"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord."
There are typically one of two attitudes prevalent in the church today. You can find "IT'LL DO" churches or "WE WILL DO..." churches. The differences between these two attitudes are striking.
Colossians 3:17, "Whatever you do, whether in work or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus." This verse should be the general attitude of the church as well as the believer. Regardless of what we endeavor to do, we should give it our all. We shouldn't allow ourselves to shun responsibilities or do "just enough" to get by. We have been called to a higher standard. We have been called to give all, do all, and exert all in our efforts to advance the kingdom of God.
Here's a good breakdown of "It'll Do" churches that I received during a SBCV Pastor's Fellowship (sorry...don't have a name of the person who shared this with me:
"It'll Do churches cut corners, compromise, and take short cuts on details, such as sparkling clean restrooms, beautiful nursery facilities, a swept parking lot, nice landscaping, immaculate floors, and clean walls.
"It'll Do churches have music that is not the worst it could be, but not the best either.
"It'll Do churches have pastors who present poorly prepared messages because they have been so busy taking care of other things that they have not had time to be in the Word getting a fresh, relevant message to deliver.
"It'll Do churches react to problems instead of responding to needs.
"It'll Do churches are often critical of other churches that are attempting great things for God.
"It'll Do churches have Sunday School teachers who teach the quarterly instead of teaching the Bible in a practical way to help people face life another week.
"It'll Do churches don't invest in regular development opportunities for their lay leaders.
"It'll Do churches are content to be the size they are.
"It'll Do churches often see numbers as something unspiritual.
"It'll Do churches use the cost factor to justify why things aren't being done."
This type of attitude is very different than what Paul shared with the Corinthian church!
We should be steadfast in our commitments, immovable in our convictions, abounding in our work for the Lord, and confident in the reward of our labor. These are the attributes of a church that says "We Will Do..." (whatever it takes).
It's high time for the "sleeping giant" (the church) to wake up and make a difference in the world. However, we will never accomplish anything for the kingdom with the attitude that says "It'll Do."
"It'll Do" doesn't work when filling ministry positions, performing any type of ministry, or funding mission work. "It'll Do" doesn't work when trying to build relationships, lead people to saving faith in Christ, or making an impact in our communities. "We Will Do..." always works because the Lord is allowed the authority needed in our lives to accomplish His purpose.
Remember what Henry Blackaby says in "Experiencing God": "IT never works. He does!"