Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Dominion of Grace (revisited)
So...started the new series on "Grace - The Change We Need!" this past Sunday. I want to share some of the highlights of the first sermon with all you PBC Voicers. The title of the first message is "The Dominion of Grace".
Romans 6:14 says, "For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace." The question we must ask ourselves is not "Is this verse true?" but "Is this verse true in my life?" Is it true that sin no longer dominates your life or are you saying "sin should not dominate my life." There is a HUGE difference between "should not" and "shall not".
The 14th verse of Chapter 6 speaks of the Purpose of Grace. Grace is not God's ability to overlook your sin. It is His ability working in you to deliver you from sin. Jesus did not die just to excuse you from sin but to empower you so that you could overcome sin. If the only purpose we see in grace is God's ability to forgive then we will miss out on the incredible victory He has given us.
This verse also speaks of our Position in Grace. "...you are not under law but under grace." Dominion means "sovereign authority". As long as we are under the law, we are under the law's authority. This is where we get all the "Do's" and "Don'ts" If we live under the authority of the law then we also live under the sentencing of the law which is death. 2 Corinthians 3:6, "who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life." When we live under the authority of grace, we discover that the need is not for us to become more righteous. The need is for us to get that which is in our spirit to become a reality in our life. Under the authority of grace, God has already given us everything we need for life and godliness. EVERYTHING!
Romans 6:14, as it relates to the Dominion of Grace, also speaks of Power. As long as we are under the law we operate through flesh. Under the authority of grace we operate through faith. This is the greatest challenge that we will face: Can I believe that I am who God's Word says that I am? You and I need to recognize that most of the faith that is spoken of in the New Testament doesn't deal with getting stuff from God but actually refers to our faith in our identity in Christ. If we live life operating in the power of the flesh then we will continue to be condemned by the very law that we think we are living out. However, if we will live by faith - believing in the ability of the grace of God - we discover that we don't have to accomplish holiness, righteousness, or sanctification. These things have already been accomplished in us through the grace of God. It is by faith that we operate in that which is already done!
The thing that I want us to discover through this series of messages about the grace of God is that we can put His grace on the front side of life rather than the back end. Most of us only consider the grace of God after we have fallen and are in need of forgiveness. 1 John 1:9 becomes one of our most quoted verses because we have come to understand that "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgives us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." But if I will live by the grace (ability) of God on the front end then I will discover that I am "more than a conqueror" through Jesus Christ.
Here are the tools that I shared to help us live in the grace of God. I got these tools in the book "Grace - The Power to Change" by Dr. James Richards:
#1 - Stop Focusing So Much Attention on Sin
We tend to gravitate toward what we focus on. Rather than focusing on the sin we are trying to avoid, start focusing on the grace of God that is already yours. Focus on who you are in Christ.
#2 - Stop Associating Pleasure With Sin and Start Associating Pleasure With Righteousness
If we think about the pleasure of sin, we lose sight of the destruction. While sin may bring instant gratification, it will never bring abiding pleasure.
#3 - Start Walking in What Jesus Has Already Achieved For You
Faith Righteousness simply believes in what has already been accounted to me. I am counted righteous because of my faith in what Jesus has done. Now I only have to fight the battle in the areas where Jesus lost. And since Jesus never lost a battle than I can be victorious.
*This is going to be one of the most liberating series of messages that I have ever preached. With that being said, the enemy of our souls will fight our understanding of grace. He does not want us to understand these truths. Grace empowered believers walk like Jesus walked, operate like Jesus operated, and do the things that Jesus did. This God quality of life does not happen in the ability of the flesh by by the ability of God's grace in our lives. I pray that eyes will be opened, hearts will be changed, and that believers will learn to walk in victory.
Friday, August 27, 2010
The Power of Hope
1 Thessalonians 4:13, "But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope."
I attended the funeral of a wonderful Christian lady yesterday. 1 Thessalonians 4:13 was one of the Scriptures used to encourage the family during this difficult time. Think with me about those last few words: "lest you sorrow as others who have no hope."
Hope is powerful. Just the sound of hope alone moves people. If you don't believe me, consider that our nation elected a President based upon the promise of hope. Paul tells the Thessalonian believers that their sorrow in the loss of a fellow believer should be different than the sorrow of those who do not have hope. Hope changes the way we grieve, changes the way we view death, and should change the way we say goodbye to those we love.
The hope of a follower of Christ is one that endures. Because we have the assurance of the resurrection and the grace of God upon us, hope is an abiding influence in our lives. Hope - for us - is not an empty promise but is actually based upon the finished work of Christ. Our hope is concrete, solid, and stable even in times of crisis and difficulty. Our hope is found in the God who gives us hope.
