where we want to be and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight.
In Numbers 14:34 we read that Israel is going to spend 40 years wandering in the wilderness. 1 year for every day the spies spent in the land of Canaan. The reason for Israel's wandering is the need for an unbelieving generation to die out and a new generation to rise up and enter the land that God had promised to give them.
There are a couple of things that I want to mention as we begin this journey:
#1 - Just because you are in the wilderness doesn't mean you are being punished.
#2 - You can (and should) experience God during this season.
There is a danger of always assuming that God treats us exactly the same way He treated Israel. We tend to look at the wilderness experience through a lens of God's anger rather than understanding that it was necessary for a faith filled generation to enter into the Promised Land. The generation that spied out the land of Canaan (with the exception of Joshua & Caleb) did not believe God was able to deliver what He promised. Therefore, for Israel to become all that she was meant to be meant that a new generation had to take their place. This doesn't mean that your wilderness experience is due to a lack of faith. There are times that God leads us into the wilderness as a way to purify our faith that has nothing to do with punishment but to help bring you to a place of excellence. The sad part of all of this is thinking that God is working out of anger rather than understanding His heart to have a people that are full of faith claim what is rightfully theirs.
The other point I want to make is understanding that you can/should experience God during this time. Israel did not cease experiencing God because they were wandering in the wilderness.
God was still Providing.
God was still Protecting.
God was still Present.
They never ceased being His people. They were still able to worship Him, know Him, and experience Him. Why? Because another generation needed to see God moving in their midst so that they could take hold of the promises of God for themselves.
I see a generation right now that is rising up to claim their inheritance. Far too long the church has wandered aimlessly in a place of mediocrity. We haven't claimed the promises of God for our own generation because we have lacked the faith to trust the Lord with the outcome. However, the past generation is experiencing God even though they may not understand that it's for the generation that follows. What is happening (in my opinion) is that the new generation is seeing God at work now so that they can ask the questions that need to be asked, seek the promises of God for their own generation, and can have a hunger placed inside of them for experiencing more.
Please understand that I'm not being negative about the older generations. Most of them were handed down the faith that they currently possess. However, what I have seen is the need to protect what was handed down rather than take that faith to a new level. Yes...we are experiencing God now but we are re-claiming what is rightfully ours. This is a necessary transition in church life because we need to grab hold of God's heart for the kingdom rather than just circling the wagons to protect what we have here.
One thing I have noticed in Scripture is that every time God brings about a great deliverance, or declares a great victory, is that there is still a claiming that must take place. God promised the land of Canaan but it was up to Israel to possess it. The church of today has allowed the promises of God to go unclaimed. We have yet to possess all that was promised to the followers of Christ. That is why a new generation is rising up that have no desire to see God placed in a box. They are beginning to understand the fullness of His grace, His power, and His unconditional love. They are the ones who will come out of the wilderness and stake claim to the Promised Land. And it is our job to teach them what we know and have experienced so that they faith may be deepened. They can build on our successes and failures. They can take this faith to a greater level of experience and power. The generation that follows can learn from our wilderness wanderings so that they don't have to learn the same lessons that we had to learn.
I realize that I have been all over the place with this entry but there is a need to see the wilderness from every angle. There is a part of these wanderings that is for us and there is a part of it for others. There are lessons we need to learn and their are lessons that we get to teach. There is also times of refreshing that we can experience as we go through these "dry" seasons. God allowed Moses to see water flow from a rock. Don't you think that God is able to bring refreshment to you during this time? It's my belief that He wants you to tap into these fountains. God wants you to be able to draw from the wells that He has placed within you. In this way you never lose a moment, you never waste an opportunity to experience Him, and you never miss a chance to hear His voice.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
"Be Still" to "Be Filled"

Psalm 46:10 says "Be still and know that I am God..." Oftentimes when we refer to this passage, we instruct people on the necessity to quiet themselves, cease from their labor, and learn to trust the Lord in each situation. But did you know that learning how to "Be still" is actually the best way to receive from the Lord?
I'm beginning to learn how to recognize the activity of God in my life. This is an exciting journey. For many years now I found myself frustrated because it was difficult for me to receive from the Lord. I have had people pray over me, share prophetic words with me, etc. However, I would often miss out on what God was doing because I had an expectation within me of seeing God do something totally different. I realize that this is not an uncommon practice with other believers, but the ability to "Be still" has provided an opportunity to experience the presence of God.
