Thursday, October 29, 2009
Don't Give Up!
Hello everyone. I promise that I haven't forgotten about you. I was out of town for the first part of the week and had a funeral today. Look forward to sharing some new stuff with you next week.
I just didn't want you to think that I had given up on blogging.
Hope that you have a had a great week and that this upcoming weekend will be fun and exciting.
Talk to you soon.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Powerless Christianity
Excerpt from "Ablaze With His Glory" by Del Fehsenfeld Jr.
"The church is waiting for the world to come to Christ and get saved, but the world is waiting for the church to come to God and get right. God does not judge a nation simply because of the wickedness of the ungodly. He also judges a nation because of the disobedience of His own people. Without the power of God in our lives, we have nothing to offer this world that can really make a difference.
"Jesus put it simply: 'Without me you can do nothing.' (John 15:5). Without His life operationally living through us, the sum total of everything we can do that has eternal value is zero. It does not matter how many seminars, insights, formulas, ideas, or programs we have been exposed to; we cannot succeed in the Christian life without God. No one can live the spiritual life apart form the power of the Spirit.
"All the cosmetic improvements in the world will not empower us to live for God. The only person who ever succeeded in living the Christian life was its author, Jesus Christ. The only way you or I can hope to live like Him is by going to the cross and exchanging our lives for His life. We can wear our best clothes, be on our best behavior and even talk our best talk to impress others, but none of that impresses God! God is only impressed with the sinless life of His Son. Unless His life is released in us, all else is in vain.
"Even full-time Christian workers often miss the point. We can get so busy in the work of the Lord that we forget all about the lord of the work. He is the whole reason and purpose for our existence. When we overlook Him, we lose the refreshing power of His presence in our lives. To compensate for the barrenness inside, we keep up the facade of religious activity on the outside. The result is always spiritual burnout. We become tired of the treadmill and weary in the work. First, we lose the power of God, then love and joy go. Soon peace is gone, and it isn't long until nothing is left. That's when we begin enduring Christianity instead of enjoying Jesus, its author.
"Do you remember what it was like when you first got saved?
"...Loss of spiritual power does not necessarily begin with a flagrant act of sin. It may start with slothful, undisciplined habits. Like the glory of God gradually, reluctantly departing form the temple, God slowly withdraws the manifestation of His presence. Chances are, we haven't openly rebelled against God. We are too spiritual for that. We just let Him slip away a little at a time until we feel empty inside. But even then we are too proud to let anyone know that we are slowly dying spiritually."
pp. 56-57
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Grace...No Matter What
If you were to listen to some "preachers" you would think that every day should be the best experience you have ever had, filled with all the joy you should ever enjoy, and loaded with all the blessings that you would ever need. In other words: Every day is a good day.
How's that working out for you?
Do I believe that God gives us joy every day, blessings every day, and wonderful experiences? Yes. Do I believe that if I'm walking in His will that I will never experience hardship? No!
When Peter wrote his letters to the early church it was during times of great tribulation. The church was in the beginning stages of widespread persecution. Believers are beginning to scatter from Jerusalem, families are terrified about what will happen, and the ministry of the Gospel is facing a huge challenge. What did Peter tell these early believers? Look in 1 Peter 5:12 for your answer. "...My purpose in writing is to encourage you and assure you that the grace of God is with you no matter what happens."
What a promise! Regardless of what this world throws in your direction - the grace of God is with you. No matter what needs arise - the grace of God is with you. Even in the midst of suffering, pain, stress, and possibly death - the grace of God is with you!
This verse flies in the face of those who would say, "Well...if you just believe in God you can have your best life now." Really? What if I'm not? Does this mean that I have fallen out of God's favor? Does this mean that I'm not where I'm supposed to be? Has God forsaken me during my difficulties? Some people would tell you that if this is my best life now...then they don't want it.
As far as this life is concerned we are never promised sunshine and roses. In fact, Paul said that if all we had was hope in Christ for this life we were the most miserable people on the face of the earth {that is the NH translation}. We aren't promised our best life here. But we are promised a better life ahead!