Hope is also a product of the Holy Spirit in our lives. As we walk in His ability and power we find that hope is always with us. We cannot produce it but we can choose whether or not to enjoy it. Remember the old hymnal: "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness..."? When we build our lives upon the finished work of Christ (by faith) we can join in the chorus of that same song and loudly proclaim, "On Christ the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand."
The lady who passed away was survived by her husband, mother, daughter, and grandchildren. The mother was overheard saying, "I cannot weep for my daughter because I know where she is and I'm going to join her!" Oh, what lasting hope we have in what Jesus has accomplished for us. We may grieve and we may cry but we do not sorrow as those who have no hope.
I want to encourage you today to rejoice in the hope that is yours. Give praise to God for this hope. And as you dwell upon the fullness of this hope, share it with others. You see...not everyone has this hope. But they can have it!
"Therefore comfort one another with these words." (1 Thess. 4:18)
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Why That's Just Barbaric!
I don't think anyone would disagree that we (followers of Jesus) have been called to be warriors of light in dark places. Warriors have difficulty with being domesticated. We struggle in civilization. Although we are comfortable living in community with other warriors, don't expect warriors to simply go with the flow.
I was thinking about this while looking through Erwin McManus' book "The Barbarian Way." On page 109 he states: "We build churches that become nothing more than hiding places for the faithful while pretending that our actions are for the good of the world. Or we choose political and secular vehicles to try to advance our cultural values, strangely attempting to make unbelieving people act like civilized believers." The contrast of this concept comes from Jesus as He calls us to a different way. He calls us to an engagement with the darkness around us so that we may shed the light of the kingdom of God.
Why is it that when we see people saved they often retreat into the walls of nice church buildings? Salvation must be seen as enlistment into the mission of God. The Spirit of God within us will never be content simply sitting in a Bible Study or attending some special services. In fact, He will often stir up a discontentment within us that cries out for a greater engagement in the battle around us.
Some well meaning Christians have thought that this engagement means that we must be fully submerged in the culture wars in our nation. We arm ourselves with right-wing philosophy, strong conservative theology, and anything else that will help advance our causes in the world's systems. There's one problem: Our kingdom is not of this world! We can work, fight, protest, and try our hardest but we can never guarantee that America will reflect the fullness of God's kingdom. Instead of a political or sociological approach, let's take a spiritual approach.
The Bible teaches us that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but spiritual. Their use is pulling down strongholds and every thing that would exalt itself against the knowledge of God. America will never be right until Americans get right! Look at the history of Israel. They had all the commandments. The possessed the great teachers of theological truth. They also had a statewide religious system. Yet in all their structure they did not do the thins that the Lord had commanded them. In fact, they loved their civilized religion so much that they were bothered by the Messiah who sought to change it. What we should learn in Israel's example is that you can have all the right laws in place and the people will still do what they consider right in their own eyes.
The true change that needs to take place in our country happens per individual, per home, per community. One by one as the kingdom of God advances we find that God actually changes our environment. Our children become a product of a radical faith that is handed down to them which alters the next generation. Churches stop being social clubs for the gospel and become mission centers that send out their people rather than trying to hold on to them. It's nothing short of wide-open faith that hears a divine call to "Go."
I agree with McManus: "I am convinced that even now there are multitudes of followers of Jesus Christ who are sick and tired of the church playing games and playing down the call of God." (P.114) We are realizing that Christianity isn't the religious wing of the Republican party. We are tired of social activism and seek to be used in kingdom activity. We recognize that our kingdom is not of this world and the impact we need to have focuses on the salvation of the world. It's not that we don't love the church - we do - we just can't handle the packaging.
This Barbarian Way is a deep and intense burning for something greater. We aren't fighting with clubs and swords but with the Word of God and grace. The Spirit of God is our guide into the arena of conflict. We don't care what it looks like - barbarians were never concerned about looking good. We aren't as concerned with what it sounds like - barbarians are sort of a loud bunch. What we care about is seeing God's kingdom become a reality where we live. We want to see an impact NOW. We can no longer wait for the world to come to church. We have chosen to take Jesus to the world.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Wake Up the Normal Life...
I have a song going around in my head this morning - "Heaven is Here" - being sung by Jesus Culture. Take a look at the words with me: "Wake up, the normal life. You can do whatever You want to. Shake up, eternal sight. Because we want You..."
Normal is as normal does. Right? I guess it depends on your definition of normal.
We read yesterday that the kingdom of God is within us according to Jesus. Does your definition of normal revolve around the natural life or the supernatural life? Does your experience of normal have anything to do with the reality of the kingdom of God? If our reference point in life is what Jesus has done for us then we cannot expect normal to be normal.
I heard that my son was in Kid Zone on Sunday morning as they were discussing how God responds to us in prayer. When the subject came up regarding healing, Hayden says, "Oh...we see that all the time now." WOW!!! Normal, at least according to my son, is God answering the prayers for the sick and they are healed. Normal for him is that God moves when His people pray. I never want him to experience a different kind of normal.
