Friday, August 29, 2008
Breaking News
Presidential hopeful John McCain has just picked his VP running mate according to Fox News.
Sarah Palin - Governor - Alaska.
The reason I'm sharing this news with you is because on April 30 of this year I entered a blog entry about this amazing woman. She is the first female governor of the great state of Alaska. She's fiscally and socially conservative. And has been doing some outstanding work in her state. The reason for the April blog entry came about due to a news article that celebrated the birth of her son who was diagnosed with Down Syndrome.
You must go back and check the blog entry to hear the whole inspiring story.
Well...this will be an election like no other. Our nation will either vote in the first black president in American history or the first female vice president in American history. Did you ever think you would be a part of history?
Have a great weekend.
Yes - I read "The Shack" - and loved it!
This past Sunday I recommended a book for people to read. "The Shack", written by William Young, was given to me as a gift and must admit that it was a great piece of fictional literature. I looked at a couple of short reviews before reading (a common practice with unknown authors) but did not realize the controversy that surrounds the book. Actually there are mixed reviews, which is one of the reasons I have chosen to share my own.
Before I get into my own thoughts I want to tell you what I told our church. I explained that this book will cause them to question some of their own concepts about God and to not be alarmed by the humanity nor the divinity within the book. Why did I say all of that? Simply put: many Christians have a hard time enjoying a book for the story it tells. Sure, if I were the author, there would be a greater emphasis in many areas. For instance: Jesus (in the book) should have said, "I'm the only way" rather than "the best way". One could argue He's the best way because He is the only way but why argue on that point. I have already read reviews from people who consider the book to be heresy and others who consider it to contain sound theology. This book is not meant to be a textbook in theology, however, theology is very present throughout. The best thing for people to do is read the book, compare it to scripture, and pray for discernment. By the way - I encourage that with all books. Too often we read a book and treat it as truth. The only book in the world that contains TRUTH is the Word of God.
The Shack is a compelling story of a man who has endured great tragedy in his life. "The Great Sadness" is mentioned several times and seen as a cloak that comes over Mack (main character). Long story short, The Shack is basically about a man who goes to a shack to meet with God. It's a wonderful picture of finding God in the midst of your pain. I often found myself with Mack trying to make sense of the scene that unfolds before me - spending time with the Godhead, recognizing my own limited view of God, Jesus, & Holy Spirit, being amazed at the lessons of love - forgiveness - relationship, and in the end being changed throughout the whole process.
Some people don't like the idea of being changed after reading a book other than the Bible. But let me ask a question: How often have we been changed after hearing a sermon? Does God not use people to give us insight into biblical truth? Does God not use the understanding of others to often challenge us in our own thinking? Let me give you a good example of this from my own experience. Had I listened to some of the influences in my life I would not have read "The God Chasers". However, God used the book to spark a passion in me to seek the face of God. This is a time of my life that I look back upon with gratitude because of what God accomplished in me. My life was changed...not because of a book but because of the work of the Holy Spirit. In the same way I can say that God used this book to challenge me in my own limited thinking. There were times I found myself pushed to the edge only to come away with some wonderful insight into the nature and essence of God that I had never seen. Not only that, but God used this book to enhance my relationship with my wife, my children, and others. How? It forced me to look at relationships from a different perspective. Sure I knew these truths. I understood that my first priority is found in loving God with all my heart, soul, and mind while also loving my neighbor as myself. However, have you ever thought that when we live in relationship with God then we can allow that relationship to trickle down to everyone else?
I would love to go into greater detail about some of the things I took away from this reading, as well as some of the controversy that is out there but I don't want to give away any of the plot right now. If you have read the book and would like to ask some questions then feel free to post a comment. You can also go to the Shack Forum and ask questions/post comments about particular chapters.
In the end just allow me to say this: Read the book. Find out for yourself why this book is refreshing, enlightening, and challenging. If anything it will prompt each of us to discuss matters of faith and to dive deeper into the Word of God for the answers. I also encourage you to finish the book if you start it. This book is like a big puzzle that isn't put together until the end.
*I am going out of town next week. If you do leave some questions I will answer them when I get back.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Oh - I have so much more to say...
All right - I'm typing this in a hurry so please forgive me if I don't get everything in.
I just had a good conversation with a friend over the book "The Shack" - I don't have time to get into it all TODAY so I hope to jump in tomorrow and give you a insightful review of my own. (Thanks Ron for stealing my thunder)
I do have a question that everyone needs to think over. I have been watching the DNC this week (curiosity won't let me forget about it) and I keep hearing about the economy. Obviously the economy is a big issue in our presidential elections but so is national security. With all that being said...what is the biggest problem with our economy. I'm serious. What is it that makes our economy so dreadful? Is it gas prices, food prices, the housing market, or some other factor.
I remember starting out in marriage during the Clinton years and to be quite honest I don't remember them being as lucrative as everyone claims. Maybe the reason was because of my own economic standings at the time. In other words: my fault.
I'm asking because it is during these dreadful times (as some people view them) that I have been able to reduce my household debt. After attending Financial Peace University and learning how to control spending, save money, and eliminate credit card debt my wife and I have seen some serious progress in our financial stability. Once fault. You see I believe that the economy impacts us (good or bad) depending often times on how we live. This of course does not take into consideration job loss, layoff, or sickness. And the greatest problem many people face is that we expect the government to provide for us rather than providing for ourselves.
If gas prices are a problem then why don't we as a nation do something to impact gas prices. And for those of you who are unsure how to do that allow me to simplify: drill here, drill now! You will not (I repeat) You will not lower gas prices by adding more tax to Oil Companies. You will not lower gas prices by taking away a percentage of their profits. The only way our country will affect gas prices positively is when we start producing our own oil or some other means of energy. Plain and simple.
One of the other items I hear about is food prices. More often than not, however, food prices are directly connected to gas prices OR federal regulations. And the housing market? Don't get me started. Banks are forced to give loans to people who cannot afford them and then are blamed when these same people cannot pay for their home. So home foreclosure goes up and new home sales go down. It's a viscous cycle.
Here's the reason I'm sharing all of this. Don't wait for the government to make you wealthy. Go out and acquire wealth for yourself. Learn to save. Learn to spend responsibly. And while I'm at it you cannot blame George W. Bush for rising credit card debts. I guarantee you that his credit card debt is not rising.
As this election draws near we must remember that the economy is not the biggest issue. In fact, many of you remember that after 9/11 our market was supposed to crash. It didn't. What we need to see from the individual is responsibility. What we need to see from our government is responsibility. I have an idea for balancing the budget: CUT SPENDING. Not on our military (yes - we do need to have the world's largest) but rather on some of the ridiculous programs that are being funded by our tax dollars (like making the capitol "green").
I just had a good conversation with a friend over the book "The Shack" - I don't have time to get into it all TODAY so I hope to jump in tomorrow and give you a insightful review of my own. (Thanks Ron for stealing my thunder)
I do have a question that everyone needs to think over. I have been watching the DNC this week (curiosity won't let me forget about it) and I keep hearing about the economy. Obviously the economy is a big issue in our presidential elections but so is national security. With all that being said...what is the biggest problem with our economy. I'm serious. What is it that makes our economy so dreadful? Is it gas prices, food prices, the housing market, or some other factor.