The Good News of this life is the GRACE of GOD. You may be poor in resources but you can be rich in GRACE. You may be sick physically but you are blessed spiritually. You may have to go through some stuff on this earth but the GRACE of GOD is with you no matter what happens.
My purpose for blogging today is to encourage YOU! The grace of God is with you no matter what happens today. No matter what happened yesterday. No matter what happens tomorrow. His grace never fails because He never fails.
Be encouraged: matter what!
Friday, October 16, 2009
More Laborers Needed
I wanted to say a little bit about our South Africa Team since they are nearing the end of their trip (coming home on Sunday). However, I came across Oswald Chamber's Devotional. Since they are coming home, it seems fit to share this verse along with his thought. {This devotional comes from My Utmost for His Highest}
Matthew 9:38, "So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask Him to send out more workers for His fields."
The key to the missionary’s difficult task is in the hand of God, and that key is prayer, not work— that is, not work as the word is commonly used today, which often results in the shifting of our focus away from God. The key to the missionary’s difficult task is also not the key of common sense, nor is it the key of medicine, civilization, education, or even evangelization. The key is in following the Master’s orders— the key is prayer. "Pray the Lord of the harvest . . . ." In the natural realm, prayer is not practical but absurd. We have to realize that prayer is foolish from the commonsense point of view.
From Jesus Christ’s perspective, there are no nations, but only the world. How many of us pray without regard to the persons, but with regard to only one Person— Jesus Christ? He owns the harvest that is produced through distress and through conviction of sin. This is the harvest for which we have to pray that laborers be sent out to reap. We stay busy at work, while people all around us are ripe and ready to be harvested; we do not reap even one of them, but simply waste our Lord’s time in over-energized activities and programs. Suppose a crisis were to come into your father’s or your brother’s life— are you there as a laborer to reap the harvest for Jesus Christ? Is your response, "Oh, but I have a special work to do!" No Christian has a special work to do. A Christian is called to be Jesus Christ’s own, "a servant [who] is not greater than his master" (John 13:16 ), and someone who does not dictate to Jesus Christ what he intends to do. Our Lord calls us to no special work— He calls us to Himself. "Pray the Lord of the harvest," and He will engineer your circumstances to send you out as His laborer.
**Pray to the Lord of the Harvest but be ready...He may send you.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
A Prayer for Healing
Earlier today I spoke with some dear fiends who serve in a restricted area as missionaries. They are currently enduring some physical difficulties but we are believing God for great things. I offer up this prayer on their behalf but also for any of you that are in need of God's healing touch.
Heaven Father,
Through Your Word You have imparted Your life to us. That life restores our bodies with every breath we breath and ever word we SPEAK. (John 6:63; Mark 11:23-24). That which God has not planted is dissolved and rooted out of our bodies in Jesus' Name. 1 Peter 2:24 is engrafted into every fiber of our being and we are alive with the life of God.
Sickness, disease, abnormalities have no right in our bodies. This unhealed wound, sickness, and abnormality that we pray over is a thing of the past and must be healed according to Your Word, for we are delivered from the authority of darkness. (Colossians 1:13-14).
May every organ and tissue of our bodies function in the perfection that God created it to function. We forbid any malfunction in our bodies in Jesus' Name.
I don't know about you but I'm glad that we serve a God who hears our prayers and responds to our faith. We praise Him for what He is doing!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
No Math Required
Deuteronomy 4:2, "Do not ADD to what I command you and do not SUBTRACT from it, but keep the commands of the Lord your God that I give you." {emphasis mine}
Before I get into today's blog I want to be sure that you understand an important fact: I'm not perfect! However, regardless of what some people may believe about me, I'm not a heretic. I preach righteousness, holiness, and the disciplines of God's Word but I will not fall into the trap of believing that my personal convictions need to be applied to everyone around me. I will not subtract from God's Word AND I will not add to His commands.