Unfortunately, this isn't the same normal that others experience. Normal for many is that God answers most of their prayers, God moves some of the time, and we can expect God for great things every now and then. I say that definition of normal is not biblical. In fact, I would call it theology based upon our own disappointments.
Could it be that we have defined a Christianity based upon everything that we can do in the flesh rather than what God can do in the Spirit? Would we possibly hand down a belief system to our children that states that we should believe that God can but not always expect an answer? If we operate like this then we have missed what Jesus taught us about prayer and experiencing God through His answers. Jesus told us to ask, seek, and knock. The rest is up to God. How often does God fail? Never!
When it comes to faith in the Word of God, we must understand that Faith doesn't make anything happen. Faith on our part is simply lining up our beliefs with the Word of God. Our faith brings grace into our situation but it is grace that changes things!
I truly believe that God is doing a work in His people. He's moving in our hearts so that we will align our beliefs with His Word. He's directing us to trust Him for more while experiencing Him more in our daily life. The time for dead and routine religion is over. There are some things that might have been O.K. for a season but not anymore. God is drawing us closer to His heart and we cannot turn back.
Wherever you are today - whatever you are experiencing - I'm asking you to join me. Join me in asking God to wake up the normal life. Join me in believing God for more. Join me in a faith that lines up with God's Word. Join me in saying God can do whatever He wants to do.
May we see the God of the impossible!
Monday, August 23, 2010
What Dominates Your Life?
Luke 17:21, "...For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you."
Romans 6:14, "For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace."
I think I'm finally starting to get it. It's taken quite a while but I'm starting to understand the importance of childlike faith. This type of faith happens when we abandon our reasoning and fully believe God's Word. And this faith is more than simply being able to quote a verse but actually translates the verse into our lives.
Jesus told His followers in Luke 17 that the kingdom of God was within them. Their present reality was to be living in the kingdom of God - living out what Jesus had placed within them. His Kingdom = His Rules, His Authority, and His Reality.
Paul taught the Roman believers that sin no longer had dominion over their lives because they were not under the law but under grace. Here's where the childlike faith must come into practice. We need to LEARN what it means to live under grace. The reason why sin dominates those under law is because in our own strength we cannot overcome the inability of the flesh. Grace, however, enables us to live in dominion rather under dominion.
What dominates your life? Have you tapped into the kingdom of God that is within? Are you learning what it means to overcome sin or does sin still dominate you? Most of us have been brought up in a faith that teaches that we will never stop sinning. Because we live in a sin cursed world and because we live in flesh, we are too weak. But the Bible teaches us that SIN shall not have dominion over us. How can this be? Through the ability of God's grace. It is the kingdom of God in you - at work for you - that makes the difference. This is what grace is all about. God didn't save man so that He could forgive him but that man would now have the ability through grace to overcome that which had dominated him for centuries.
Through Jesus' death on the cross the curse has been broken. You are no longer under sin because you are no longer under the law. You live under a new covenant that is dominated by grace and gives you the ability of grace to live out what God has placed within. We must lose the mindset that says we must be strong FOR the Lord and take on the mindset that says we must be strong IN the Lord.
I pray this is an encouragement to you today. I hope that we can all begin to see that grace is so much stronger than sin. When we do, we will enjoy a greater quality of life...a God quality!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Grace That Enables
"My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness..." 2 Corinthians 12:9
I have had the wonderful task this week of looking into the grace of God. What a wonderful assignment! One of the wonderful aspects of this type of study is being able to see all that grace encompasses. I will be the first to admit that I had almost limited grace due to my own definition. I'm curious who would join me in this discovery.
Grace is almost always defined as God's unmerited favor. In particular, we view grace only from the standpoint of salvation. "If it were not for the grace of God..." is a testimony that you will hear from a lot of believers. And most of the songs we hear about grace come from this same view: "Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me..." or "Grace, Grace, God's Grace, Grace that is greater than all our sin" I want you to take a few moments and look at another aspect of grace. I'm not going to go to deep with this since I feel the need to share a series of messages on this "discovery", however, I hope to whet your appetite.
Paul's reference to the conversation he had through prayer is one of the most popular of Bible verses. How many of us have quoted the words of Jesus by saying that "God's grace is sufficient"? But if the only view that I have of grace is in reference to my salvation then I must ask: What is Paul talking about? Well...what Paul is referring to is the ability of grace in his life to endure the "thorn in the flesh" that he has been asking God to remove. And this grace is sufficient enough to endure the "thorn" while at the same time providing Paul the strength he needed in his weakness.
The Greek word for grace is "charis" - does it look familiar? Have you ever used the word "charismatic"? "Charis" is root word used when talking about spiritual gifts. What we see in Scripture is that spiritual gifts are divine in nature. Although "gifts" and "grace" are different they come from the same place! "Charis" basically means an act of grace. When we read about Jesus in John 1 - the Word becoming flesh - we find that John describes Him as full of grace and truth. Colossians 2:6 says, "As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him." Are you walking full of grace and truth?