I remember starting out in marriage during the Clinton years and to be quite honest I don't remember them being as lucrative as everyone claims. Maybe the reason was because of my own economic standings at the time. In other words: my fault.
I'm asking because it is during these dreadful times (as some people view them) that I have been able to reduce my household debt. After attending Financial Peace University and learning how to control spending, save money, and eliminate credit card debt my wife and I have seen some serious progress in our financial stability. Once fault. You see I believe that the economy impacts us (good or bad) depending often times on how we live. This of course does not take into consideration job loss, layoff, or sickness. And the greatest problem many people face is that we expect the government to provide for us rather than providing for ourselves.
If gas prices are a problem then why don't we as a nation do something to impact gas prices. And for those of you who are unsure how to do that allow me to simplify: drill here, drill now! You will not (I repeat) You will not lower gas prices by adding more tax to Oil Companies. You will not lower gas prices by taking away a percentage of their profits. The only way our country will affect gas prices positively is when we start producing our own oil or some other means of energy. Plain and simple.
One of the other items I hear about is food prices. More often than not, however, food prices are directly connected to gas prices OR federal regulations. And the housing market? Don't get me started. Banks are forced to give loans to people who cannot afford them and then are blamed when these same people cannot pay for their home. So home foreclosure goes up and new home sales go down. It's a viscous cycle.
Here's the reason I'm sharing all of this. Don't wait for the government to make you wealthy. Go out and acquire wealth for yourself. Learn to save. Learn to spend responsibly. And while I'm at it you cannot blame George W. Bush for rising credit card debts. I guarantee you that his credit card debt is not rising.
As this election draws near we must remember that the economy is not the biggest issue. In fact, many of you remember that after 9/11 our market was supposed to crash. It didn't. What we need to see from the individual is responsibility. What we need to see from our government is responsibility. I have an idea for balancing the budget: CUT SPENDING. Not on our military (yes - we do need to have the world's largest) but rather on some of the ridiculous programs that are being funded by our tax dollars (like making the capitol "green").
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Life - Let's Celebrate
Well, after a couple of weeks of trying to minister to those who are near death, today I was able to celebrate new life!
We have a couple in our church (E&E) who celebrated the birth of their first child today! Mom, baby, & dad are all doing well. As for was a great reminder of the joy of new birth.
As a pastor I often minister to both ends of the spectrum. I minister to those who are near death and families who have lost loved ones, however, I also get to be among those who are overjoyed at the birth of a child. It's the same approach from a ministry standpoint. You go into a room with great care for those there and you do what you can to reassure them of God's peace & presence. But the "feelings" are very different.
As I type this I'm reminded of the words that God spoke through the Apostle Paul: "For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. To the one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life." 2 Corinthians 2:15-16.
What does that mean? To put it simply - to those who know Jesus we are a fragrance of life and to those who don't know Jesus we are the fragrance of death. Sure, you may take the same approach to minister to people but the "feeling" is often different. There is just something about life. When I am around someone who knows Jesus and are full of life it is exhilarating. But if I didn't know Jesus it would just bother me. Ever been there?
That's why it's hard for people who don't know Jesus to be around those who are full of life in Him. Maybe that's why when I do weddings & stuff that no one except the few from my church want to be around me.
Do I stink? I hope so!
Go out dear brothers and sisters and be the aroma of Christ to the world. Remember this: You may not smell great to those around you but in the nostrils of God you are the sweet smell of a living sacrifice. You are the aroma of Jesus.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The Enemy is Still Out There
Isn't it amazing how quickly we Americans forget. We are almost 7 years removed from the 9/11 tragedy and a majority of people have forgotten about terrorism.
I just read a report from the daily mail about a 15 year old Iraqi suicide bomber who gave herself up. That's right, I said "her"...Apparently, al Qaeda in Iraq is increasingly seeking to exploit women unable to deal with the grief of losing husbands, parents, children and others to violence. In fact, according to some reports, the number of women carrying out suicide attacks in Iraq has more than tripled in 12 months.
This young girl was fitted with the vest by female relatives of her husband whom she married 5 months ago. U.S. sources said she turned herself in after being hooked up to the explosives against her will. Regardless, this is the mode of operation for these terrorist groups.
"Those who forget history are often doomed to repeat it." I'm not sure who made this statement but in regard to America and the forgetfulness of her people - how true! We cannot lose sight of the fact that too many people out there don't like this nation and what we stand for. We are still at war, we are still fighting terrorism, and we still need leaders who will take action.
On a side note, there was something that stood out to me that I must share.
The report said that terrorist groups (al Qaeda in particular) were seeking to exploit women who were unable to deal with grief. Believer - PAY ATTENTION! If you have been unable to deal with grief, anger, depression, etc.; our common enemy (satan) will seek to exploit you. That's right - you! Many relationships have been severed, churches hurt, and people pulled away from the fellowship because of an inability to deal with the "stuff" in our lives.
Please remember that sin isolates. If we can become isolated in our lives - the enemy can exploit our weakness. Only in relationship with God and others can we ever hope to find strength in our times of weakness. Talk to people, pray with someone, and get into God's Word. Or the enemy may try to use you to do harm.
I have opened up the comment section to anyone visiting. All you have to do is click the comment link, type, and type in the verification code. That's it - no registering.
Also, I have added an email link in case you want to share a certain blog entry with friends via email.
I hope these changes will enhance your time here and prompt you to share with me and others.
I just read a report from the daily mail about a 15 year old Iraqi suicide bomber who gave herself up. That's right, I said "her"...Apparently, al Qaeda in Iraq is increasingly seeking to exploit women unable to deal with the grief of losing husbands, parents, children and others to violence. In fact, according to some reports, the number of women carrying out suicide attacks in Iraq has more than tripled in 12 months.
This young girl was fitted with the vest by female relatives of her husband whom she married 5 months ago. U.S. sources said she turned herself in after being hooked up to the explosives against her will. Regardless, this is the mode of operation for these terrorist groups.
"Those who forget history are often doomed to repeat it." I'm not sure who made this statement but in regard to America and the forgetfulness of her people - how true! We cannot lose sight of the fact that too many people out there don't like this nation and what we stand for. We are still at war, we are still fighting terrorism, and we still need leaders who will take action.
On a side note, there was something that stood out to me that I must share.
The report said that terrorist groups (al Qaeda in particular) were seeking to exploit women who were unable to deal with grief. Believer - PAY ATTENTION! If you have been unable to deal with grief, anger, depression, etc.; our common enemy (satan) will seek to exploit you. That's right - you! Many relationships have been severed, churches hurt, and people pulled away from the fellowship because of an inability to deal with the "stuff" in our lives.
Please remember that sin isolates. If we can become isolated in our lives - the enemy can exploit our weakness. Only in relationship with God and others can we ever hope to find strength in our times of weakness. Talk to people, pray with someone, and get into God's Word. Or the enemy may try to use you to do harm.
I have opened up the comment section to anyone visiting. All you have to do is click the comment link, type, and type in the verification code. That's it - no registering.
Also, I have added an email link in case you want to share a certain blog entry with friends via email.
