So...started the new series on "Grace - The Change We Need!" this past Sunday. I want to share some of the highlights of the first sermon with all you PBC Voicers. The title of the first message is "The Dominion of Grace".
Romans 6:14 says, "For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace." The question we must ask ourselves is not "Is this verse true?" but "Is this verse true in my life?" Is it true that sin no longer dominates your life or are you saying "sin should not dominate my life." There is a HUGE difference between "should not" and "shall not".
The 14th verse of Chapter 6 speaks of the Purpose of Grace. Grace is not God's ability to overlook your sin. It is His ability working in you to deliver you from sin. Jesus did not die just to excuse you from sin but to empower you so that you could overcome sin. If the only purpose we see in grace is God's ability to forgive then we will miss out on the incredible victory He has given us.
This verse also speaks of our Position in Grace. "...you are not under law but under grace." Dominion means "sovereign authority". As long as we are under the law, we are under the law's authority. This is where we get all the "Do's" and "Don'ts" If we live under the authority of the law then we also live under the sentencing of the law which is death. 2 Corinthians 3:6, "who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life." When we live under the authority of grace, we discover that the need is not for us to become more righteous. The need is for us to get that which is in our spirit to become a reality in our life. Under the authority of grace, God has already given us everything we need for life and godliness. EVERYTHING!
Romans 6:14, as it relates to the Dominion of Grace, also speaks of Power. As long as we are under the law we operate through flesh. Under the authority of grace we operate through faith. This is the greatest challenge that we will face: Can I believe that I am who God's Word says that I am? You and I need to recognize that most of the faith that is spoken of in the New Testament doesn't deal with getting stuff from God but actually refers to our faith in our identity in Christ. If we live life operating in the power of the flesh then we will continue to be condemned by the very law that we think we are living out. However, if we will live by faith - believing in the ability of the grace of God - we discover that we don't have to accomplish holiness, righteousness, or sanctification. These things have already been accomplished in us through the grace of God. It is by faith that we operate in that which is already done!
The thing that I want us to discover through this series of messages about the grace of God is that we can put His grace on the front side of life rather than the back end. Most of us only consider the grace of God after we have fallen and are in need of forgiveness. 1 John 1:9 becomes one of our most quoted verses because we have come to understand that "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgives us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." But if I will live by the grace (ability) of God on the front end then I will discover that I am "more than a conqueror" through Jesus Christ.
Here are the tools that I shared to help us live in the grace of God. I got these tools in the book "Grace - The Power to Change" by Dr. James Richards:
#1 - Stop Focusing So Much Attention on Sin
We tend to gravitate toward what we focus on. Rather than focusing on the sin we are trying to avoid, start focusing on the grace of God that is already yours. Focus on who you are in Christ.
#2 - Stop Associating Pleasure With Sin and Start Associating Pleasure With Righteousness
If we think about the pleasure of sin, we lose sight of the destruction. While sin may bring instant gratification, it will never bring abiding pleasure.
#3 - Start Walking in What Jesus Has Already Achieved For You
Faith Righteousness simply believes in what has already been accounted to me. I am counted righteous because of my faith in what Jesus has done. Now I only have to fight the battle in the areas where Jesus lost. And since Jesus never lost a battle than I can be victorious.
*This is going to be one of the most liberating series of messages that I have ever preached. With that being said, the enemy of our souls will fight our understanding of grace. He does not want us to understand these truths. Grace empowered believers walk like Jesus walked, operate like Jesus operated, and do the things that Jesus did. This God quality of life does not happen in the ability of the flesh by by the ability of God's grace in our lives. I pray that eyes will be opened, hearts will be changed, and that believers will learn to walk in victory.