Now I want you to couple this phrase (Be Still) with Paul's exhortation to the church at Ephesus "Be filled with the Spirit of God." {Ephesians 5:18} It's really hard to be filled without being still. I've heard a quote that is often associated with on older preacher of the gospel who you say: "You can't drink and talk at the same time." My...how those words have taught me a lot.
I have seen people seek ministry from others and the whole time you are trying to pray over them - they are praying as well. While there may be times that we seek to pray together for something, there is also a need to quiet yourself and be aware of what the Lord is doing in and around you. We must learn how to "Be still" so that we can "Be filled."
This isn't only true when we are being ministered to by other people. It's true when we are seeking the Lord in private. If all you are doing in your prayer closet is talking to God then you are having a one way conversation. You have to listen for His voice, recognize how the Lord is moving in your own spirit, and embrace His activity. This is what I'm beginning to learn. This is what the Lord is teaching me. It's all too easy to brush off what the Holy Spirit is doing because He comes to us in such a gentle way. Sensitivity to Him is what makes genuine intimacy with God a reality.
Allow me to encourage you to take some time today just to be still before Him and allow Him to fill your life. Drink of His goodness, His love, His faithfulness, and His incredible grace to you. Discover the reality of the indwelling Spirit in your life. And don't stop being still before Him until you encounter Him. I have had many conversations with people who gave up too quickly. It's not that God was not willing to move in their lives, it's just that they became preoccupied with what God was or was not doing.
Take the time to...
Enjoy the journey!!!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Things that make you go hmmm...

I'm currently reading "Pagan Christianity" by Frank Viola & George Barna. While I don't think that I necessarily need to be "stirred up" in regards to the practice and traditions of church life, I wanted to explore some of the historical context behind these things. I have no doubt that there will be more to say about this book at a later time. Right now I'm simply thinking out loud.
In the first chapter of the book Viola talks about the major contrasts between the Pharisees and Sadducees. These were the two major religious forces that opposed Jesus. The Pharisees were bent toward adding to the Scriptures while the Sadducees were more apt to take away from them. In the end, these two hostile religious regimes (if you will) joined forces in an attempt to do away with Jesus. When you and I begin to understand the powers behind religion, then it will not take us long to figure out why Jesus needed to go. Religion will actually keep you from pressing into the heart of God. It will keep you from experiencing God in His fullness. And it will always aid you in falling short of your true identity in Christ.
Jesus often made statements that offended the religious mind. In the Gospel of Mark we read where Jesus said, "The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath." That may seem like such an innocent statement until you consider how the Pharisees had added to the original commands of God regarding this holy day. Jesus is also quoted as saying "Your mistake is that you don't know the Scriptures, and you don't know the power of God." While this statement may seem to be just a little more aggressive than the other one, you need to know that the Sadducees didn't believe in the resurrection. When you look at these quotes and many others it doesn't take us long to understand that Jesus did more than just deal with the sin issue of humanity; He also took the religious spirit head on.
One of the stark contrasts of faith in Christ versus adherence to religion is that those who follow Christ to be governed by the love of God rather than religious principles. Another mark of the follower of Christ is a faith that is guided and empowered by the Spirit of God versus the idea that religious ritual is what makes me a devout follower. The early church spent a great amount of time figuring out what was needed from their Jewish faith and traditions and what needed to be done away with. They were careful not to add any burden to the believer that was contrary to this new life in Christ. I'm often amazed at what the willingness of the Apostles to remove the circumcision requirement for Gentile believers. But that was the impact of the baptism in the Holy Spirit upon this group that was often viewed as outside the kingdom of God. When the Gentile believers in the book of Acts were clothed in the Spirit of God - that was enough for the Apostles to recognize that the gift of eternal life has been granted to them.
Of course it is easy for us to breeze through some of the transitions we see in the book of Acts because #1 - we are reading it rather than living it and #2 - circumcision isn't that big of a deal to us. However, if you were to go into any church building of any denomination and begin to propose that many of their practices are not biblical in nature - WATCH OUT!!! What is truly amazing about this mindset is that it doesn't matter to many of them how irrelevant the church seems to the world we just keep on doing what we are doing and actually believe that the lack of relevance is a sign of our spiritual consecration. {OUCH! Did I just say that?} Well...while I'm at it...I wonder how many people in church today actually consider that denominations are not of God? Paul told the church to "endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." And yet we still defend denominationalism all around the world.