I hope these changes will enhance your time here and prompt you to share with me and others.
Friday, August 22, 2008
I'm Probably Going to Upset Somebody
It's Friday - so I'll probably upset somebody!
I want to use today's entry to talk about an event that we will be hosting on Saturday. PBC's Ironman Conference will begin @ 10am and finish up around 3pm. We will have worship music, challenging media bytes, preaching, and barbecue. Can you go wrong with that kind of line-up?
Of course, men's ministry is something that is lacking in many of our churches. Let me rephrase that last line...genuine men's ministry is something that is lacking in many of our churches. Sure - many churches offer something that looks like, sounds like, and most of the time acts like men's ministry but where are the men?
Doug Giles, Clash Radio, wrote an article about the lack of men in church. God's Warriors & Wild Men isn't for the faint of heart nor the easily offended. In fact, his testosterone laden inquiry will probably lead some people to question his motives but I have found that there are times men and the church need to be shook up.
Here's a list of some things he thinks needs to change:
1) Put an end to preaching by cheesy, winy, quiche eating, and self-preening Nancy Boys...right now. (He then goes on to say that he likes a pastor who throws off a good John Wayne vibe)
2) Ditto regarding the worship/music leader. (A call for weighty worship music and leaders in the churches...leaders who will guide people to the very throne of God & music that will deepen their walk with Christ rather than just make them feel good)
3) Enough with the Precious Moments prints & figurines. (Asks for art/decorations that will stop people in their tracks and make them think...)
4) Lose the church's "I'm in therapy forever feel." (Of course we all have problems, Giles states, but he's calling for churches to create an environment where we celebrate the struggle rather than just coddle people in their problems)
Some of you may not like the list Giles created, but I have to ask the question "Is he right?" Are men running away from the church because it doesn't seem "manly"? It makes sense. Why do some men avoid church like a psycho avoids reality? {Giles} Could it be that they don't see the masculine, strong, patriarch, prophetic warriors, and wild men that we see in scripture? Could it be that the only men they see in some churches are there to please their wives rather than because of a thriving relationship with God?
One other note: Why is it when Christian men try to influence Christian men that we are seen as sexist? It seems that every time there is a "Promise Keepers" event going on that some feminist group shows up to protest. Baptist a few years ago made a declaration lining themselves up with scripture and the place of women in the home and church and you would have thought they repealed the woman's "right" to vote. Men can be men without changing women! In fact, it's the only way.
My prayer for the men's conference we are holding is that the men who come will be challenged in their faith and begin a quest of regaining headship of the home (becoming a spiritual leader, a patriarch to their family, lead their boys to be rowdy and righteous, and become an example to their little girl what a man in the home should be).
Society, TV, movies, and a lot of the psycho-babble that has went on over the last quarter of a century has pushed men into the background of church and life in general. But the fault lies with the men who laid down and rolled over.
What are some things about faith in Christ that can appeal to men?
1) Forgiveness of Sin - I don't know of a man out there that doesn't want this. We have all blown it at some time. To know that we have been cleansed from all our faults helps us to move forward in a life for God's glory.
2) The Challenge of Discipleship - Most men like a challenge. Well, there's nothing more challenging than denying self and taking up a cross to follow Jesus. I dare all Christian men to take the challenge.
3) The Call of Leadership - Is there a man who doesn't want to be the head of their home or a spiritual leader in someones life? Even if all you do is reduce men to their pride - they want to be in front. There is something inside of them that says "Follow Me". Use that inner warrior for God's Kingdom and you will find that your marriage, your children, and your church will be better off for it.
In closing let me ask a question of the women out there: "Do you want a godly man in your home?" Many of you have prayed about it for years. Most women out there could care less if their man cries as long as he cries out to God for the family. Most women could care less if their man is sensitive as long as he is sensitive to the Holy Spirit of God. One of the reasons pastors have to take such great lengths in accountability when it comes to counseling women is because of the overwhelming number of women who are drawn to a spiritual man who will listen to them, pray with them, and offer counsel. The women in our churches need God-fearing, Christ-honoring men in their lives.
Hey Dude - if you want to become one of God's Warriors & Wild Men - take a chance in living out your faith. Come out and be a part of PBC's Ironman Conference and see if you aren't challenged in your relationships, your home, and your spiritual life.
I want to use today's entry to talk about an event that we will be hosting on Saturday. PBC's Ironman Conference will begin @ 10am and finish up around 3pm. We will have worship music, challenging media bytes, preaching, and barbecue. Can you go wrong with that kind of line-up?
Of course, men's ministry is something that is lacking in many of our churches. Let me rephrase that last line...genuine men's ministry is something that is lacking in many of our churches. Sure - many churches offer something that looks like, sounds like, and most of the time acts like men's ministry but where are the men?
Doug Giles, Clash Radio, wrote an article about the lack of men in church. God's Warriors & Wild Men isn't for the faint of heart nor the easily offended. In fact, his testosterone laden inquiry will probably lead some people to question his motives but I have found that there are times men and the church need to be shook up.
Here's a list of some things he thinks needs to change:
1) Put an end to preaching by cheesy, winy, quiche eating, and self-preening Nancy Boys...right now. (He then goes on to say that he likes a pastor who throws off a good John Wayne vibe)
2) Ditto regarding the worship/music leader. (A call for weighty worship music and leaders in the churches...leaders who will guide people to the very throne of God & music that will deepen their walk with Christ rather than just make them feel good)
3) Enough with the Precious Moments prints & figurines. (Asks for art/decorations that will stop people in their tracks and make them think...)
4) Lose the church's "I'm in therapy forever feel." (Of course we all have problems, Giles states, but he's calling for churches to create an environment where we celebrate the struggle rather than just coddle people in their problems)
Some of you may not like the list Giles created, but I have to ask the question "Is he right?" Are men running away from the church because it doesn't seem "manly"? It makes sense. Why do some men avoid church like a psycho avoids reality? {Giles} Could it be that they don't see the masculine, strong, patriarch, prophetic warriors, and wild men that we see in scripture? Could it be that the only men they see in some churches are there to please their wives rather than because of a thriving relationship with God?
One other note: Why is it when Christian men try to influence Christian men that we are seen as sexist? It seems that every time there is a "Promise Keepers" event going on that some feminist group shows up to protest. Baptist a few years ago made a declaration lining themselves up with scripture and the place of women in the home and church and you would have thought they repealed the woman's "right" to vote. Men can be men without changing women! In fact, it's the only way.
My prayer for the men's conference we are holding is that the men who come will be challenged in their faith and begin a quest of regaining headship of the home (becoming a spiritual leader, a patriarch to their family, lead their boys to be rowdy and righteous, and become an example to their little girl what a man in the home should be).
Society, TV, movies, and a lot of the psycho-babble that has went on over the last quarter of a century has pushed men into the background of church and life in general. But the fault lies with the men who laid down and rolled over.
What are some things about faith in Christ that can appeal to men?
1) Forgiveness of Sin - I don't know of a man out there that doesn't want this. We have all blown it at some time. To know that we have been cleansed from all our faults helps us to move forward in a life for God's glory.
2) The Challenge of Discipleship - Most men like a challenge. Well, there's nothing more challenging than denying self and taking up a cross to follow Jesus. I dare all Christian men to take the challenge.
