Place: PBC Sanctuary
Event: Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting
Time: Somewhere around 7:50pm
A group of us were praying on Wednesday night (like we always do) when God began to speak to my heart.
Let me start off by saying that there was a great anticipation for our prayer meeting on this particular evening. I wasn't sure what God was getting ready to do...I just knew He was up to something. The group was one of the largest we have had in some time. People that aren't always able to gather for prayer on Wednesday night were present.
Things were going on as "normal." We had worship music playing in the background. Many of the people were gathered in a circle praying. I had set apart certain ones who would lead in this prayer time and the others were encouraged to pray as led. Some of us had made our way to the altar. Others separated themselves from the group to pray and worship.
I was there at the altar when God began to speak to my heart. He was moving upon me in an awesome way. It was like waves of mercy just kept flooding over me during prayer. Then I began to hear these words:
"I'm daring you to believe the Impossible."
"I dare you to love your wives as Christ loves the church."
"I dare you to honor your husbands and you would honor the Lord."
"I'm drawing the hearts of the children to the fathers."
"I'm drawing My own children to My heart."
"I'm restoring: Marriages, Broken Dreams, Joy, and the Songs that have been lost."
"I'm delivering: From Depression and Addictions."
"I'm daring you to take Me at My Word."
I was a little unsure how to handle this. I knew that the Lord was speaking these things over us. When the last person prayed - I took over. I thanked the Lord for His presence. Then I began to share through prayer what I believed He was saying. The agreement in the room was automatic. God was confirming in hearts and spirits what He had spoken. His presence became stronger and more intimate. Over and over again, God was confirming different things for different people.
This "phenomenon" happened all throughout the prayer meeting. Someone would pray over an individual the very same prayers that they were praying. Someone would make a statement that another person had prayed into their lives. Verses of scripture were matching up with those that God had been sharing. It was truly awesome.
The fact is that we have believed God isn't finished with His work for this group of believers. We are only seeing the beginning. God has blessed PBC so richly. This night of prayer was a reminder that what God has started in us - He will continue!
May the Lord bless you all in Christ.