Here's the deal:
Due to the social climate of our culture and many of the customs of America, we are stuck with an idea of what church looks like, how it functions, and what it's supposed to be about. For many people the question will become, "Do we need to completely abandon what we have?" While others will ask, "How do we change to return to a more biblical practice?" You may even ask me, "Is there a way that we can reconcile the two?" The truth is that I'm not sure but I'm willing to try. You see, it's my dream to bring about a reconciliation where we can. I think the "organized" church in America is still a great way to reach the masses but the organization needs to change (dramatically).
I realize that these are difficult things to discuss.
I recognize that I'm walking on thin ice with many of these issues.
But I also believe that what Jesus meant to leave in the earth was a living, breathing, representation of who He was. The church is to be His body. The church has the opportunity to re-present Christ to the world. And it is this belief that keeps me pressing toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ. Whose willing to journey with me?
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Stepping Out Of Complacency

It's my belief that one of the greatest struggles in American Christianity is complacency. Here's why: We have a faith that costs us nothing to receive and nothing to maintain. If that seems offensive to you then you might as well get ready. It's time to step out of complacency. The world needs a genuine experience with God. And you are just the person to give that to them.
A pastor asked a congregation this question:
"How many of you have been saved for 30+ years and you sit in the same spot every Sunday, you do nothing to grow in your Christian life, and you have no desire to experience more than you are already experiencing?"
He then went on to make this statement:
"If that is you then you need to find something else to do on Sunday mornings."
I truly don't believe it was the intent of this pastor (who is a well known speaker) to just be offensive. His intent was to stir the people up to experience God in a greater way. I made a similar statement this past Sunday to our congregation. I said, "If Sunday morning is the culmination of your Christian experience during the week then you need to get saved." I wasn't doing it just to offend but to make people think - to stir them to action - to help them step out of complacency. I'm not in the job of question whether or not someone is actually saved, but I do feel compelled to help people see things differently.
In the book of Acts we read about the disciples of Jesus in an upper room waiting on the Promise of Jesus to come to them. In Acts 2 He comes and you don't read about them going back into the room. What you do read is that a band of believers stepped out in the promise of the Father (which was the Holy Spirit) and turned their world upside down.
This has to happen in America. We need a revolution that is birthed out of a hunger for greater things than what we have experienced. We need to see believers all throughout this nation who will step out of the complacency of church life. There is SO MUCH MORE to experience. There is SO MUCH MORE to be involved with in His kingdom. While there is a necessity in our lives for fellowship with other believers, that fellowship can come through life experiences. We can actually grow in the Lord as we "Go" together to see His kingdom advanced. I'm not against worship gatherings - I love worshiping with my church family every Sunday - but that experience can happen daily. Power and intimacy with God is not limited to a Sunday morning worship gathering. It's not limited to a Sunday evening Bible Study or a Wednesday night Prayer Meeting. Your home should be a worship center. Your family should be an environment where you can experience God. Every where you go and with every one you meet is an opportunity to see God move.
The Holy Spirit in you allows you to experience the nature of God, the love of God, and the gifts of God on a regular basis. You have positioned in such a way that in this Kingdom - you get to release Him. His is in you as a fountain that springs up unto eternal life but He's also a river of living water that must flow out. He's not in you as a lake. Therefore, you cannot keep storing it all up for yourself.
If I'm being honest (and you know I am) - I don't live for Sunday mornings. I live to see Him manifest each and every day of my life. I don't want normal Christianity if that "normal" means that I must rely upon someone else to feed me, someone else to motivate me, and someone else to experience God for me. What about you? Are you ready for more? What's it going to take for you to be all that God has created you to be in the earth? What's it going to take for you to step out of the complacency and enter into the adventure which is abundant life in Christ?
Thursday, June 7, 2012
A Lesson In Faith?

Several years ago, I preached a sermon entitled "Get Out of the Boat". It was based upon the very popular story of Peter walking to Jesus on the water out of Matthew 14. To be quite honest with you, I approached the sermon as a lesson on faith and keeping your eyes on Jesus. However, I'm beginning to see it a little different.