3) The Call of Leadership - Is there a man who doesn't want to be the head of their home or a spiritual leader in someones life? Even if all you do is reduce men to their pride - they want to be in front. There is something inside of them that says "Follow Me". Use that inner warrior for God's Kingdom and you will find that your marriage, your children, and your church will be better off for it.
In closing let me ask a question of the women out there: "Do you want a godly man in your home?" Many of you have prayed about it for years. Most women out there could care less if their man cries as long as he cries out to God for the family. Most women could care less if their man is sensitive as long as he is sensitive to the Holy Spirit of God. One of the reasons pastors have to take such great lengths in accountability when it comes to counseling women is because of the overwhelming number of women who are drawn to a spiritual man who will listen to them, pray with them, and offer counsel. The women in our churches need God-fearing, Christ-honoring men in their lives.
Hey Dude - if you want to become one of God's Warriors & Wild Men - take a chance in living out your faith. Come out and be a part of PBC's Ironman Conference and see if you aren't challenged in your relationships, your home, and your spiritual life.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Another Thursday Item
I wasn't planning on doing this - but the comment just hit me all wrong so I'm going to share it with you.
John McCain was asked by reporters the other day how many houses he and his wife own. McCain could not come up with a number on the spot (not sure why) but the final results from his staff came up with 4. There have been reports of seven.
The comment that has me up in a roar today comes from VA's very own governor Tim Kaine. Kaine decided that he needed to make a smart comment by saying that "(McCain)... can't count high enough..." Normally, I would let a statement like this go untouched but since this one hits so close to home I couldn't resist. I immediately sent an email to the governor's office.
Here you go:
"Governor Kaine,
I was recently made aware of your public comments about John McCain's inability to count "high enough" the number of houses that he and his wife own. I'm not sure if you though you were being "cute", funny, or if you are simply trying to impress Obama with your ability to jump in and denigrate someone. I thought your comments to be rather "childish" and unbecoming someone who desires to lead our state and possibly become a VP nominee. It seems to me that you have become come like most liberals in Washington. Since you don't have anything of substance to bring against McCain then you are going to make him out to be stupid or you will try to destroy his character. I guess (luckily for McCain) he was smart enough to survive his time as a POW, and smart enough to serve as a Senator these 25+ years, and smart enough to become the Republican nominee for the presidency. Maybe you should rethink your comments when dealing with a man who served our country as well as John McCain. He deserves greater respect that that. Your action brings great disgrace upon the state of VA and those who serve in the armed forces.
Neal Hawks"
Kaine presented himself as a little kid that wants to look "cool" in front of the cool kids. And to think that he serves as the governor of VA.
One other thing: I did not send out this email because of a political stance nor am I entering this into the blog as a sign of support for John McCain. Regardless of what you think about John McCain - his service to this country has been remarkable. To think about the time he spent as a prisoner of war and to come out of that experience to serve as a state senator all these years is a remarkable accomplishment. He's not a perfect person but as a decorated military veteran he deserves greater respect that what Tim Kaine gave him.
Thanks for allowing me to vent.
John McCain was asked by reporters the other day how many houses he and his wife own. McCain could not come up with a number on the spot (not sure why) but the final results from his staff came up with 4. There have been reports of seven.
The comment that has me up in a roar today comes from VA's very own governor Tim Kaine. Kaine decided that he needed to make a smart comment by saying that "(McCain)... can't count high enough..." Normally, I would let a statement like this go untouched but since this one hits so close to home I couldn't resist. I immediately sent an email to the governor's office.
Here you go:
"Governor Kaine,
I was recently made aware of your public comments about John McCain's inability to count "high enough" the number of houses that he and his wife own. I'm not sure if you though you were being "cute", funny, or if you are simply trying to impress Obama with your ability to jump in and denigrate someone. I thought your comments to be rather "childish" and unbecoming someone who desires to lead our state and possibly become a VP nominee. It seems to me that you have become come like most liberals in Washington. Since you don't have anything of substance to bring against McCain then you are going to make him out to be stupid or you will try to destroy his character. I guess (luckily for McCain) he was smart enough to survive his time as a POW, and smart enough to serve as a Senator these 25+ years, and smart enough to become the Republican nominee for the presidency. Maybe you should rethink your comments when dealing with a man who served our country as well as John McCain. He deserves greater respect that that. Your action brings great disgrace upon the state of VA and those who serve in the armed forces.
Neal Hawks"
Kaine presented himself as a little kid that wants to look "cool" in front of the cool kids. And to think that he serves as the governor of VA.
One other thing: I did not send out this email because of a political stance nor am I entering this into the blog as a sign of support for John McCain. Regardless of what you think about John McCain - his service to this country has been remarkable. To think about the time he spent as a prisoner of war and to come out of that experience to serve as a state senator all these years is a remarkable accomplishment. He's not a perfect person but as a decorated military veteran he deserves greater respect that what Tim Kaine gave him.
Thanks for allowing me to vent.
Now I'm just...
Well, today's blog wasn't what I thought it would be. I was interested in celebrating the 100th post for PBC Voice, however, I kept noticing a discrepancy between the dashboard and the archive. I did a little looking through and noticed there were some drafts that were saved but not published and so I took the time to take care of it.
Don't you just hate it when you get excited about something but it doesn't happen the way you had hoped. "Well, now I'm just disappointed." It's easy to get that way isn't it? Paul said, "If all we have is hope in Christ in this life we are of all men most miserable." Did you catch that? If Jesus in me is only for this life (and there's no hope for a life to come) then we are a miserable lot!
Sure, faith can shape a person's attitude, demeanor, and relationships. But faith calls for more than just a simple change in how we operate. Faith should mean more. Let me say that faith in Christ is much more than a life change. It's also got a promise of an address change. That's right: This World is not My Home. "I'm just passing through."
If all we need is a faith to change our lives there's plenty of them out there:
"Christian" Science
Jehovah Witness
There's almost as many faiths as there are people in this world. That's not to mention those who don't abide to any type of faith. If all I'm looking for in this life is the ability to change then I guess I could follow Obama since that's all he's talked about!
So what does faith in Christ give to me? (Glad you asked)
Faith in Jesus brings to me forgiveness of sin.
Total and complete forgiveness which I didn't have to work for. It's a gift.
Faith in Jesus offers me a greater outlook on life.
Through God's Word I have a better understanding of how I'm to live in this world, relate to my fellow man, treat my family, handle my finances, and how to serve God. I have a greater understanding of who I am and why I do the things I do. It also gives me the ability to have faith regardless of the circumstances.
Faith in Jesus also gives me an earnest expectation regarding death rather than dread.
That's right - I don't have to fear death. In fact, I see death as a doorway to unbroken fellowship with God and entry into a greater world known as Heaven.