I had an interesting conversation with someone last week over this very topic. Let's just say that this person had run into some individuals from the other side of the fence. A group that is lacking in the freedom department. To hear this other group speak you would think that God has a problem with us in just about every area of life. Women should wear their hair a certain way, refrain from the use of make-up, and never (ever) wear jeans. I'm sure the list is much longer but we will stop right there. Where is the balance? Why is there such a diversity in churches today? I guarantee that you can go down most streets in America today and find churches that are side by side in their location but miles apart in their understanding.
Thankfully, we don't have too many churches in our area that seek to take away from God's commands. For the most part - they are standard bearers. The problem that most of us face are the churches that ADD to God's Word. If you can wrap your mind around this - they expand God's Word to include their own personal convictions. Why would anyone do that? Is God's Word not enough? If I look at God's law (10 commandments) is it not clear enough? Hard enough?
You shall have no other God's before me
You shall not make any graven images
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain
Remember the sabbath to keep it holy
Honor your father and mother
You shall not kill
You shall not commit adultery
You shall not steal
You shall not bear false witness
You shall not covet
It seems to me that if we follow God's commands (as they are) we will live a life that is in keeping with His Word. Why then would we ever consider adding anything to this? Most people struggle with these 10 - why would we ever burden them down with something else?
There are just too many arguments in the church today. Bible translations, music, dress codes, etc. Are we really any different that the Pharisees and Scribes of Jesus' day? The sad part is that many of these same people boast of their freedom when in fact they are bound in religious practice. God save us from the mechanics of religion!
I could go into many churches and preach on the watering down of God's Word and get some positive results. I could make people shout, say amen, and fire them up over the preservation of God's Word. But I have to wonder if they would be as motivated if I went in and preached on the SIN of adding to God's Word. It's just as bad. It's just as damaging to the kingdom. It's just as much a sin as the other.
Do me a favor. Let God's Word be His Word! He didn't give us a multiple-choice Bible. We can't go through and pick out what we believe to be right. At the same time, He didn't give us a fill-in-the-blank Bible. No...what He gave us was His Word and the Holy Spirit. Do we really need anything else?
There's no math required. We don't need to subtract from God's Word - He meant what He said. And we don't need to add to God's Word - it is enough.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Proverbs 13:3, "He who guards his mouth preserves his life, but he who opens wide his lips shall have destruction."
Have you ever noticed how quick we are to broadcast our ignorance? There is a reason that James says that we should be "swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath."
I love the book of Proverbs. I can just imagine an elderly man sharing these wise words with a son or grandson. Of all the life lessons that could be shared, Solomon believed that his son needed to hear these words. If we were sharing these words today we might say something like: "Sometimes the best thing you could do is keep your mouth shut. If you don't - someone might shut it for you!"
Ever said something that you wanted to take back? Ever spoken out of turn? Ever wished that your brain moved faster than your lips? For some people this discipline of guarding the mouth is very difficult. They are quick to give their opinion or say what they are thinking. Too often we don't even take the time to process what is getting ready to come out.
I have heard people say, "Well, I was thinking it so I might as well say it." Who taught us that garbage? Trust me when I say that it's one thing to think something but quite another thing to speak it! Feelings normally don't get hurt when we just think something. Relationships are rarely severed due to what one person was thinking. But when we allow those thoughts to be formed into words - we can become very destructive.
How many people have been discouraged from following after God's leadership due to the words of someone they respected? How many missionaries have stayed home, ministries never started, or dreams never pursued? Don't get me wrong...I understand that there are times that we need to speak the truth (in love) but there are also times when we need to just keep our mouths shut. My grandmother used to say, "If you can't say nothing good - don't say anything at all."
This life lesson is something that I am continually learning. And it's a hard lesson to learn. I was always the mouthy one! If it wasn't for the work of the Holy Spirit in me who knows what kind of destruction I would have caused in life. That is why I do my best to remember Psalm 19:14: "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight..." This is the key! If we can apply the Lordship of Christ to what is happening in our hearts and the words that our coming out of our mouths, we can overcome.