Here's what I sensed the Lord saying to me:
Peter was to be a rock but he had to learn how to walk on the waves.
If you know anything about Peter the disciple, you know that he was often fueled by his emotions. He was quick to speak and also very quick to stick his foot in his mouth. He was the one what had the revelation of who Christ truly was. He was also the first to confess an undying devotion to Jesus just before he would utterly deny him. What's amazing about this man is what the Lord declared about Peter long before it ever manifested. In Matthew 16, Jesus tells him that he is a rock. We wouldn't see that materialize until the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts. Isn't good to know that Jesus calls out our greatness long before we ever walk in it?
As I began to ponder what the Lord had impressed upon my spirit, I saw the walking on water episode as a declaration of all that was possible for Peter (and us) when we are able to step out into our God-given destiny. As long as Peter continued to focus on all the external circumstances of life - he would only sink like a rock. But when he was able to focus solely upon Jesus' WORD to him - he became a strong figure in the life of the early church.
I think what we discover about Peter in the book of Acts is that he finally learned how to master the waves. I'm not saying that he went out and practiced his walking on water skills. I'm saying that he was finally able to master his emotions. He learned to walk in faith rather than feelings. He figured out how to tap into the power sources of life - Holy Spirit - and was able to embrace the life that Jesus called him into.
It's amazing to me to think about how many of us can look into Peter's opportunity of faith (walking on the water) and criticize him for becoming fearful. I'm amazed because we (like the rest of the disciples) stay in the boat. It's always easier to stay in the boat, but for those who are willing to step out into the waves with Jesus they discover a life that is unimaginable.
What is Jesus' calling you into?
What has been prophesied over your life?
Have you been able to master the waves of your own life so that you may become a rock in the kingdom?
I love the Kris Vallotton quote that says:
"You were saved when you believed in Jesus, but you got transformed when you realized He believed in you."
Go ahead...
Get out of the boat.
Step into the reality of who you are in Christ.
AND...enjoy the journey!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Think: C-H-U-R-C-H

Regardless of how far we move into the future, I still believe that the greatest expression of church life is found in Acts 2:42-47. I'm often amazed at how far we have deviated from the New Testament church. The Body of Christ was never meant to be held hostage in a building but to be released within a community to do what Jesus did in the earth. When we read the book of Acts, it's easy to understand why the Lord continued to add to the church daily those who were being saved.
42 And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.
43 Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles.
44 Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common,
45 and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need.
46 So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart,
47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.
The early believers were Committed to the Lordship of Christ and the Leadership of the Apostles.
They were Sensitive to the Power and Activity of God.
They were Generous in their Time and in their Giving.
They were Communal in their Fellowship with one another and in their Favor with all the people.
The be honest with you, even in the best churches, we would be hard pressed to find this type of fellowship today. It seems to me that we have spent a considerable amount of time trying to redefine church into man's definition. I cannot tell you the times that I have heard church leaders refer to their particular denomination or church structure as a New Testament fellowship. But the fact of the matter is that what has been lost in the organization is a living breathing body of believers that could function anywhere at any time.
With that being said, I'm not saying that the organization is evil. I'm simply saying that we look VERY different than what we see in the book of Acts. This community was selfless in their love for God and one another. They found a way to live in unity and steadfastness. While they were not perfect, their witness was evident in the community. Their presence was seen, heard, and felt. I'm sure the demonstration of God's power was extremely helpful, but I also believe that the demonstration of love within their community was beneficial. Who wouldn't want to be part of a community that was demonstrating love, witnessing the power of God, and experiencing the life that God means for all of us to experience?
Sharing these thoughts with you is actually much more difficult than you may realize. I have devoted my ministry to the local church for the past 20 years. Has God blessed what has taken place within the walls of the church? Yes - but that is His nature. Has God used the organized church over the centuries to accomplish great things? Yes - but that is part of His nature as well. This isn't a question of whether or not God will use us in spite of our structure. It's a question of whether or not we can really call ourselves New Testament when we don't look the part. What I love about the early church is that structure wasn't that important because they didn't have a model. The types of ministry offered were never a factor because they had to discover what was needed. This mentality is not used today. Instead most church plants already have a structure in place and have already determined what ministries they will offer. In most cases it's not because they have determined a need but because they are actually trying to be competitive with other churches in the particular area.