Be sure of this, faith in just about anything can bring about changes in your life. You can see Tom Cruise running around in a shrouded limousine, Muslims will strap bombs on their body, and Mormons will travel all over the world sharing their lies. Religion has the ability to bring about change. But these changes are all temporary and these "faiths" have no eternal value. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
If you don't want to be disappointed in faith then you need to trust Jesus as your Lord and Savior. He will never let you down. You may not have anything in this life but faith in Him is a great treasure that you will be able to take with you into the next one. Jesus taught that the kingdom of heaven was like a pearl of great price that when discovered a man sold his home and everything he had just to possess it. the next couple of posts I will be able to celebrate #100 the right way. But, in reality, I'm not disappointed. I got to use #97 to share Jesus with you. Now I'm just excited to see what God can do in your life.
"May the Lord bless you and keep you. Cause His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace."
Don't you just hate it when you get excited about something but it doesn't happen the way you had hoped. "Well, now I'm just disappointed." It's easy to get that way isn't it? Paul said, "If all we have is hope in Christ in this life we are of all men most miserable." Did you catch that? If Jesus in me is only for this life (and there's no hope for a life to come) then we are a miserable lot!
Sure, faith can shape a person's attitude, demeanor, and relationships. But faith calls for more than just a simple change in how we operate. Faith should mean more. Let me say that faith in Christ is much more than a life change. It's also got a promise of an address change. That's right: This World is not My Home. "I'm just passing through."
If all we need is a faith to change our lives there's plenty of them out there:
"Christian" Science
Jehovah Witness
There's almost as many faiths as there are people in this world. That's not to mention those who don't abide to any type of faith. If all I'm looking for in this life is the ability to change then I guess I could follow Obama since that's all he's talked about!
So what does faith in Christ give to me? (Glad you asked)
Faith in Jesus brings to me forgiveness of sin.
Total and complete forgiveness which I didn't have to work for. It's a gift.
Faith in Jesus offers me a greater outlook on life.
Through God's Word I have a better understanding of how I'm to live in this world, relate to my fellow man, treat my family, handle my finances, and how to serve God. I have a greater understanding of who I am and why I do the things I do. It also gives me the ability to have faith regardless of the circumstances.
Faith in Jesus also gives me an earnest expectation regarding death rather than dread.
That's right - I don't have to fear death. In fact, I see death as a doorway to unbroken fellowship with God and entry into a greater world known as Heaven.
Be sure of this, faith in just about anything can bring about changes in your life. You can see Tom Cruise running around in a shrouded limousine, Muslims will strap bombs on their body, and Mormons will travel all over the world sharing their lies. Religion has the ability to bring about change. But these changes are all temporary and these "faiths" have no eternal value. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
If you don't want to be disappointed in faith then you need to trust Jesus as your Lord and Savior. He will never let you down. You may not have anything in this life but faith in Him is a great treasure that you will be able to take with you into the next one. Jesus taught that the kingdom of heaven was like a pearl of great price that when discovered a man sold his home and everything he had just to possess it. the next couple of posts I will be able to celebrate #100 the right way. But, in reality, I'm not disappointed. I got to use #97 to share Jesus with you. Now I'm just excited to see what God can do in your life.
"May the Lord bless you and keep you. Cause His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace."
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Take the Risk
There is a part of me that will be glad when the Olympics are over. Why? I'm tired - that's why! Since the Olympics are in China one must stay up late to watch the events (or record it). Last night, however, I was glad I watched.
Jonathan Horton is a member of the U.S. men's gymnastics team. He was crucial in helping to bring home the bronze medal in the team competition, but in the individual events he hasn't done so well. That is...until last night.
His moment came during the high bar event. Horton decided to upgrade the difficulty in his routine to have a shot at a medal. The change meant a full half point in the difficulty - which may not seem like a big deal until you consider that most gymnasts don't make "big" changes unless they have worked on the routine for months. Horton made his changes in 3 days and it worked.
I bring this up today becuase I see too many believers who are not willing to take risks in their walk with God. It's far too easy for us to stand on the sidelines of our faith and never engage with anyone. We don't share the gospel because we are afraid of rejection, we don't pray over people becuase we are unsure of our ability instead of trusting God with His leadership, we don't lead the class, share the testimony, or worship Him openly because it's just too risky.
Let me say, "Take the Risk". Be willing to break open your alabaster box and give God everything you hold dear and trust Him for the results. You will be surprised at how God will use you. You may be the one that God uses to lead that loved one to Christ, help that troubled marriage, encourage the person going through difficulty, keep someone from making a huge mistake, etc. The results can be endless and they can affect eternity - but it will never happen if you don't take the risk.
God said to Abraham, "Go to a land that I will show you". Philip had to leave a place where he was seeing God move so that he could meet a man in the desert who was ready to accept Christ. The Christian life is full of risks and if we will take them we are assured that God will move.
What risks are you taking right now? Is your faith a "safe" faith? Sure you will raise the difficulty to your routine but I'm sure that you will receive the reward of your faith. Remember Hebrews 11:6 says, "But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."
Take the Risk!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
God sees things a little (a lot) Different
Psalm 116:15, "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints."
Have you ever looked at a verse and said, "I don't get it!"? This could very well be one of those verses.
There is no doubt in my mind that God is in control of every factor of life and death. As our Creator He knows the time we will be born and the time of our departure from this life. However, there's not too many people (including Christians) in this world who look at the death of a loved one as precious.
A few years ago our church endured a very difficult loss from our congregation. Tyler was only 8 years old when he passed away. Most of his life, Tyler had to fight the effects of a tumor on his optical nerve. He had already endured 2 surgeries to reduce the size of the tumor. It was during the 3rd that he was unable to wake up. Apparently an infection set in and Tyler went on to be with the Lord. There is a couple of things that I have learned as a Pastor when it comes to dealing with the death of a child. #1 - No one should ever have to see a casket that small, and #2 - There isn't a lot you can say to comfort the family who has lost a child.
After the funeral I was completely drained. Ron (Worship/Missions Pastor) and I had spent 4 days in Charlottesville to be with the family during and after the surgery. It was a grueling week leading up to the funeral and an emotional time during. Please - I'm not asking you to feel sorry for me...Tyler's family are the ones who had to deal with the worst part...saying "Goodbye".
A couple of weeks after the funeral I had a talk with Tyler's dad. Tim is a thinker. And when God shares something with him you should listen. He had spent considerable amount time praying and seeking God after Tyler's death. He told me that he wondered about verses such as the one above. He said that he could never figure out how Tyler's death could be seen as precious. The Lord, however, spoke to him during that time and showed him that it's precious because He is finally able to have full fellowship with one of His own.
You see, as long as we are in this earthly body we are never in "full" fellowship with God. It is only when we are able to leave this earthly temple and enter into the presence of God that we can be in constant fellowship with God. Think about it: no more sin to bring separation, no more questions about whether or not God is speaking, no more having to look through the eyes of faith but being able to see the glory of God with your own two eyes. Tyler is now in the presence of God - worshipping around His throne - and there's no more surgeries, no more cancer, no more separation.
These thoughts are fresh on my mind this week since a visit to the hospital on Sunday morning. Clayton is a dear brother in Christ. He has spent the majority of his adult life preaching the gospel. I came into contact with Clayton since he is the father of one of our church members. Since I have known him Clayton has been on the downward cycle of life. He had previously overcome major medical issues including cancer. It wasn't until just a few months ago that Clayton's health took a serious turn for the worst. Following back surgery he fell during rehab and lost spinal fluid. It was a condition that he would never fully get over.