Trust me: You are going to find yourself in a situation (probably today) where you are going to be tested in this area. It could happen at work, with your spouse or children, or it could be in another relationship. Are you going to pause and ask for wisdom or are you going to release the megaphone between your ears? I'm not going to tell you that you have to keep quiet BUT I am going to say that if you need to speak the truth be sure that it's in LOVE.
Friday, October 9, 2009
South Africa Mission Team
Our South Africa Mission Team just left for the airport. Please keep them in your prayers.
This team represents the 3rd mission team sent out from PBC in 2009. We have already shared the Gospel in Alaska and Ukraine. The SA Team is composed of 11 members (2 from NC, 1 from VA Beach, and 8 from PBC).
I must admit that I was moved to great emotion as I sent them off. What a blessing to pastor a church that not only sees the need but is willing to go out and meet the need head on. This team will be working in the shack areas (squatter camps) around Johannesburg. 85% of the people that live in this area are in poverty and many are dying of AIDS. Our team will be:
1) Ministering to the local church body
2) Working with kids at the squatter camps
3) Ministering to the lost > home-to-home in the camp
We trust that God will use this team in great ways. His anointing is already upon them! We also trust that He will give them the words to share, the things to pray, and the ability to see His great power.
TEAM SOUTH AFRICA - "Set the world on FIRE!"
Thursday, October 8, 2009
When the Mountain Won't Move
Jim Cymbala wrote a book a few years ago entitled "Breakthrough Prayer". Allow me to share a few words with you from Chapter 5.
"Sometimes life gets so tough that even the most faith-filled Christian has difficulty summoning faith to pray for a breakthrough. It doesn't matter how many Bible verses you have memorized or how much God has blessed you in the past. A difficult problem or a heart-breaking set of circumstances suddenly mushrooms into a huge, immovable mountain, whose shadow makes it hard for you to envision how God will answer your prayer.
"All of us, from the strongest to the weakest, experience such times. But rather than allowing our mountains, however massive, to become obstacles to prayer, we can turn them into opportunities to learn valuable lessons about our level of spiritual maturity and our need to go deeper with God in prayer."
Cymbala reminds us of two great challenges in such times of trial and difficulty.
1) "The first challenge is to believe that no situation, however evil or entrenched, is beyond the scope of prayer."
- Are there certain situations where you struggle to believe that God intervenes?
2) "The second hurdle is the waiting."
- If you need any explanation on this one please refer to Friday's blog!
- "Without learning the secret of how to wait in faith, many of us become spiritually fatigued as we pray...Instead of entertaining this as a reasonable doubt, we need to realize that we are encountering an area of spiritual warfare..."
What I want you to understand from all of this is that God is able and faithful to answer our prayers. HE IS FAITHFUL! The only question is whether or not we will be faithful to continue pressing in when things aren't working out. Will we keep praying when it doesn't seem like God is answering? We will continue to believe that He is able? If I believe what the New Testament says in regards to prayer how could I ever give up praying? I truly believe that God longs to answer our prayers. Nothing is too big for Him. Nothing is too complex for Him. We simply need to keep holding on to God no matter how we feel or how bad things get.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Radical Living
Luke 9:23, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me."
In case you haven't noticed already - the Christian life is a radical way to live. It's radical because it is contrary to the way the world says we should live. It's radical because it asks us to forsake our senses and live by faith. It's radical because we cannot do it on our own. However, what we come to know by experience is that this is the life that God rewards.
Deny Yourself > The world says to indulge yourself.
Take Up Your Cross > The world says to take it easy.
Follow Me > The world says to follow your heart.
It's pretty easy to see that God desires each of us to live radically different from the world. And if we aren't careful, we will gloss over what Jesus is saying in this verse. Our "cross to bear" does not refer to an annoying convenience or disadvantage in life. The heathen that you work with isn't your cross to bear. Think about it: Chained men condemned to die, dragging their own crosses to a place of execution. Roman crosses were heavy and rough. Carrying them was shaming, exhausting, and ultimately crushing.