Here's what I am coming to understand about grace: It is meant for more than just my forgiveness. God's grace isn't available just so He's not angry with me anymore. God's grace is available so that I may live the life that He says I can live! The challenge is to stop putting grace on the back end of my life (my need for forgiveness when I fail) and start putting grace on the front end (so that I don't fall). Grace doesn't stop at salvation but is actually sufficient in every area of life. Grace is God's ability in my life. It is by the grace of God that I am forgiven and it is by the grace of God that I stand. It is by the grace of God that I must now learn to live.
Allow me to leave you with this question: Is God's grace sufficient enough to change my life? If so...what are we waiting for?
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
School Daze
Today is the 1st day of school for the kids here in Wythe County, VA. The "lazy days" of summer are over and the majority of our children are sitting in the classroom as we speak. Although we have been through this several years now, I still get a little emotional when dropping the kids off.
My thoughts this morning were dominated by the thoughts of the previous weeks. There was always the questions of: What are the kids going to be doing today? Is __________ going to work with me today? Etc....Etc... While that may not seem like a big deal to most of you reading the blog, you just don't know my mindset.
I tend to be pretty laid back. Rarely do I rush around although I may feel rushed. I try to take life as it comes. However, when summer is here and the kids are at home, I like to know what's going on. "What are the plans?" is one of my most basic questions. As I dropped Hayden off at school today all I could think of is wanting one more day to ask "What are the plans?"
These questions and feelings have led me to pause and think about the environment we are providing for our children. Do they feel pressed? Do they think that they are a difficulty in our lives? Or do they have security in the grace of God that we want to dominate our home? And even though there is a small sense of relief that comes from knowing what the plan is for today...I really don't like it.
Psalm 127:3-5, "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them..." As I dwell upon these verses from God's Word, I'm reminded of my joy and responsibility in parenting. I am joyful that God has blessed the fruit of the womb in my home. My son and daughter truly are a heritage from the Lord. The responsibility comes from understanding how to handle the arrows that God has placed within my quiver. How am I preparing them for the day that they will take flight from my hand into the world? Every day that I have with them while they are still in the quiver is a day where I can draw them closer to the God who created them.
My response to all of this - this morning - was to ask the Lord for forgiveness. I asked Him to forgive me for being selfish while teaching my children to be unselfish. I asked Him to forgive me for being irritable while teaching them patience. In fact, more often than not, I find that I contradict what I teach. Can I teach a child not to yell while yelling? Can I teach them how to love while displaying anger? I never set out to be a hypocrite with my kids (I'm sure you don't either) but it is too easy to allow words to replace action.
How do I fix it? Stay committed to the end result while focusing on the now! I cannot change my past but I can redeem my present. If I want my children to be a product of grace then I must choose grace for them. If I want them to respond in love then I must choose love's response for them. If it is my desire that they walk in the image of God then I must choose to walk in the image of God before them.
So...as the school daze are (is) upon us...I will do what I can do. My kids need me now more than ever! I will be involved in their learning. I will know where they struggle and give them help. I will take note of character issues and seek wisdom. And I will give them grace because they will need it (I know I will).
Blessings to all the families who are starting a new school year. Blessings to all the teachers as well. May God grant grace and protection throughout the whole year.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Pay Attention!
Although I don't normally jump on the negative press bandwagon, an article I read on USA Today is one we should give close attention. "Forget the Pizza Parties" written by Cathy Lynn Grossman & Stephanie Steinburg has some alarming statistics.
The opening line of the article says, "Bye-Bye Church. We're busy..." This is the message that teens around America are sending the church. The numbers tells us that only 1 in 4 teens participate in church youth groups and they have been basically telling us this since 1999. The youth attendance is also low in areas of prayer, reading the Bible, and going to church according to Barna Group. With numbers this staggering, shouldn't we be asking some serious questions? Are we paying attention?
Folks, the days of Pizza Blasts are over! We used to have a saying in youth ministry (back in my day!) - "Whatever you do to get the youth there is what you have to do to keep them there." But what do you do when the pizza isn't getting them there? How do you reach the next generation when their lives seem to be just as busy as the adults? The answer may surprise you.
Chris Palmer is a Youth Pastor at Ironbridge Baptist Church in Chester, VA. He has discovered that the youth in his area have responded to a message that "real church, centered on Jesus Christ, is hard work." He says that the youth he works with want to be involved in something radical and exciting. {REALLY???} Thom Rainer, Lifeway, says that young people "don't want superficiality" In other words church, the youth of today want something real. They want REAL experiences in their faith. They want REAL teaching from God's Word. They want REAL involvement in the things of God. They aren't looking at being entertained but they do want some excitement in their faith...something radical.