This has been very trying for the family to say the least. It was just a couple of years ago that Clayton stood at the pulpit of PBC and delivered a wonderful message for a Homecoming service. Now it seems as though Clayton is preparing for a "Homecoming" of his own.
After my visit Sunday (which was very emotional) I was given the notice that the family wanted me to help with the funeral once Clayton goes home. I prayed with his wife at the hospital and then cried on the way to church. How sad, I thought, to be waiting on a loved one to pass away. How sad - to lose the patriarch of a family. How sad - to see a strong man reduced to a hospital bed. But in God's eyes - How Precious it will be when Clayton comes home and hears those words... "Well done, my good and faithful servant. Enter in..."
When we look at situations like this we see the loss while God enjoys the gain. Oh, He understand our pain and gives us comfort. But to think about Clayton enjoying the goodness of Heaven brings great joy to my heart.
Please pray for this family as they prepare to say goodbye. And give thanks to the God who made Heaven a real possibility for us through the death of Jesus Christ. There is victory in Jesus!
David said in Psalm 23, "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil. You are with me..."
Praise God!
Have you ever looked at a verse and said, "I don't get it!"? This could very well be one of those verses.
There is no doubt in my mind that God is in control of every factor of life and death. As our Creator He knows the time we will be born and the time of our departure from this life. However, there's not too many people (including Christians) in this world who look at the death of a loved one as precious.
A few years ago our church endured a very difficult loss from our congregation. Tyler was only 8 years old when he passed away. Most of his life, Tyler had to fight the effects of a tumor on his optical nerve. He had already endured 2 surgeries to reduce the size of the tumor. It was during the 3rd that he was unable to wake up. Apparently an infection set in and Tyler went on to be with the Lord. There is a couple of things that I have learned as a Pastor when it comes to dealing with the death of a child. #1 - No one should ever have to see a casket that small, and #2 - There isn't a lot you can say to comfort the family who has lost a child.
After the funeral I was completely drained. Ron (Worship/Missions Pastor) and I had spent 4 days in Charlottesville to be with the family during and after the surgery. It was a grueling week leading up to the funeral and an emotional time during. Please - I'm not asking you to feel sorry for me...Tyler's family are the ones who had to deal with the worst part...saying "Goodbye".
A couple of weeks after the funeral I had a talk with Tyler's dad. Tim is a thinker. And when God shares something with him you should listen. He had spent considerable amount time praying and seeking God after Tyler's death. He told me that he wondered about verses such as the one above. He said that he could never figure out how Tyler's death could be seen as precious. The Lord, however, spoke to him during that time and showed him that it's precious because He is finally able to have full fellowship with one of His own.
You see, as long as we are in this earthly body we are never in "full" fellowship with God. It is only when we are able to leave this earthly temple and enter into the presence of God that we can be in constant fellowship with God. Think about it: no more sin to bring separation, no more questions about whether or not God is speaking, no more having to look through the eyes of faith but being able to see the glory of God with your own two eyes. Tyler is now in the presence of God - worshipping around His throne - and there's no more surgeries, no more cancer, no more separation.
These thoughts are fresh on my mind this week since a visit to the hospital on Sunday morning. Clayton is a dear brother in Christ. He has spent the majority of his adult life preaching the gospel. I came into contact with Clayton since he is the father of one of our church members. Since I have known him Clayton has been on the downward cycle of life. He had previously overcome major medical issues including cancer. It wasn't until just a few months ago that Clayton's health took a serious turn for the worst. Following back surgery he fell during rehab and lost spinal fluid. It was a condition that he would never fully get over.
This has been very trying for the family to say the least. It was just a couple of years ago that Clayton stood at the pulpit of PBC and delivered a wonderful message for a Homecoming service. Now it seems as though Clayton is preparing for a "Homecoming" of his own.
After my visit Sunday (which was very emotional) I was given the notice that the family wanted me to help with the funeral once Clayton goes home. I prayed with his wife at the hospital and then cried on the way to church. How sad, I thought, to be waiting on a loved one to pass away. How sad - to lose the patriarch of a family. How sad - to see a strong man reduced to a hospital bed. But in God's eyes - How Precious it will be when Clayton comes home and hears those words... "Well done, my good and faithful servant. Enter in..."
When we look at situations like this we see the loss while God enjoys the gain. Oh, He understand our pain and gives us comfort. But to think about Clayton enjoying the goodness of Heaven brings great joy to my heart.
Please pray for this family as they prepare to say goodbye. And give thanks to the God who made Heaven a real possibility for us through the death of Jesus Christ. There is victory in Jesus!
David said in Psalm 23, "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil. You are with me..."
Praise God!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Good Discipline
Isaiah 38:16, "Lord, your discipline is good, for it leads to life and health..."
Hezekiah was sick. In fact, the Lord had told him through the prophet Isaiah to get his house in order because he was going to die. In great anguish he turned toward the wall, prayed to the Lord, and wept bitterly. God responded: "I have heard your prayer and seen your tears..."
Aren't you glad that God hears your prayers? Prayer can seem empty at times. Those moments when it's as if God does not hear. The good news is that HE DOES HEAR - He inclines His ear toward us. Aren't you also glad that God sees your tears? He knows when you are hurting, he knows when you are truly repentant, he knows when your heart is heavy.
God heard the prayers of a man on his death bed and gave him 15 more years of life. Have you ever wondered if you could have added something to someones life if you prayed? The Bible teaches us that he who goes forth weeping and bearing precious seed shall doubtless return again rejoicing. There's something about prayer + tears that = results.
But let's get back to the title of this entry: "Good Discipline." Hezekiah responded to God's answer by writing a poem of praise. He believed that his sickness was a part of God's plan even saying that it was a part of God's discipline upon his life. Wow! Now I'm not saying that every sickness is God bringing discipline into your life but I also know that not every sickness is from the enemy. Hezekiah viewed his near death experience as an opportunity to see the hand of God move upon his own life.
The Lord's discipline is just's an opportunity for God to bring something better into our lives. He is simply trying to adjust our lives to His. If we know Jesus as our Lord and Savior then we understand that God deals with us as His children. When you and I adjust our lives to His discipline then we can see the life and health that God is trying to bring about.
Maybe what you and I need to ask God for is not relief from the discipline but a greater sensitivity to the discipline. Maybe God is looking for an emotional response that is anchored in a heart felt determination to have your life made right with Him.
The good news: God hears your prayer and sees your tears.
Side Note:
Congratulations to Nastia Liukin for winning gold in the women's all-around gymnastics competition. What an incredible story!
Hezekiah was sick. In fact, the Lord had told him through the prophet Isaiah to get his house in order because he was going to die. In great anguish he turned toward the wall, prayed to the Lord, and wept bitterly. God responded: "I have heard your prayer and seen your tears..."
Aren't you glad that God hears your prayers? Prayer can seem empty at times. Those moments when it's as if God does not hear. The good news is that HE DOES HEAR - He inclines His ear toward us. Aren't you also glad that God sees your tears? He knows when you are hurting, he knows when you are truly repentant, he knows when your heart is heavy.