What Jesus is proposing is a very personal exchange - your life now for His reward later. Are you willing to make this exchange? Are you willing to bear the burden of the Christian life? Are you willing to bear the shame and humiliation of being identified with Christ? If not...then you aren't willing to make Him Lord.
I can assure you that this life is worth living. There is joy unspeakable, peace that passes understanding, and grace that you cannot even begin to imagine. However, this is also a life that is willing to feel what God feels, love those whom God loves, and reach out to those that Jesus died for. We cannot escape this fact. There must be a denial of self, a carrying of a cross, and a following after Him.
Are you ready for a RADICAL LIFE?
Friday, October 2, 2009
Can We Wait?
In Genesis 12:2, God told Abram that He would make his name great. Do you realize what God just said?
Too often we see what God is saying without hearing what God is saying. When we read about these people in the Bible, we already see the finished product. We know that God did give Abram a new name, gave him a son, and made him the father of many nations. What we may miss in our reading is that God said, "I will make..."
What God promised Abram wasn't immediate. In fact, it didn't take days, weeks, or months. It took YEARS for Abram to become Abraham. It took years before Abram's name would be great. Day after day, step after step - God was making his name great.
Henry Blackaby says that God was telling Abram that "He would develop his character to match his assignment." I have to ask this question: Can we wait on God to develop us? Too often we are ready to bust through the door. We have heard God and we are ready to go. Believe me...I understand. However, just because God spoke doesn't mean it's time to do something. In fact, it may be time to become something.
I remember that before I went to Alaska on missions that it took 2 years for God to develop this thing. It started rather subtle. God impressed the need upon my heart. I began to pray. Over and over again God reminded me about Alaska. It came through the television, conversations with other believers, and even a car on Main Street in Wytheville with Alaska tags. What was God doing? I was ready to go but nothing had been placed in front of me. I think that God was preparing my heart and me for these people. When I finally had some contact with someone in the state everything fell in place. Where we would go...Who we would work with...What we would do. In the meantime God had been preparing ME.
I have watched people answer the call to ministry only to get frustrated that things didn't go the way they though it should. "Well, I answered the call to preach but nobody is calling me." GIVE HIM TIME! "I said, Here I am Lord - why am I still waiting." GIVE HIM TIME! "I know that God told me to do this but I can't get anyone to respond." GIVE HIM TIME!
When God speaks our answer should be "YES" and our resolve should be to go when the time comes. But we must be willing to wait on God. We must allow God to shape us, prepare us, change us. If we will allow ourselves to be clay in the hands of the potter then He can do whatever He chooses. BTW - we don't have any right to tell God what kind of vessel we want to be.
God will make your name great if you are willing to let Him make it! Don't ever think that you have to make it great. Just let Him do what He always does - WORK IN & THROUGH US!
Give Him time.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Life Interrupted
I wasn't looking for anything to be inspired with/about this morning. In all reality I was just going through the motions of life. You know...dropping the kids off at school and having to go into the office to pay for lunch charges (one of the joys of having a growing boy in the house). Then it happened...
In walks a little girl who looks to have been crying all morning. Maybe 4th or 5th grade and someone asks, "What's wrong? Why have you been crying?" She says, "It's just life."
I'm curious - Is life interrupting our plans? Or is there something that is interrupting our life? Don't miss what I am saying here. I can agree with the likes of Rocky when he tells his son, "Life ain't full of sunshine and rainbows..." But what I can't agree with is that a 10 or 11 year old child should have to carry around the weight of the world.
Jesus promised us that He came that we might have life AND to have it MORE ABUNDANTLY! {anybody listening?} MORE ABUNDANTLY!!! Jesus wants to interrupt life with LIFE.
Ask yourself a question: Do I want to know what it means to truly live? I'm not saying that your clouds will turn to pastel colors, bunnies are going to run up to be petted, and all of a sudden your bills are going to be paid. What I am saying is that you CAN have a life that is much more abundant than the one your already possess. The secret to this life is actually no secret at all - it's to give yourself over to the Lordship of Christ.
**We are sorry for the interruption - this blog has been interrupted by LIFE!
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