I'm not saying that we have to go back in time and adopt every practice of the early church. The fact is that they made due with what they had. However, I do see a need for something more fluid, more loving, and more effective. Listen folks, God isn't blessing your church because of your denominational affiliation, your church government, or because of the ministries you are offering. God is blessing your church because He absolutely adores the Bride of Christ. He has plans for her. He has great intentions for her. And the more she is able to rise up above the mediocrity of Christianity and discover who she really is - then the more blessed she will become.
The Demonstrations of God's Power - the ministry of the Holy Spirit is still available to the church today.
The Expressions of God's Love - this was always the litmus test of the disciples (love for one another)
The Manifestations of God's Peace - through our unity and community
All of these things are possible today because God has not changed. God was never interested (I believe) in raising up buildings all over the landscape but raising up a community of believers that would become the sons and daughters of God in the earth.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Grace IS Powerful

I'm starting today's blog with an incredible quote: "Grace is a weapon of mass destruction. It will overthrow every negative. It neutralizes everything contrary to God’s nature by being the revelation of that nature." ~ Graham Cooke
Got Grace?
Over the last couple of years I have come to understand that Grace has more to do with the Christian life than just bringing about forgiveness. The grace of God is also His operating power in our lives. One of the fundamental elements of our faith is learning to tap into the grace of God for every situation, every circumstance, and in every relationship. We understand that it is through the God's grace that we are saved but grace also provides for us the ability to overcome sin [See Romans 6:14], to live in humility [See Romans 12:3], and to stand firmly in the faith that we have received [See Romans 5:2]. What I want you to understand is that GRACE is powerful and that there is grace available for everything we will face.
When grace is used properly it can overcome every negative because grace is a positive force. Grace allows us to access the power of heaven. We have the opportunity to walk in grace every day. The Word of God teaches us that we can grow in the grace and knowledge of our God. How sad to think that I have seen so many leaders within the church simply grow in knowledge while neglecting the grace of God. The problem with that mindset is that anything that leads us into greater knowledge without experience only serves to make us more religious. However, when we learn to experience the grace of God in a particular truth then we are able to enjoy the freedom that comes with it.
The Apostle Paul discovered that grace was a fighting force in our lives and shared this insight with the church at Corinth [See 2 Corinthians 12]. Several years ago I heard an incredible quote regarding Paul's statement that God's grace was sufficient. "Paul wanted God to deal with his situation through subtraction. God chose to deal with it through addition." Too often we are looking for God to remove what we are struggling against while God is giving us the strength to overcome it. Don't miss this: It's all to easy for us to bail out of a situation with our faith rather than overcome it through our faith. We need to stop thinking that God is going to get us out of everything when His perfect will is for us to overcome it.
You do understand the difference don't you?
If God removes every obstacle then we will never learn how to live in victory. Sure...there are times when the Lord does the fighting for us and we get to celebrate His victory. But there are times when you and I will learn how to walk in His grace and celebrate that His victory through us. In this way we learn to appropriate the grace of God in our lives. And this is what it means to walk in the abundant life of Christ. Grace for every day. Grace for every situation. Grace for every relationship.
The Grace of God is needed for your marriage.
The gRace of God is needed for your family.
The grAce of God is needed for your ministry.
The graCe of God is needed for your maturity.
The gracE of God is needed for your understanding.
Take some time today to celebrate the grace of God in your life. Then take some time to tap into this incredible power that is available for you. Learn what it means to live a life of grace.
Enjoy the journey!!!
Friday, June 1, 2012
Attention: Schedule Change
This summer at PBC is going to look a little different. In attempt to adjust our meetings to coincide with vacations, mission trips, etc. - we will be returning to ONE SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE during the months of June, July, and August. This will provide a great opportunity for people from both services to fellowship with one another and help ease the burden of our children's ministries.
Sunday School: 9:30am
Worship/Celebration: 10:30am
We trust that everyone is going to have an incredible summer. Look forward to seeing you all this Sunday @ PBC!!!
Also: Vacation Bible School starts this weekend: June 3-7!!!
Sunday School: 9:30am
Worship/Celebration: 10:30am
We trust that everyone is going to have an incredible summer. Look forward to seeing you all this Sunday @ PBC!!!
Also: Vacation Bible School starts this weekend: June 3-7!!!
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