God heard the prayers of a man on his death bed and gave him 15 more years of life. Have you ever wondered if you could have added something to someones life if you prayed? The Bible teaches us that he who goes forth weeping and bearing precious seed shall doubtless return again rejoicing. There's something about prayer + tears that = results.
But let's get back to the title of this entry: "Good Discipline." Hezekiah responded to God's answer by writing a poem of praise. He believed that his sickness was a part of God's plan even saying that it was a part of God's discipline upon his life. Wow! Now I'm not saying that every sickness is God bringing discipline into your life but I also know that not every sickness is from the enemy. Hezekiah viewed his near death experience as an opportunity to see the hand of God move upon his own life.
The Lord's discipline is just's an opportunity for God to bring something better into our lives. He is simply trying to adjust our lives to His. If we know Jesus as our Lord and Savior then we understand that God deals with us as His children. When you and I adjust our lives to His discipline then we can see the life and health that God is trying to bring about.
Maybe what you and I need to ask God for is not relief from the discipline but a greater sensitivity to the discipline. Maybe God is looking for an emotional response that is anchored in a heart felt determination to have your life made right with Him.
The good news: God hears your prayer and sees your tears.
Side Note:
Congratulations to Nastia Liukin for winning gold in the women's all-around gymnastics competition. What an incredible story!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Sometimes I like saying "I told you so"!
I'm not bragging...really...and even though I normally don't do this... "I told you so."
Did I not say that China would put on a show portraying to outsiders that Communism make a country better? Actually I did say that (check the archives). Most of you have probably heard the news coming out of the Olympics but the one that takes the cake is this one: (Sorry - no links - check Drudge Report Archives - I'm feeling lazy).
The little girl that was paraded out to sing the national anthem for China WAS NOT the little girl that actually sang the song. That's right - the original singer did not have the look that Chinese officials wanted on that type of stage. Imagine: a 8 or 9 year old girl (if that's her real age!) having buck teeth. I saw a picture of the real singer and she looks like a normal 8-9 year old.
My son is going through some of these similar changes. Most of us can remember the awkwardness of having our permanent teeth replacing baby teeth. All of us - at one time or another - had this same look. However, China doesn't want that image being portrayed to the world. Ridiculous!
Now we are hearing reports that one of the famed gymnasts may be underage! If it's true I have two things to say: WOW! & Shame on you! I say "wow" because I watched this young girl during the team event the other night and she was phenomenal. Of course I say "Shame on you" because it's a rules violation for anyone under the age of 16 to compete. And the stories will continue...
Just this morning on "Today" they were gushing about the Chinese economy and telling us how we need to do things the way the Chinese do & we need to learn their language. I must say that it was an accident that I even saw the "Today" show - simply put the only news I'm watching out of the Olympics comes through Sportscenter.
Continue to pray for China. The gospel of Jesus Christ needs to advance in that nation. Communism is a government deception that develops into a religion. Only the gospel can overcome the lies.
Did I not say that China would put on a show portraying to outsiders that Communism make a country better? Actually I did say that (check the archives). Most of you have probably heard the news coming out of the Olympics but the one that takes the cake is this one: (Sorry - no links - check Drudge Report Archives - I'm feeling lazy).
The little girl that was paraded out to sing the national anthem for China WAS NOT the little girl that actually sang the song. That's right - the original singer did not have the look that Chinese officials wanted on that type of stage. Imagine: a 8 or 9 year old girl (if that's her real age!) having buck teeth. I saw a picture of the real singer and she looks like a normal 8-9 year old.
My son is going through some of these similar changes. Most of us can remember the awkwardness of having our permanent teeth replacing baby teeth. All of us - at one time or another - had this same look. However, China doesn't want that image being portrayed to the world. Ridiculous!
Now we are hearing reports that one of the famed gymnasts may be underage! If it's true I have two things to say: WOW! & Shame on you! I say "wow" because I watched this young girl during the team event the other night and she was phenomenal. Of course I say "Shame on you" because it's a rules violation for anyone under the age of 16 to compete. And the stories will continue...
Just this morning on "Today" they were gushing about the Chinese economy and telling us how we need to do things the way the Chinese do & we need to learn their language. I must say that it was an accident that I even saw the "Today" show - simply put the only news I'm watching out of the Olympics comes through Sportscenter.
Continue to pray for China. The gospel of Jesus Christ needs to advance in that nation. Communism is a government deception that develops into a religion. Only the gospel can overcome the lies.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Where are You?
I was looking over a Max Lucado book that has been out for several years called "On the Anvil." Since it's Friday allow me to leave you with a question to ponder over the weekend. Where are you?
From "The Blacksmith's Shop" introduction:
"In the shop of a blacksmith, there are three types of tools. There are tools on the junk pile:
They sit in the cobwebbed corner, useless to their master, oblivious to their calling.
There are tools on the anvil:
melted down,
molten hot,
They lie on the anvil, being shaped by their master, accepting their calling.
There are tools of usefulness:
They lie ready in the blacksmith's tool chest, available to their master, fulfilling their calling.
Some people lie useless:
lives broken,
talents wasting,
fires quenched,
dreams dashed.
They are tossed in with the scrap iron, in desperate need of repair, with no notion of purpose.
Others lie on the anvil:
hearts open,
hungry to change,
wounds healing,
vision clearing.
They welcome the painful pounding of the blacksmith's hammer, longing to be rebuilt, begging to be called.
Other's lie in their Master's hands:
well tuned,
They respond to their Master's forearm, demanding nothing, surrendering all.
We are all somewhere in the blacksmith's shop. We are either on the scrap pile, in the Master's hands on the anvil, or in the tool chest. (Some of us have been in all three.)
...Paul...spoke of becoming 'an instrument for noble purposes.' And what a becoming it is! The rubbish pile of broken tools, the anvil of recasting, the hands of the Master - it's a simultaneously joyful and painful voyage.
And for you who make the journey - who leave the heap and enter the fire, dare to be pounded on God's anvil,, and doggedly seek to discover your own purpose - take courage, for you await the privilege of being called 'God's chosen instruments.'"
- Max Lucado, "On the Anvil", pp. xv-xvii, copyright 1985.
Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
What's Wrong Here?
Check out this news article...Don't you know the enemies of Christ enjoy this story!
A Cincinnati preacher - 71 years old - was on his way to church according to an NBC new story when he allegedly waved a gun at another motorist and cursed at her.
Thomas Howell claims that she cut him off. According to the female motorist, Howell threatened to shoot her and called her names during a car chase. Howell said that he has a permit for the gun but never took it out of the holster. The judge in the case sided with the woman convicting Howell of aggravated menacing. He could get up to 6 months in jail for the misdemeanor charge after sentencing next month.
Here's some of the other headlines associated with this case:
Preacher, 71, Convicted for Road Rage
Preacher Needs to Practice What He Preaches
Gun-toting Preacher Guilty in Road Rage
Now I'm not going to post every article I read about the mishaps of fellow preachers, of course anyone can go to Fox News today and read about a lawsuit against Victoria Osteen for her behavior on a flight, but I felt inclined to share the story about an unknown. Every preacher in the world needs to pay careful attention to the headlines posted and the amount of news something like this brings. The world watches us very closely...not only that but they watch believers closely to see if we will practice what we preach.