The question is whether or not we will use this information to change the way we reach out to the young people in our communities (and in our churches) or will we simply sit back and blame the lack of involvement on lazy parents, lazy students, and their sinful natures? When will we stop an look at what we are doing and what we are not doing? For many of these young people they have only witnessed a shell of a church. Everything that happens is the result of great planning, smooth operation, and proper presentation. For many of these young people the boldest thing they have done in their faith is try to sell t-shirts to raise money for camp, handle hot food for a bake sale, or stand in the blazing heat to wash cars. When will we begin treating them like Jesus treated His disciples? Why not place kingdom principles within them and allow them to venture out in their faith? If they are saved, they have the same Holy Spirit inside of them that we do and we know that He is capable to bringing them into something radical and exciting.
What I think we are seeing in today's youth culture is the shunning of the outward appearance. It's not enough that we have "Family Life Centers" with gymnasiums, a cool church van, and a youth pastor that dresses like them. They don't come to Jesus to play basketball, ride in a van/bus, or to hang with the youth pastor anyway. They come to Jesus because of the promise of a greater existence than what they had before. They come to Jesus because they know He is able to do something radical and real in their life. After they get saved the radical experience shouldn't be over. Salvation should just be the first experience with a radical God! Let's get REAL with these young people and we will see some REAL changes in the results.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Just a Little Leaven...
Luke 13:20-21, "And again He said, 'To what shall I liken the kingdom of God? It is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till it was all leavened.'"
Just a little leaven will leaven the whole lump. Leaven is an agent used in dough which lightens and softens the finished product. Whenever it is placed within the dough, it literally works its way through the whole lump. In other words, it affects every part of the dough. And it doesn't take much.
Jesus said the kingdom of God was just like leaven that is hidden in meal. In other words, when you release the kingdom into the affairs of men it will work its way through every part.
This is a word of encouragement today. Some of you may have heard teachings on leaven only in reference to sin. You know..."just one hidden sin will work its way through your life..." And even though we should be careful of the wrong type of "leaven" - the passages above refers to the Infiltrating Power of the kingdom of God. Where do you need to see God at work? Release the power of the kingdom!
Right now our family is believing God for this very thing. There is something and someone we have been praying for and the time has come to see kingdom power in their life. "Much like light that exposes, or salt that preserves, leaven influences its surrounding in a subtle but overpowering way. So it is with the kingdom of God." ~ Bill Johnson. It is our belief - our conviction - that God is getting ready to do some awesome things. We are in agreement with the believers in Acts 4 when they prayed, "by stretching out Your hand to heal..." God allowed them to release the power of the kingdom into their world - now it's our turn!
Just imagine the power of one testimony...one person who was radically changed by the power of God. Imagine that testimony touching the hearts and lives of others. And what we are trusting God to do is just that - one testimony of a changed life impacting the lives around them. All we need is a release of the "infiltrating power of the kingdom."
Remember the woman with the issue of blood? She pressed through the crowd just so she could touch the hem of Jesus' garment. When she touched Him Jesus knew that power had left Him had infiltrated her. Immediately she was healed. No word of healing. No laying on of hands by Jesus. Just the touch of a woman filled with faith changed her life forever. Do we have that kind of faith? Does our faith in the God who heals and changes cause us to press through the disbelief and doubt of others? Does our faith cause us to thank the doctors but believe another report? Can we reach out and touch the hem of His garment by faith?
This path we are on is not dependent upon what we do but on what God is able to do! We are simply seeking to release the power of His kingdom to and individual. In the end we believe that we will see lasting change.
Why not allow this same principle to be at work in you. Allow the kingdom of God to infiltrate your thinking. You may have had doubts in the past but the kingdom of God will work faith into you. You may have despaired and lost hope but the kingdom of God will give you a peace that passes all understanding while restoring the joy of your salvation. I trust in a God that restores the years that have been destroyed by the locust! It matters not what has eaten away at the fabric of life, God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that I could ever ask or think. The power is not in me but in the kingdom of God.
May His kingdom come! May His will be done! Let it be on earth as it is in heaven!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
How Does Love Respond?
1 Corinthians 13 is considered the "love chapter" by many people. I don't know of any other description of love equal to its greatness. It is here that we find a God-quality of love.
This past week I spent some time with a good friend and I noticed that there was a new phrase that he kept using: "How would love respond?". Although I didn't ask him where he picked up the phrase, I loved how he was using it. Think about it. What if we responded to every situation we faced and every person we encountered with this same question?
How does love respond? Let's take a look...
Love is Patient and Kind - Irregardless of the situation and irregardless of the person, love always responds with patience and kindness. Patience is a word we tend to throw around rather easily so I think it's good for us to look at the NKJV rendering of the word. The NKJV tells us that "love suffers long..." Patience we figure people have or don't. But this reading of love is a great description. Love is willing to put up with stuff! Love is willing to handle the long haul. And while love is suffering it is able to do so with kindness.
Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude - Unconditional love (God quality remember) knows nothing of jealousy. It never brags or operates in pride. This type of love is never rude. Is this the way love responds in our life? Absolutely! The problem isn't love, but rather if we choose to operate in love.
Love does not demand its own way - This one hurts a little bit. How many times have I demanded my own way in relationships? How often have I been upset at God because I didn't get what I wanted? The God-quality of love that should be active in my life does not concern itself with having its own way. God doesn't operate like that in our lives. He allow us the freedom to do it our way even if it means falling on our faces.
Love is not irritable and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged - When you read this list you discover that the description of love often exhausts a point. Rudeness and irritability seem alike in the English language but they really are different. If I am irritable it's because I haven't walked in the path of longsuffering. Oh...by the way...love doesn't keep score. I know people who can tell me who wronged them, when it happened, and how often. Love doesn't do that!
It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out - The NKJV reads this way: "does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth." Does it seem odd to anybody that this description of love would have to be written down? But you have to understand the intended audience. The church at Corinth had some morality issues going on inside the body. Up to this point they were not willing to deal with the sin problem. How does love respond? It responds by never rejoicing at the iniquity around it but rejoices when truth has adjusted error.
Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance - AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! Oh, how I wish more marriages would operate in this type of love. How I wish churches would do the same! Love doesn't get to a point and quit. Love, unconditional love, endures through every situation and circumstance. It is inexhaustible.
After reading through 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, I understand why my friend was asking this question. How does love respond when it receives bad news? How does love respond when it is rejected? How does love respond when it doesn't win? How does love respond? According to verse 8 "It never fails..." How is that possible? Because love will be around long after everything else. The gift of love is everlasting.
I would love to say that I always operate in this type of love. I would love for my children to say that I was never irritable or my wife to say that I never insisted on my own way. I would love for my church family and others to say that I was never rude. However, it's just not true. But love isn't finished with me yet! Love still endures and continues to champion what is right in my life. Maybe if I take the time to ask the question then I will display a better love.
"How does love respond?"
Monday, August 9, 2010
The Book of Books
I recently watched "The Book of Eli" and came away with some interesting thoughts. It's amazing how you can walk away from a movie with spiritual insight if we will pay attention. Just for the record: I do not recommend this movie for the whole family because of the language and violence.
The "Book of Eli" is set in an apocalyptic age where water is a valuable commodity and the earth is a giant wasteland. Eli, played by Denzel Washington, is on a journey across the United States carrying the only Bible that survived the aftermath of war. All other Bibles have been destroyed and it is Eli's job to carry this book to a place where it will be safe. The journey is long and filled with danger as he meets a man who wants to possess the Bible as a weapon for control. Interested yet?
Eli's journey comes with a promise of protection and provision from the Voice that led him to the last copy of God's Word. I want you to imagine a prophet with the skills of Chuck Norris who has discovered the promise that "No weapon formed against you shall prosper".
Here is the insight: A day is coming when people will hunger for the Word of God! Those who are fortunate enough to possess God's Word will find His promises true and faithful. There will be no attempt to explain away anything in God's Word. Instead, every Word will be precious to the hearer and unlock supernatural ability as it is received in faith.
News Flash: God's Word operates this way today! For those of us who are fortunate enough to own a copy of the Bible, we are able to unlock great potential. His Word is filled with invaluable promises. We discover the Genesis of life - the history of God's people down through the ages - the miracle of the Incarnation - the Resurrection and the Life - and the true Guide for life. We also discover that "Blessed is the man who hears these Words of Mine!" We don't have to wait for an apocalyptic age for the Bible to be more than a book. All we have to do is read and apply His Word now.
You might be asking "Why is Neal talking about this movie?" I'm sharing this with you to say that too often the world understands what the church doesn't see. We must never forget the precious gift of God's Word. The Bible is more than a book. His Word will endure forever!
Pick up your copy of the Bible today! It's something you can share with the entire family.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Friday Stuff
Hello Friday! I've got a lot of things on my mind today: Sermon Preparation, Conversation I had on the phone this morning, and the Events of the Day. It's shaping up to be a great day.
First of all, I'm continuing in a series of messages from Matthew 5-7 (The Sermon on the Mount). The application of Jesus' teaching is difficult because we cannot become what He says apart from the work of Holy Spirit. However, the series for me has been cleansing. There is a purity that flows out of the application that is refreshing. I'm thankful that God has led me to share these messages. I'm excited about the God quality of life that is a product of submitting to His Word.