I have said it before and will say it again: "The reason many people don't come to Christ is because they know a 'Christian'." That may sound a little harsh but how many times have you hear someone say that they know someone who goes to church and....
The point I want to make out of this is how can we expect to win a world for Christ if all they ever see coming out of the church looks just like the world. I ask myself this question. It's too easy for us to get lazy with our faith. It's too easy for us to become consumed with our emotions and the moment. We aren't that different from the people around us but WE SHOULD BE!
Listen to the words of the Apostle Paul: "Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, 'Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,' says the Lord...Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." Romans 12:17-21.
What would the world be like if BELIEVERS lived by God's Word? Far too often we quickly blame the ills of this world on the unbelievers. Henry Blackaby said, "As we wait for the world to come to Christ, the world waits for believers to get right with God." As much as lies within us...Do not be overcome...each of these commands are for us to obey. We cannot expect an unbelieving world to practice our faith. They wait for us to live our faith out in front of them.
With all that being said, I pray for Thomas Howell. I pray that he will be shown mercy but I also pray that he gets this right with the other person. As much as lies with us...!
A Cincinnati preacher - 71 years old - was on his way to church according to an NBC new story when he allegedly waved a gun at another motorist and cursed at her.
Thomas Howell claims that she cut him off. According to the female motorist, Howell threatened to shoot her and called her names during a car chase. Howell said that he has a permit for the gun but never took it out of the holster. The judge in the case sided with the woman convicting Howell of aggravated menacing. He could get up to 6 months in jail for the misdemeanor charge after sentencing next month.
Here's some of the other headlines associated with this case:
Preacher, 71, Convicted for Road Rage
Preacher Needs to Practice What He Preaches
Gun-toting Preacher Guilty in Road Rage
Now I'm not going to post every article I read about the mishaps of fellow preachers, of course anyone can go to Fox News today and read about a lawsuit against Victoria Osteen for her behavior on a flight, but I felt inclined to share the story about an unknown. Every preacher in the world needs to pay careful attention to the headlines posted and the amount of news something like this brings. The world watches us very closely...not only that but they watch believers closely to see if we will practice what we preach.
I have said it before and will say it again: "The reason many people don't come to Christ is because they know a 'Christian'." That may sound a little harsh but how many times have you hear someone say that they know someone who goes to church and....
The point I want to make out of this is how can we expect to win a world for Christ if all they ever see coming out of the church looks just like the world. I ask myself this question. It's too easy for us to get lazy with our faith. It's too easy for us to become consumed with our emotions and the moment. We aren't that different from the people around us but WE SHOULD BE!
Listen to the words of the Apostle Paul: "Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, 'Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,' says the Lord...Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." Romans 12:17-21.
What would the world be like if BELIEVERS lived by God's Word? Far too often we quickly blame the ills of this world on the unbelievers. Henry Blackaby said, "As we wait for the world to come to Christ, the world waits for believers to get right with God." As much as lies within us...Do not be overcome...each of these commands are for us to obey. We cannot expect an unbelieving world to practice our faith. They wait for us to live our faith out in front of them.
With all that being said, I pray for Thomas Howell. I pray that he will be shown mercy but I also pray that he gets this right with the other person. As much as lies with us...!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I'm Thinking...
Various thoughts are running through my mind today. So allow me to share with you a couple of them.
First off, you need to read this article:
It's very lengthy and infuriating but I think it's important for you to know how our judicial system can be hijacked by activist judges.
Secondly, I want to talk about a "Recovery Reunion" that was held at my home this past Sunday evening. It was a cookout for a group of individuals who completed the first "Celebrate Recovery" small group program at our church. "Celebrate Recovery" is an umbrella program to help people recover from their hurts, habits, & hang-ups. In other words - recovery for people who are dealing with past issue, current addictions, and other various issues.
Why am I talking about this group? Simply because they encourage me. I witnessed a diverse group of people with various issues meet together weekly to talk about those things, get the help they needed, and overcome. And all of this was done in a church setting. That's right! A church setting.
Does anyone out there realize the bravery it took to sit in a recovery program led by their pastor and joined by other church members? Not only that but to hope that they will remain anonymous and confidentiality will be kept. But that's exactly what happened. So, after a brief period away from each other I gathered this group together to see and hear about their progress and to have some fun time together. It was a blast!
Allow me to encourage churches and pastors to find ways to minister to individuals just like these. Sure, it's hard work but well worth the time and energy. I have seen these people take great strides in their personal lives and in their walk with Christ. I believe that the decision to do a recovery ministry will prove very beneficial for those who were involved and our church.
Last of all, I want to mention the upcoming Olympics in China. What a show the Chinese government is putting on for the outside world. They are working on how their country looks to outsiders, relates to one another, etc. Essentially they are going to try and portray to the world that Communism makes a country better. However, they continue to have problems with reporters who want to share information, athletes who want to be expressive, and overall freedom issues. Why is it that Chinese officials feel the need to make these changes. If Communism is so great then why don't they just let you come in and out to see what is so wonderful? I'll tell you why - Communism doesn't work!
The best thing we can do is pray for China. Let's pray that their eyes would be opened to the truth. Let's pray that they will be open to the Gospel. And while we are at it we need to pray for the believers in China who will more than likely come under much more scrutiny during these days.
First off, you need to read this article:
It's very lengthy and infuriating but I think it's important for you to know how our judicial system can be hijacked by activist judges.
Secondly, I want to talk about a "Recovery Reunion" that was held at my home this past Sunday evening. It was a cookout for a group of individuals who completed the first "Celebrate Recovery" small group program at our church. "Celebrate Recovery" is an umbrella program to help people recover from their hurts, habits, & hang-ups. In other words - recovery for people who are dealing with past issue, current addictions, and other various issues.
Why am I talking about this group? Simply because they encourage me. I witnessed a diverse group of people with various issues meet together weekly to talk about those things, get the help they needed, and overcome. And all of this was done in a church setting. That's right! A church setting.
Does anyone out there realize the bravery it took to sit in a recovery program led by their pastor and joined by other church members? Not only that but to hope that they will remain anonymous and confidentiality will be kept. But that's exactly what happened. So, after a brief period away from each other I gathered this group together to see and hear about their progress and to have some fun time together. It was a blast!
Allow me to encourage churches and pastors to find ways to minister to individuals just like these. Sure, it's hard work but well worth the time and energy. I have seen these people take great strides in their personal lives and in their walk with Christ. I believe that the decision to do a recovery ministry will prove very beneficial for those who were involved and our church.
Last of all, I want to mention the upcoming Olympics in China. What a show the Chinese government is putting on for the outside world. They are working on how their country looks to outsiders, relates to one another, etc. Essentially they are going to try and portray to the world that Communism makes a country better. However, they continue to have problems with reporters who want to share information, athletes who want to be expressive, and overall freedom issues. Why is it that Chinese officials feel the need to make these changes. If Communism is so great then why don't they just let you come in and out to see what is so wonderful? I'll tell you why - Communism doesn't work!
The best thing we can do is pray for China. Let's pray that their eyes would be opened to the truth. Let's pray that they will be open to the Gospel. And while we are at it we need to pray for the believers in China who will more than likely come under much more scrutiny during these days.
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