Secondly, I had a conversation with some friends overseas that stirred my heart. It's amazing how God is using the people I know in various places. The book of Acts is coming alive before them with healing(s), signs and wonders, conversions, baptisms, throngs of people looking for a touch from God, and dreams/visions. I am in awe of how God has chosen to use my friends. They have witnessed the Kingdom of God invading their ministry area. I long to see this happen in America as well!
Last of all, we have plans to spend the evening with some very close friends. God has partnered us with people from various places. Some of these people have been placed in our lives to work with while others pray for the work that God has given us to do. Each family and individual is special to us. This evening looks to be another great time of fellowship and growth.
Before I bring things to a close on this wonderful Friday, let me give you something to think about. Have you ever considered that God has made us stewards of His presence? When the Holy Spirit invades our life, we have the same power at work in us that raised Jesus from the dead. This same Holy Spirit that came upon Him at His baptism comes upon us. We are clothed in the same power that Jesus was clothed in. That is why He tell His followers that they would do "greater works"! As you enter into this weekend, walk as someone who is a steward of the presence of God. Carry Him into every situation you face. When you pray - pray as someone who is a steward of God's presence. When you speak - speak as someone who is a steward of God's presence. You can bring God into every circumstance, every relationship, and every environment. This is what Jesus meant when He said, "I am with you always..."
Be Bold! Be encouraged! Be Faithful! God will do the rest - He's with you!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
The Pursuit
The topics I have shared over the last couple of days are a result of my own pursuit of God. It is nothing short of wanting to see the kingdom of God evident in my life and in those that God has placed around me. There was a hunger that God placed in my spirit several years ago that has never been satisfied. Although there may have been times that I have nibbled on appetizers - I am far from full.
I have met well meaning believers who warn of the dangers of pursuing spiritual gifts. It's an argument that is based on the concept of idolatry. "If you pursue anything other than God..." (You get what I'm saying) Here's the problem with that mindset: I cannot pursue the gifts unless I pursue the Giver. I cannot seek after the things of God without seeking God. And if we aren't careful this false notion of idolatry will keep us from going deeper with God, experiencing Him at a greater level, and actually seeing the fullness of God come upon our lives.
Paul told the church at Corinth (even with all their problems) to "Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts..." {1 Cor. 14:1} When we teach believers that they should not desire/pursue spiritual gifts then we are living/teaching contrary to the Word of God. The "gifts" are nothing less than the "graces" that God has given us to fulfill His kingdom work. We must remember that God's immediate target in our life is salvation but His ultimate goal is to fill us with all His fullness (Eph. 3:19)
Here's what I have discovered in my life: Any pursuit of the things of God always brought me closer to God. My intimacy with the Lord became stronger. My knowledge of His Word grew deeper. My experiences with God became more frequent. Like a good Father, God doesn't turn away from His children. That is why the Bible tells us to "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." {James 4:8}
This is nothing less than a choice to no longer "grieve the Spirit" or "quench the Spirit." I want nothing less that a continual flow of the Spirit of God in my life. I want Him to flow in my service, my ministry, my family, and my walk. I want to operate in all of the things that He wants me to operate in for His glory. I cannot accomplish anything of lasting value apart from His work in me. For far too long we have simply operated in the letter of God's Word rather than the Spirit. We must remember that "The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life." {2 Cor. 3:6}
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
My Continuing Education
While walking through a sporting goods store, my son and I came across a Nike t-shirt that read: "If that's your 'A' game then you better get the rest of the alphabet!" While I find that shirt extremely funny when it comes to sports, it's a terrible way to approach the Christian life.
Pay attention to this quote: "The acceptable way of studying Scripture puts the power of revelation into the hands of anyone who can afford a Strong's Concordance and a few other miscellaneous study materials." The whole idea behind this approach is that if I simply put the time and effort into studying the Bible that I can learn some wonderful things. I'm not discounting a disciplined approach to studying God's Word. I'm also not discounting the use of the various study tools. The children of God should read and study the Bible. However, anything that I can get from the Word without God will not change my life. I must remain dependent upon the work of the Holy Spirit.
The Bible does so much more than just give us formulas for living. Certainly we can discover some principles that can be laid out (A-Z) but this approach simply makes the Bible a road map. The shirt I mentioned earlier states that the "A game" wasn't much so you need to get "B thru Z". Have you ever seen a Christian do the same? When "A" doesn't work we scramble for the rest of the alphabet. When a concept doesn't "pan out" we look for greater concepts. Pay attention to Hebrews 5:12, "For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joint and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." When we allow the Holy Spirit to be our guide through the Word of God then the words on the pages take on a different meaning - they actually come to life!
When we treat the Bible as a road map, we live as though we can find our way through our own understanding of His book. It's like living under the law. We get our list of boundaries rather than living in a relationship. But we are not under the law - we are under GRACE. Under GRACE we don't get a road map...we get a tour guide - the Holy Spirit. He directs, reveals, and empowers us to be and do what the Word says.
Remember that the Bible is the absolute Word of God. It reveals God in all His greatness but it does not contain Him. God is bigger than His book. The danger that comes through some styles of theology is trying to contain God within a system. What we believe becomes much more important than what God is saying and doing. If we live under this type of thinking we will actually reject what God wants to do now. Is God bigger than your belief system? Is God mightier than your understanding of His Word? Most of us would cry out "Yes!" But do we live that "Yes!"? Do we embrace that "Yes!"?
Personally, I only possess an Associates Degree in Religion and Church Ministries. However, under the continuing education of the Holy Spirit, my understanding of God and His Word has gone much further. While I'm a firm believer in learning all you can learn through organized education; there is so much more to learn through the work of God's Spirit. And it is through this type of education that we get far more than a degree - we are actually being transformed into the image of Christ!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
A Concept or a Promise?
After spending most of the day at the hospital with plenty of time to think, I came away with a question. Am I believing in a concept or a promise? You see...my father-in-law had an episode yesterday that caused me to think about God and healing. The good news for my father-in-law is that he is doing much better and is on his way home. The good news for me is that I have been encouraged to keep believing God and His Word.
Allow me to explain. I have always believed in God's ability. I don't know of a time where I ever doubted that He was able to heal someone. What I doubted was my part of the equation. I read the book of James in the New Testament and he tells the church very plainly that if there are any sick among us that they should call on the elders of the church, be anointed with oil, and the prayer of faith will bring healing. In my opinion, it's very plain what James is leading the church to do and the results that will come about because of the prayer of faith. What I didn't realize is the hornet's nest that can get stirred up when you begin talking about healing.
The fact is that most of us have known someone who has died because of sickness. Many of those people even had folks who prayed over them. They have followed the prescribed method but nothing changed. And the statement that usually follows is that it must not have been God's will. But am I believing in a concept or a promise? Concepts will fail. Well laid out plans don't always achieve the goal. God's promises never fail!
Believe me when I say that I am not questioning the amount of faith of any individual nor their sincerity. I am one of those people who believed God for a healing and didn't see it come to pass. I am one of those who have asked God "Why?". But I am also one of those people who refuses to value a concept or idea above an experience with results. I didn't stop praying. I haven't stopped believing that God still works miracles. In fact, the lack of "results" has led me to go even deeper. I long for understanding.
I came across a quote that stirred this fire inside of me even more: "Any revelation from God's Word that does not lead us to an encounter with God only serves to make us more religious. The church cannot afford 'form without power' for it creates Christians without purpose." ~ Bill Johnson. It doesn't matter how well I know or understand a concept. My ability to understand and communicate God's Word doesn't change anything. However, if I experience God's Word then something happens that no one can stop!
When we experience the promises of God in our lives it doesn't matter what the world says. If God says someone will be healed, it has nothing to do with a concept of healing but everything to do with God's intervention. When God says that we should call upon the elders of the church for prayer, the healing isn't in the concept but actually flows through our obedience to the thing that God spoke. Our obedience is a display of our faith and faith is the key to unlocking the kingdom of God. But the faith isn't focused on the concept. Let me give you an example. When my brother-in-law was very young he developed a fever that could not be broken. Medication wouldn't even touch it. Ice baths couldn't get the fever to come down. My wife's grandfather (a preacher) drove to the hospital. When he came in to pray he said, "Lord, I don't have any oil but by faith I place my hands on Kevin and ask you to remove this fever." With that he licked his thumb and placed it on Kevin's head. The fever broke. If our faith is in the concept then the concept was flawed. There was no oil used in this approach. But when our faith is in the Healer - He is never flawed!
Let us remember that the Spirit of God never contradicts the Word of God but He is very comfortable in contradicting our understanding of it. We may say that God only works in certain situations but the Spirit of God can quickly change all of that. We may say that certain gifts aren't available for today but the Spirit of God can change our theology. He is the One who will guide us into all truth. All understanding of truth and all application of truth. We must never forget this fact.
As I prayed for my father-in-law yesterday, I literally watched his circumstances change. I watched him begin to recover. There is no doubt in my mind that God touched him. And it is a lesson that I will never forget. What I saw in the hospital was a man laying in a bed. What I heard from doctors and nurses was an evaluation of his situation. What the Spirit of God told me to do was to move beside the bed and pray. I obeyed - God responded - and He gets the glory!
Although I cannot explain the times when I did not witness the healing hand of God; I also cannot explain the times when I have. Healing is God's sovereign work. I have simply abandoned myself to be obedient. And as I walk with God on this journey, I'm praying for God's "will to be done on earth as it is in heaven." I'm looking for an invasion of heaven here and now. I have decided that it will not be my job to explain away the power of God. Instead...I want to be like the Apostle Paul and say that I didn't come to you with persuasive words of man's wisdom but with a demonstration of the power of God! Anyone care to join me?
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